Young Investigators Award

YIA 2023 Preisträger:innen

Night of excellence 29.11.2023, Bibliotheksaula Hofstallgasse Salzburg, Young Investigators Award 2023 v.l.n.r.: Vizerektorin Nicola Hüsing, Sarah K. Danböck, Barbara Denicolò, Vizerektor Martin Weichbold, Bradley Mackay, Barbara Schamberger, Raimund Pils, Tijn de Vos, Uwe Neumayr, Dana Kaziyeva, Karoline Gerasch, Sebastian Diechler, Birgit Füreder, Anna Stelzer, Eric Harbour, Johanna Wittner

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Results 2023


1st place: Dr. Sarah K. Danböck MSc
Title of the thesis: Unraveling Acute Trauma-Related Dissociation in the Body, Brain, and Mind: Novel Evidence from Trauma-Analogue and Clinical Studies
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank H. Wilhelm

2nd place: Dr. Eric Harbour
Title of the thesis: Breathing Pattern during Running: Measurement and Manipulation
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Herman Schwameder

3rd place: Dr. Sebastian Diechler BSc MSc
Title of the thesis: CagA phosphorylation and cleavage regulated signaling in Helicobacter pylori infected immune cells
Supervisor:  Univ.-Prof. Dr. Silija Weßler

3rd place: Dr. Barbara Schamberger BSc MSc
Title of the thesis: Formation of twisted plywood-like tissue by MC3T3-E1 cells on curved surfaces
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. BEng. Dr. BSc. John Dunlop

Finalist: Dr. Melanie Achleitner BSc MSc
Title of the thesis: Diagnosis, characterization and treatment of rare genetic diseases identified by whole-exome sequencing
Supervisor: Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Kofler

Finalist: Eva Theresa Bartschmid BSc MSc
Title of the thesis: Synthesis and Study of Silicon-Au, Silicon-Ru and Silicon-Rh Nanowire Arrays for SERS and Plasmonic Photocatalysis
Supervisor: Assoz. Prof. Ph.D. Gilles Bourret


1st place: Mag. Dr. Uwe Neumayr
Title of the thesis: Obsoleszenz im Zivilrecht
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Andreas Kletečka

1st place: Dr. Anna Stelzer MSc
Title of the thesis: Heterogeneous effects of monetary policy in the euro area
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. BSc. MSc. Florian Huber


1st place: Bradley Mackay
Title of the thesis: The heterogeneity of sex-based social categories: a quantitative acoustic analysis of phonetic variation in gay and straight speech.
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erik Schleef

2nd place: Mag. Karoline Gerasch BA
Title of the thesis: VARIATIO DELECTAT? Zu Perzeptionen, Repräsentationen und Verständnis französischer Varietäten durch Französischlernende
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. MA. Matthias Heinz

3rd place: MMMag. Birgit Füreder
Title of the thesis: Processing verbal periphrases in Romance
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. MA. Matthias Heinz

Finalist: Dr. David Franz Hobelleitner BA MA
Title of the thesis: „indubitanter efficitur sanctus.“ Heilige Päpste in römischen Bildprogrammen des elften und zwölften Jahrhunderts
Supervisor: Renate Prochno-Schinkel

Finalist: Mag. Johanna Wittner
Title of the thesis: Syntaxerwerb und -festigung in Deutsch als L2
Supervisor: Andrea Ender

Research on the Data Driven: Digital and Analytical World

1st place: Tijn de Vos MSc
Title of the thesis: Algorithmic Graph Theory in Distributed Models of Computation
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. BSc. Sebastian Forster

2nd place: Dana Kaziyeva MSc
Title of the thesis: Advancing transport models using agent-based modeling and geographic information systems
Supervisor: Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Gudrun Wallentin

2nd place: Simon Kirchgasser BSc MSc
Title of the thesis: Assessment of Challenges in Hand- and Face-based Biometric Authentication
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Andreas Uhl

2nd place: Dr. Christoph Wohner MSc
Title of the thesis: Designing and utilising standardised documentation of environmental monitoring and research sites
Supervisor: Assoz. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Hermann Klug


1st place: Dr. Raimund Pils BA MA BA
Title of the thesis: Teleological Epistemology and Scientific Realism
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. MMag. PhD. Charlotte Werndl


1st place: MMag. Barbara Denicolò MA
Title of the thesis: „Von Speis zu kochen“. Kochbücher und Rezeptsammlungen als diskursive Praktiken und Quellen für die Kulturgeschichte des Spätmittelalters und der Frühneuzeit
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Prof. MMag. Dr. Christina Antenhofer

2nd place: Martin Ulrich MA
Title of the thesis: Die Gedanken sind frei? Eine soziologische Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen sozialer Lage und politischer Ideologien
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Beat Fux

3rd place: Charlotte Spencer-Smith MAIS
Title of the thesis: Algorithmische Depriorisierung: Nicht-empfohlen-Werden als inhaltsregulierende Maßnahme auf Social-Media-Plattformen
Supervisor: Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Thomas Steinmaurer