
 IMISCOE – International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion MML PLUS has been an institutional member of the IMISCOE Research Network since summer 2018. It is Europe’s largest network of scholars in the area of migration and integration.

 ÖAW – Austrian Academy of Sciences The 6th Bi‑Annual Conference of Migration and Integration Research “Perspectives in Migration Research” will take place September 16-18, 2020 at the PLUS. Sylvia Hahn, Kyoko Shinozaki, Franz Gmainer-Pranzl, and Dženeta Karabegović are collaborating with the  Commission for Migration and Integration Research (KMI) of the ÖAW to organize the conference.

 Free Range International Knowledge Partnership The Free Range International Knowledge Partnership (FREE RANGE) is an international collaboration of institutes and researchers who have made community‑level rural research a priority. Now in its second year, FREE RANGE has already supported over 30 scholars for a range of activities including attending international workshops in Australia, Austria, Canada, and Sweden; participating in field research activities; and, contributing to academic publications. Scholars have worked collaboratively on targeted projects with other students, research mentors, and community partners, and produced a range of knowledge outputs related to their academic goals. Partners are Carleton University (Canada), Flinders University (Australia), Umeå University (Sweden), and PLUS.

 Technical University Dortmund – Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sociology On the occasion of 2020 meeting of the network Philosophy of Childhood, Gottfried Schweiger (MML PLUS) and Johannes Drerup (University Professor, Technical University Dortmund) will hold a workshop on child migration. The conference will take place October 1-2, 2020 in Salzburg. Papers from this workshop will be published in the book series  Kindheit – Bildung – Erziehung: Philosophische Perspektiven (J.B. Metzler).

 UniNEtZ – Universitäten und Nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele The United Nations (UN) has set up a total of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to be realized by 2030. UniNEtZ is an alliance of Austrian Universities on the theme of sustainability more generally, and the UN SDGs in particular, with a mission to provide the Austrian government with academic evidence-based options. From PLUS, Andreas Koch and Kyoko Shinozaki have taken a lead on SDG 1 “Reducing Poverty” and SDG 10 “Reducing Inequalities”, respectively.