Tulis-Oswald Maria

Foto von Maria Tulis-Oswald

Univ.-Doz.in Dr.in habil. Maria Tulis-Oswald
Associate Professor

Department of Psychology
Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, Room: 2.045, NAWI 2. Stock, 5020 Salzburg


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Current projects:

Former Projects:


Maria Tulis is associate professor and head of the research group for Educational Psychology (Teaching for Using Psychology in Educational Contexts). She works closely with the School of Education (SoE) and other networks in teacher education and higher education (e.g., Austrian Network Higher Education). She is head of the SoE-Research Group on  Higher Education Teaching and Research and, together with Markus Gastinger, Political Sciences/SCEUS on European Integration. She is also a member of BNE & Climate Change Education and promotes the bridging of education for sustainable development and higher education teaching. Furthermore, she is academic head of the advanced and continuing education in university didactics within the PLUS (HSD+) and is also member of the academic advisory council for Uni 55-PLUS. She also represents PLUS within the CIVIS Expert Group ‚Innovative Pedagogies‘.

Maria coordinates the Psychology program for the teacher training degree PP (Psychology and Philosophy) and is lecturer at the PLUS (Teaching Training Certificate, BSc/MSc Psychology as well as BSc Food-Movement-Health) as well as at the PMU (Paracelsus Medical University). Furthermore she is co-founder of the  Internationales Forum für Fachdidaktik Psychologie und Fachdidaktik Pädagogik (International Forum for Teaching Psychology and Teaching Pedagogy) as well as speaker at advanced trainings for teachers. She is a member on various committees, including ‚Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie‘ (ÖGP) and the ‚Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie e.V.‘ (DGPs), the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF). Maria is Associate Editor of the Journal  Psychology Learning and Teaching (PLAT) and guest editor for the Journals  ZfHE (Journal for Higher Education Development) and  BJEP (British Journal of Educational Psychology) as well as ad hoc reviewer for journals in educational psychology and teaching in higher education.

Uni-Nachrichten, März 2023

Uni-Nachrichten, März 2023

Maria’s research focuses on the individual and contextual conditions for adaptive dealing with failure, errors and misconceptions in academic settings. In particular, she explores the determinants for overcoming failure and effective learning from errors focusing on motivational and emotional self-regulation, resilience, adaptive orientations and beliefs (e.g., growth mindset, challenge vs. threat appraisals), and pedagogies for conceptual change and personal growth. While doing so, it is important to look at psychological processes from different perspectives and with interdisciplinary approaches.  

Currently, she is principal investigator of the research project  Bausteine der Resilienz (Building Blocks of Resilience), funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (2023-2026). Furthermore, she is part of an international group of researchers ( www.failureresearch.com) who are interested in research related to failure, errors, and mistakes. Together with Maria-Cristina Matteucci (University of Bologna, Italy) and Dr. Gabriele Steuer (University of Bielefeld, Germany), she received four years of funding (2024-2028) for  E-CER (EARLI – Centre for Excellence in Research):  Errors as a Springboard for Learning: Towards a Theoretical Framework and Educational Implications.


Short Résumé
November 2023Habilitation (Venia docendi for Psychology)
Since October 2017Postdoc at the Department of Psychology at the University of Salzburg 
Winter Semester 2018/19Interim Professor of Psychology at the University of Education Weingarten
Summer Semester 2017Interim Professor of Psychology at the University of Education Weingarten
Winter Semester 2016/17Visiting Professorship at the Institute for Applied Psychology: Work, Education, Economics at the University of Vienna, Faculty for Psychology (Educational Psychology and Evaluation)
2010-2017Academic Counsilor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Augsburg
(positive interim evaluation in the habilitation process, parental leave from 04/2013-02/2014)
2005-2010Academic Researcher and Doctorate at the Department of Psychology at the University of Bayreuth
1999-2005Study assistant at the Institute of Educational Sciences (former institute for practical school training) in Vienna
Teacher Training Degree for Grammar Schools (Psychology/ Philosophy/ Pedagogy und Mathematics)
ERASMUS overseas stay in the Netherlands (2004, University of Leiden)
1997-2005Diploma Course in Psychology at the University of Vienna
Mediation Training (2000-2002, Focus on Family and School Mediation)
Freelance Trainer (Die Berater)
1992-1997College for Nursery Education Sacré Coeur Pressbaum (Graduate Early Childhood Educator and After-School Care Assistant)