• June 2016: The brief report on our audience research at the three festivals Warsaw Autumn, Festival d´Automne in Paris, and Wien Modern in 2014 is finally out.
    Our researcher Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring compiled major results of our survey. It is based on the 1,502 returned questionaires. From the large number of findings, only a selection of the results will be presented in this brief report. Among others, the audiences of the three festivals will be described and compared in some detail. The analysis of the characteristic events will only be marginally incorporated. The qualitative content analysis of interviews and observations is not included here. A more detailed version and interpretation of the results will be available in the final project publication (Wolke Verlag) in the summer of 2017.
    The PDF can be found here.
  • June 2016: Luis Velasco-Pufleau gives a lecture in London (UK)
    Lecture: “Poetry, traditional music, and modernity in post-apartheid South Africa: on the project and performance of the Cape Cultural Collective”, Balzan Workshop-Conference: “Musical traditions and global modernity in South Asia and Africa”, British Academy, London (UK), 16/17 June 2016.
  • Mai 2016: Luis Velasco-Pufleau was invited to deliver a lecture at the Paris-Sorbonne University (FR)
    “Le public des festivals européens de musique contemporaine”, research seminar, Paris-Sorbonne University, 11 May 2016.
  • April 2016: Simone Heilgendorff was invited to deliver a lecture at the Columbia University in New York
    “Performing and Listening to Contemporary (AA) Music”, composition session of Georg Haas, Department of Music, Columbia University (NY), 27 April 2016.
  •  March 2016: International  and  interdisciplinary  Conference:  “European  New Music Festivals as  Agorai:  Music,  Creativity,  Politics  and  History”, Salzburg (Austria), March 11  and  12,  2016

    Organisation: Team of FWF-Project «New Music Festivals as Agorai …» (University of Salzburg) in cooperation mit « ConTempOhr. Vermittlung zeitgenössischer Musik – Mediating Contemporary Music» at  Focus Area Science and Art, University of Salzburg and University Mozarteum Salzburg.


  • January-February 2016: Luis Velasco-Pufleau received the Balzan Prize research programme in musicology
    Balzan Musicology Visiting Fellowship, Faculty of Music of the University of Oxford.
    Balzan research programme: “Towards a global history of music” ( http://www.music.ox.ac.uk/research/projects/balzan-research-project).
    Visiting research project: “European new music festivals and the emergence of an intercontinental history of contemporary art music”.
  •  Keine Angst vor Neuer Musik“. A report on the results of the public survey in the newspaper “Die Presse”
  •  New Music: from niche to centre stage“. The results of public surveys on “scilog” – the magazine of the Austrian Science Fund FWF
  • November 2015: Simone Heilgendorff and Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring present the  results of the audience survey in 2014 at Festival WIEN MODERN
    Metropolitan New Music Festivals: What Do and Who Are Their Audiences? Presentation and Panel Discussion of the Results of the Large Audience Survey at WIEN MODERN in 2014, mica – music information center austria, November 22nd.

    Presentation of the results: Simone Heilgendorff and Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring
    Panel Discussion: Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring, Simone Heilgendorff, Lothar Knessl, Matthias Lošek, Sabine Reiter
    Moderation: Susanna dal Monte

    Organisation: Team of FWF-Projects «New Music Festivals as Agorai …» in cooperation with « ConTempOhr. Vermittlung zeitgenössischer Musik – Mediating Contemporary Music» at  Focus Area Science and Art, University Salzburg and University Mozarteum,  MICA and  WIEN MODERN


  • November 2015: Simone Heilgendorff und Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring present the research results on Contemporary Art Music in Metropolitan Festivals at the Annual Conference of the Austrian Society for Musicology (ÖGMW) in Graz (A).
    Annual Conference of the Austrian Society for Musicology (ÖGMW) “ANALYSIS – INTERPRETATION – PERFORMANCEA CONTACT ZONE FOR THE RECONSIDERATION OF MUSICOLOGICAL METHODS”, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG), November 18–21, 2015. Poster presentation: “Contemporary Art Music reflected in Metropolitan Festivals: Comparative Samples of Performances, Spaces and their Audiences”.
  • November 2015: Luis Velasco-Pufleau and Monika Żyła was selected to deliver a lecture in Paris (FR)
    International conference “What does democracy sound like? Actors, Institutions – Practices, Discourses.” Co-organized with L’ École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales Paris (Centre de Recherches sur les Artset le Langage & Centre Georg Simmel); Centre Marc Bloch Berlin; Palazzetto BruZane Venice; Center for Worldmusic Hildesheim. Philharmonie de Paris, 5th-7th,  2015. Lecture: “European New Music Festivals as Democratic Institutions? A comparative perspective on France, Poland and Austria from 1980 until today”.
  • October 2015: Luis Velasco-Pufleau presents the  results of the audience survey in 2014 in Paris (FR)
    The audience of European festivals of contemporary music. Panel discussion and presentation of the 2014 survey on the public of the Festival d’Automne in Paris [Présentation et table ronde: Le public des festivals européens de musique contemporaine. Présentation de l’enquête 2014 sur le public du Festival d’Automne à Paris], Forum Culturel Autrichien, Paris, October 20th.

    Presentation of the results: Luis Velasco-Pufleau
    Panel Discussion: Myrtille Picaud (EHESS), Pascale Tabart (Festival d’Automne à Paris), Monika Żyła
    Moderation: Luis Velasco Pufleau

    Organisation: Team of FWF-Projects «New Music Festivals as Agorai …» in cooperation with  Forum Culturel Autrichien, Paris


  • October 2015: Monika Żyła was selected to deliver a lecture in Paris (FR)
    Conference “Tracking the creative process in music”, organized jointly by IRCAM, IReMUS (Paris-Sorbonne University and CNRS), and CTEL (Nice-Sophia Antipolis University), Paris, 8th-10th, 2015. Lecture: “Agata Zubel’s “Not I” at the festival Warsaw Autumn in Poland (2014) – tracing collaborative dimensions of the creative process within the festival context”.
  • September 2015: Simone Heilgendorff was selected to deliver a lecture in Ljubljana (SVN)
    International Conference “Between Universal and Local: From Modernism to Postmodernism”, University of Ljubljana, September 28–30, 2015. Lecture: “Warsaw Autumn, Wien Modern, and Festival d’Automne à Paris after the year 2000 in a comparative perspective: European or national forums for contemporary (art)music and culture?”
  • September 2015: Monika Żyła was selected to deliver a lecture in Belgrade, Serbia
    Conference “Musical Legacies of State Socialism: Revisiting Narratives about Post-World War II Europe”, co-organized by the Institute of Musicology SASA and BASEES Study Group for Russian and East-European Music, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, 24th-26th, 2015. Lecture: “Let it be an East-West Confrontation. Music and Politics at the Warsaw Autumn Festival”.
  • September 2015: Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring und Monika Żyła present the  results of the large audience survey in 2014 at the Festival Warsaw Autumn (PL)
    Metropolitan New Music Festivals: What Do and Who Are Their Audiences? Presentation and Panel Discussion of the Results of the Large Audience Survey at Warsaw Autumn in 2014, Austrian Cultural Forum, Warsaw Autumn, September 21st, 2015.

    Presentation of the results: Monika Żyła and Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring
    Panel Discussion: Paulina Celińska (Little Warsaw Autumn), Tadeusz Wielecki (Warsaw Autumn), Monika Żyła
    Moderation: Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring

    Organisation: Team of FWF-Projects «New Music Festivals as Agorai …» (University of Salzburg) in cooperation with  Austrian Cultural Forum in Warsaw and  Warsaw Autumn

    Text_PDF (p. 17)

  • March 2015: Monika Żyła was selected to deliver a lecture in Cambridge (UK) at the BASEES Annual Conference (28–30 March 2015) on the topic “The impact of the socialist party on the Warsaw Autumn festival.”
  • März–Juni 2015: In the summer term the FWF-Team offers a special class in the cooperation focus area “Science and Art” at the Paris Lodron University, Salzburg and the University Mozarteum, Salzburg
    Grebosz-Haring Katarzyna, Heilgendorff Simone, Velasco-Pufleau Luis, Żyła Monika:
    “Todays’ New Music Festivals as Forums for Contemporary Music and Culture”.

    This class is offered by the four researchers (from Poland, France, and Austria) of the FWF project on “New Music Festivals as Agorai since 1980…”. They will introduce you to the rich spectrum of methods, research approaches, and objects of this projects, with a focus on current cultural theories and the activities at the festivals Wien Modern, Warsaw Autumn, and Festival d’Automne à Paris. The internationality of the project and its approaches offer a broad perspective on current and virulent issues, a.o. in music, cultural and nonprofit management, aesthetic tendencies, performative perspectives, urban studies, interdisciplinarity in research and in the arts, European identity between West and East.This will happen through mutual readings and discussions of texts on related topics and methods, reports on the festivals’ activities, sample studies on certain artists and other personalities involved in those structures, insights in the project’s procedures and results, especially the audience polls last fall.

