Univ.-Ass. Dr. Ruard William Absaroka
Musikethnologie (karenziert)
Raum 2.116, Erzabt-Klotz Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 662 8044 4653
- Music and Performance Traditions of East Asia
- Urban (Ethno)musicology & Sonic Geography
- Music and Migration in Cities
- Creative Industries in East Asia
- Club Cultures & Global Histories of Nightlife (esp. Jazz and Hip-hop)
- Sound Studies & Computational Analysis of Timbre
- Critical Realism
- Musical Agnotology & De-centering Music Studies
- Musical “Rights to the City”
- Ethnographic Film-making
- Fieldwork Methods
Sprechstunden: Termine werden nach individueller Vereinbarung vergeben (consultation hours by appointment)
Ruard Absaroka is a Post-Doc in the Department of Music and Dance at the University of Salzburg. Born in England, he spent lengthy periods of his childhood and schooling in the Middle East, particularly in Turkey. A first degree, at Oxford University, was followed by Masters and then Doctoral Studies at the University of London (SOAS: School of Oriental and African Studies). His AHRC-funded doctoral thesis (long-listed for the ICAS Dissertation Prize, IBP 2017), is on urban musical geographies and ‘Rights to the City’ in Shanghai, China. In the course of doctoral studies, he studied at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and also worked in parallel on the Leverhulme/AHRC-funded ‘Sounding Islam in China’ project. He taught for several years in the UK, particularly as a Senior Teaching Fellow at SOAS. As an active musician, he is a classically trained piano and violin player, recorded and toured with an Oxford college choir, co-organised long-standing club nights as a founding member of a London jazz/hip-hop collective, has led a Chinese Music Ensemble and co-founded the London Xiqu Chinese Opera Network. In his spare time, he is also known to have performed Korean Samulnori percussion at such venues as the O2 Stadium in London and is rumoured to have toured extensively with a revolutionary guerrilla Ceilidh ensemble. He currently serves as a board member of the Asia-Pacific Forum (Uni. Salzburg), on the committee for the British Forum for Ethnomusicology (BFE) and the Austrian national committee for ICTMD (ICTMD-Ö). He is an active participant member of other professional bodies including CHIME (Chinese Music Research in Europe), SEM (Society for Ethnomusicology) and ICTMD (International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance).
Weitere Funktionen, Projekte und Tätigkeiten
- Forum Asia Pacific (FOR APAC) of the University of Salzburg, Board Member.
- Erasmus- und Internationalisierungs-Koordinatior (Abteilung Musik- und Tanzwissenschaft).
- Mitglied des aktuellen Forschungsprojekts Musik und Migration. Das Projekt setzt sich zum Ziel, Konzepte wie Mobilität, Exil, Identität und Integration, in der musikalischen Migrationsforschung zu diskutieren und für die Themengebiete verschiedener Zeitperioden und Regionen zu erschließen.
- Mitorganisator der Konferenz Song, Stage and Screen XV: Mobilities – Stage and Film Musical in Motion.
- Treasurer and Committee Member, British Forum for Ethnomusicology (BFE).
- Vorstandsmitglied, Österreichisches Nationalkomitee im ICTM.