Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Astrid Reichel

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Astrid Reichel
Full Professor

Deputy Head Department of Business
Kapitelgasse 5, 2nd Floor, Room 2.17, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 8044 3704
Fax.: +43 662 8044 3739

Web:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/astridreichel/

Consultation: In the winter term 2024/25 we will offer certain consultation-hours via MS Teams ONLINE. Until then, please send your appointment requests by e-mail.


Short Biography

Diploma in business administration and Ph.D. in social and economic sciences from the University of Vienna, term abroad at University of California, L.A., post-doc research focus on human resource management from a contextual and strategic perspective at WU Vienna (Vienna University of Economics and Business)  
2001 – 2005 research and teaching fellow pre-doc, University of Vienna, Chair of Accounting and Control
2005 – 2016 asssistent professor and later associate professor at WU Vienna, Interdisciplinary Institute for Management and Organisational Behaviour
Visiting scholar at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, at University of Gothenburg, and at University of Innsbruck  
Since March 2016 full professor and head of Human Resource Management Group, University of Salzburg


Research Interests

  • Contextual HRM
  • Digitalization and HRM
  • Gender and HRM
  • Equality and Inclusion
  • Careers
  • Creativity

Teaching Interests

  • Human Resource Management
  • Personnel Management, Organisation, Leadership
  • Scientific Writing
  • Empirical Methods

Latest Publications

  • Scheibmayr, I, Reichel, A. (2023). The future of HRM incentivizing Strathern’s Paradox? Workers’ Responses to Algorithmic HRM, Academy of Management Discoveries;  doi.org/10.5465/amd.2022.0091
  • Scheibmayr, I., Reichel, A. (2023). Who benefits from (Human Resource Management) professionalization? The moderating role of gender on professionalization effects in organisations. Human Resource Management Journal;  doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12508, AJG 4*.
  • Fuchs, C., Reichel, A. (2023) Effective Communication for relational coordination in remote work: How joc characteristics and HR-practice shape user-technology interactions. Human Resource Management Journal;  doi.org/10.1002/hrm.22161AJG: 4*.
  • Reiss, L., Eggenhofer-Rehart, P., Mayrhofer, W., Reichel, A. (2023) Against all odds: a career success story of a woman of lower-class origin in Austria. In: Briscoe, J., Dickmann, M., Hall, D., Mayrhofer, W., Parry, E. Understanding Careers Around the Globe. 162-171. Cheltenham. Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Reichel, A., Scheibmayr, I. (2022) At the European intersection: the Austrian way to equality, diversity and inclusion. Research Handbook on new frontiers of equality and diversity at work;  doi.org/10.4337/9781800888302.00006.
  • Reichel, A., et al. (2022) The disabling effects of enabling social policies on organisations’ human capital development practices for womenHuman Resource Management Journal;  doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12431AJG: 4*.
  • Reichel, A., Scheibmayr, I. (2022) Was ist aus dem schönen Gesetz geworden? Akteurinnen- und prozessbezogene Betrachtung des Weges eines Gleichbehandlungsgesetzes zur legitimen Umsetzung durch HR-PraktikerInnen. In Auer-Mayer, S., Felten, E., Mosler, R., Schrattbauer, B. (2022) Festschrift Walter J. Pfeil. 691-702. Wien: Manz Verlag.
  • Reichel, A., Scheibmayr, I. (2022) Sozialpartnerschaftliche Handlungsfelder. In: Pernicka (2022) Kontinuitäten, Brüche und Perspektiven. 109-128. Springer Nature.
  • Scheibmayr, Isabella; Reichel, Astrid (2021) Beating the advertising drum for the employer: How legal context translates into good HRM practice, Human Resource Management Journal, online first
  • Briscoe, Jon P; Kaše, Robert; Dries, Nicky; Dysvik, Anders; Unite, Julie A; Reichel, Astrid et al. (2021) “Here, there, & everywhere: Development and validation of a cross-culturally representative measure of subjective career success”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 130, 103612
  • Reichel, Astrid; Lazarova, Mila; (2021) Human Resource Management Outsourcing,The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Approaches to Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press
  • Krebs, Benjamin P; Wach, Bernhard A; Wehner, Marius C; Reichel, Astrid; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang; Sender, Anna; Staffelbach, Bruno; Ligthart, Paul (2021) Human Resource Management in the Germanic Context,The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Approaches to Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press
  • