
Dr. Robert R. Junker wurde für seine Forschungsleistung mit dem Christian-Doppler-Preis ausgezeichnet!

 Artikel Salzburger Nachrichten
Weitere Arbeiten aus eigenständiger Forschung Robert Junkers:  
 [1] Junker RR (2016) Multifunctional and diverse floral scents mediate biotic interactions embedded in communities. In: Blande JD, Glinwood RT (eds.) Deciphering chemical language of plant communication. Signaling and communication in plants. Springer Heidelberg. (invited contribution to a book on plant communication)  
 [2] Larue AAC, Raguso RA, Junker RR (2016) Experimental manipulation of floral scent bouquets restructures flower-visitor interactions in the field.  Journal of Animal Ecology, 85: 396-408 (highlighted by the Journal of Animal Ecology with an In Focus article)  
 [3] Junker RR, Kuppler J, Amo L, Blande JD, Borges RM, van Dam NM, Dicke M, Dötterl S, Ehlers B, Etl F, Gershenzon J, Glinwood R, Gols R, Groot AT, Heil M, Hoffmeister M, Holopainen JK,  Jarau S, John L, Kessler A, Knudsen JT, Kost C, Larue-Kontic AAC, Leonhardt SD, Lucas-Barbosa D, Majetic CJ, Menzel F, Parachnowitsch AL, Pasquet RS, Poelman EH, Raguso RA, Ruther J, Schiestl FP, Schmitt T, Tholl D, Unsicker SB, Verhulst N, Visser ME, Weldegergis BT, Köllner TG (2017) Covariation and phenotypic integration in chemical communication displays: biosynthetic constraints and eco-evolutionary implications. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.14505. (contribution to a special issue on plant volatiles)