  • February 2015: Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring was selected to deliver a lecture in Paris on the first results of the international survey on the audiences of New Music Festivals
    International Conference “Classical Music and Its Audiences in the Digital Age”, Gaîté Lyrique and La Villette, Paris, February 4–6, 2015. Lecutre: “New Music Festivals and Their Audiences – A Comparative Study on Mediation Events at Warsaw Autumn, Wien Modern and Festival d’Automne in Paris in 2014.”
  • December 2014: Monika Żyła and Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring deliver a lecture on the FWF project at the University of Salzburg
    Paris-Lodron University Salzburg, FB Kunst-, Musik- und Tanzwissenschaft:
    Friday, Dec. 12,  14 to 17 o’clock, Unipark Nonntal, Erzabt-Klotzstraße 1.
  • November 2014: Simone Heilgendorff visits the project’s cooperating partner in Paris
    Simone Heilgendorff accepts the invitation of the project’s cooperating partner  Gilles Demonet at the Sorbonne in Paris (France)
    Université de Sorbonne, UFR Musique et Musicologie, Filière gestion de la musique.

    She delivers a lecture on the FWF project: Wed, Nov. 19, 2014, 19 to 21 o’clock, Place de la Sorbonne, Paris (France).

    Simone is also part of the jury for the master’s exam in music management of Maria Birioukova at the Sorbonne, who wrote her thesis on the three festivals in 2013: Thursd Nov. 20, 2014, 14 to 15 o’clock.

  • October 2014: The first master thesis on the topic of the FWF project has been finalized
    Submission of her master thesis by Maria Birioukova at the UFR de Musique et Musicologie, Université de Sorbonne, Paris (France). The topic is: “Les festivals de musique contemporaine en Europe: étude comparative du Festival d’Automne à Paris, du Festival d’Automne de Varsovie et du Wien Modern”.

  • October 2014: The  ConTempOhr team (Simone Heilgendorff, Martin Losert, Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring) is beginning its work
    “ConTempOhr. Mediating Contemporary Music–Vermittlung zeitgenössischer Musik” on the inter-university focus area  Science and Art is designed as a platform for research on existing projects and for the development of new mediation projects as well as for the training and professionalisation of future “music mediators” in the field of contemporary (art) music. Research work, teaching, accompanying events as well as regional, national and internaitonal cooperation with people and institutions in the domains of culture, education and science are a special priority of the ConTempOhr team and will be supported accordingly.
    A detailed description of the programme and the new course offer can be found on our homepage:

  • October 2014: Luis Velasco-Pufleau participates on International Conference at the University of Saint-Etienne
    International Conference “Procédures et contraintes : quels enjeux pour la création contemporaine?”, University of Saint-Etienne (France). Saint-Etienne, 9-11 October 2014. Presentation: “Entre stratégies créatives, processus collaboratifs et contraintes multiples : la création de Rubato ma glissando d’Annette Messager et Gérard Pesson au Festival d’Automne à Paris.”

  • September to December 2014: Quantitative und qualitative audience research on Warsaw Autumn, Wien Modern and Festival d’Automne in Paris

  • September 2014: Simone Heilgendorff, Monika Monika Żyła and Luis Velasco Pufleau participate in the International Musicological Conference in Radziejowice, near Warsaw
    International Musicological Conference “Musical Historiography in Central and Eastern Europe”, Radziejowice (PL). Lecture on the topic “New music festivals as object of musical historiography – internaitonal perspectives on the Warsaw Autumn, Wien Modern and Festival d’Automne (Paris).”

  • July 2014: Simone Heilgendorff and Lusi Velasco Pufleau participate in the conference in Cambrige
    Third International Conference “Performance Studies Network”, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge. Lecture on the topic: “New Music Festivals as laboratory of musical creativity: a comparative perspective on Warsaw Autumn, Festival d’Automne in Paris, and Wien Modern”.
  • July 2014: Luis Velasco-Pufleau participate in European Cultural History workshop in Lunéville
    European Cultural History workshop at the IHCESummer workshop: Did you say multiculturalism?, Institute of European Cultural History– Bronisław Geremek (IHCE), Château des Lumières de Lunéville. Lunéville, 2-4 July 2014. Presentation:”Circulations musicales au sein des festivals européens de musique contemporaine : une étude comparée entre Paris, Vienne et Varsovie.”

  • March 2014: New programme division “ConTempOhr. Mediating Contemporary Music” will start in October 2014
    The programme division “ConTempOhr. Mediating Contemporary Music – Vermittlung Zeitgenössischer Musik” under the head of Dr. Simone Heilgendorff, Prof. Dr. Martin Losert and Dr. Katarzyna Grębosz-Haring was selected as one of the three new programme divisions for the focus area “Science and Art” on the University of Salzburg and the Mozarteum University (duration 10/2014 to 9/2017).