Partners and cooperation

The PLUS Language Centre cooperates with numerous associations and institutions on a national and international level. The intensive exchange on a national and international level ensures constant further development in the areas of research and teaching. The Language Centre also provides its expertise in the field of language teaching and language competence and cooperates with numerous institutions.



Association of University Language Centres and Institutions (VUS)

 Logo Verband universitärer Sprachenzentren und -institutionen

In order to benefit from synergies in the fields of language teaching, language didactics, language teaching and learning research and language policy, on a national level, the Language Centre is a member of the Austrian Association of University Language Centres and Institutions (VUS).



AKS − Working Group of Language Centres, Language Teaching Institutes and Foreign Language Institutes

 Plakette AKS Sprachenzentrum Salzburg

The Language Centre is a member of the Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren, Sprachlehrinstitute und Fremdspracheninstitute (AKS – Working party of language centres, language teaching institutes and institutes of foreign languages) and is thus networked with other language centres in Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Switzerland. The AKS was founded in 1970 and currently comprises more than 150 member institutions who regularly exchange information at scientific conferences, training courses and via a common platform. The publication series Fremdsprachen und Hochschule (FuH – Foreign languages and universities) and Fremdsprachen in Lehre und Forschung (FLF – Foreign Languages in Teaching and Research) provide insight into current developments in the field of language teaching and research at universities.



CercleS − European Association of University Language Centres

 Logo CerclesThe Language Centre of the University of Salzburg is a member of CercleS, the European Association of University Language Centres (“Confédération Européenne des Centres de Langues de l’Enseignement Supérieur”). CercleS is a federation of independent national associations and associate members. In total, it represents about 400 language centres, departments, institutes, faculties or schools in higher education dedicated to language teaching and research.



Austrian Association for German as a Foreign Language/Second Language (ÖDaF)

ÖDaF-LogoThere is a particularly intensive and long-standing cooperation between the Language Centre of the University of Salzburg and the Austrian Association for German as a Foreign Language/Second Language (ÖDaF).

Language Centre staff members are on the board of directors and provide professional advice; they are also among the co-founders and co-organizers of the monthly Salzburg ÖDaF-Stammtisch (A regular meeting of the ÖDaF). The Language Centre also regularly cooperates with the ÖDaF in the area of in service training.



Salzburg Museum

 Logo Salzburg Museum

The Language Centre of the University of Salzburg developed a course concept for linguistic and cultural learning in the museum as part of an externally funded project (Sag es einfach. Sag es laut. Leichte Sprache im MuseumSay it simply. Say it out loud. Easy language in the museum). The course was offered by the Salzburg Museum for 3 years as part of the exhibition ” Erzähl mir Salzburg – Tell me Salzburg”.

From December 2021 to October 2022, the project “SpraKuS: Sprachliches und kulturelles Lernen im Salzburg Museum. Wege zur Partizipation” (“Linguistic and Cultural Learning in the Salzburg Museum. Ways to Participation)” further learning units as well as a course on linguistic and cultural learning in the Salzburg Museum were developed. Currently, a course on linguistic and cultural learning is taking place at the Salzburg Museum until the end of June 2023.


Health Insurance Fund – Salzburg Regional Office

 Logo ÖGKIn several projects (Baby isst mit, Mein Kind beginnt zu essen, ZGV DaZ. Zahngesundheitsvorsorge− My baby eats with me, My child is beginning to eat, German as a second language dental health care: materials for learners of German), the Language Centre of the University of Salzburg has developed materials for adult learners who learn German as a foreign language. The materials are used in various adult education institutions.



Salzburg Management Business School (SMBS)

 Logo smbsThe  Language Centre  also collaborates with the Salzburg Management Business School (SMBS). The Language Centre has developed online orientation tests for the SMBS to assess the English skills of future SMBS students.




Study Abroad Program of the University of Portland in Salzburg

Within the framework of a cooperation between the Language Centre and the  Study Abroad Program of the University of Portland in Salzburg, workshops on intercomprehension and communication strategies for multilingual interaction are offered.