McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific — Cooperation

The McGeorge Summer School of Law is subordinate to the respective Dean and is managed by the Office of the Dean:

Mrs. Mag.a Romana Worm, MD of the Deans Office 

Please contact therefore only:

Applications please send to: Az.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther Herzig   __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

About McGeorge: w

At University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law:


McGeorge Salzburg — Administrative Office

!! open only in the summer during the Course !!

Mrs. Petra Bachleitner (Raum Nr. 3.71 (3.OG Toskanatrakt))


For more information on the current program, please visit McGeorge’s website or email

Contact and Programm of the McGeorge Summer School at Salzburg:

For content requests you can ask (in Salzburg):The Head of Deans Office