Completed projects

  • Foto Computer Gespräch

    Digital tasks for language learning and teaching

  • Foto Ausstellung Salzburg einzigartig
    SpraKuS (Land Salzburg/Salzburg Museum)


    Linguistic and cultural learning at the Salzburg Museum. Ways to participation

    In this project funded by the Province of Salzburg and the Salzburg Museum, the Language Centre developed a concept and materials for language and cultural learning at the Salzburg Museum. The focus is on open tasks that promote higher-level skills (discursive skills, (trans)cultural skills) and exchange among the participants. The Language Centre also carried out the accompanying empirical research. The materials developed, including teacher’s guidelines, can be downloaded from the Language Center’s website.

  • Cover Lernmaterialien Deutsch im Museum
    Tell me about Salzburg – German in the Museum (BKA)

    Tell me about Salzburg – German in the Museum

    Just say it. Say it out loud. Easy language as a key to the museum

    This is the predecessor project of SpraKuS (linguistic and cultural learning in the Salzburg Museum). Within the framework of  an externally funded project from  the Federal Chancellery of Austria “Just say it. Say it out loud. Easy language as the key to the museum”, the Language Center was responsible for designing a German course at the museum. The materials developed (teaching/learning) as well as the brochure with background information and the results of the empirical accompanying research can be downloaded from the Language Centre’s website.

  • Foto Arbeitstreffen EVAL-IC
    EVAL-IC (Erasmus+)


    Evaluation des compétences en intercomprehension: reception et interactions plurilingues

    In the EVAL-IC project (Evaluation des compétences en intercomprehension: reception et interactions plurilingues, Erasmus+), a competence model and a reference framework with descriptors as well as an evaluation procedure for intercomprehension (multilingual communication within language families) were developed. The materials are available on the project website in French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

  • Logo Redinter
    REDINTER (Lifelong Learning Programme)


    Rede Europeia de Intercompreensão

    The European research network REDINTER (Rede Europeia de Intercompreensão; funded by the Lifelong Learning Program) brought together 28 European institutions and 27 associated partner institutions to promote intercomprehension (multilingual communication in language families) in Europe. The aim was to combine existing approaches within intercomprehension research, evaluate materials and integrate the didactics of intercomprehension into foreign language teaching.

  • Zahngesundheit
    Dental health care: Materials for German learners (ÖGK)

    ZGV DaZ

    Please smile! Dental health care: materials for German learners

    In this project, teaching materials for adult learners of German were created as part of the “Dental health care” program of the ÖGK – Salzburg regional office. The basics of dental health care for children were didactically prepared. The materials (brochure for learners, teacher’s guide, solutions, additional materials) and are intended for use in integration courses and they are available on the project page of the Language Center.

  • © SGKK/wildbild
    My child is starting to eat (SGKK/Hauptverband der österr. Sozialversicherungsträger)

    My child is starting to eat

    Materials for German learners

    In this second of a total of 3 externally funded projects on the topic of health and preventative healthcare for children, materials for German learners on the topic of “Healthy eating for young children” were also developed. The materials are aimed at adult learners of German and are intended for use in  integration courses. The project was funded by the Salzburg Regional Health Insurance Agency and the Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions.

  • Foto Fortbildung Sprachenzentrum
    Quality standards for university language centers

    Quality standards for university language centers

    Guidelines for language centers in Austria

    In this project, carried out within the framework of the Association of Austrian Language Centers and Institutions (VUS), surveys were conducted among teachers and participants at Austrian language centers. The aim was to identify potential for further development and develop quality standards for language centers.

Fotos: © Unsplash/Headway (1) | Salzburg Museum (2, 3) | Projekt EVAL-IC (4) | Projekt REDINTER (5) | Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (6) | SGKK/wildbild (7)  | Simon Haigermoser (8)

Overview of projects completed to date

Photographs: © SGKK/wildbild (1) | © Projekt Redinter (2) | © SGKK, Projekt “Baby isst mit” (3) | © Projekt EU&i (4) | © ÖGK (5) | Projekt EVAL-IC (6)