
International Network Meeting “Gender and Materiality in the History of Education”

Organizers: Ulrich Leitner (University of Innsbruck), Christina Antenhofer/Birgit Bütow (University of Salzburg), Annemarie Augschölll-Blasbichler (Free University of Bolzano)  
In Cooperation with the International Services of the University of Innsbruck
This interdisciplinary and international network meeting combines the expertise of researchers from three different countries (Austria, Italy and Switzerland) on the relationship between gender and materiality in the history of education in a long historical perspective. Each participant is invited to present his/her own fields of research with a particular perspective on gender and materiality in the history of education. Another aspect should be the reflection on the situation of the history of education in Austria, Italy and Switzerland (institutionalization as research field at the universities, publication organs, funding of research projects). The aim of the meeting is to enhance the international cooperation between the participants and to reflect on joint projects. A concrete future cooperation will be a common panel of some of the participants at the “International Standing Conference for the History of Education” 2021 at Örebro / Sweden.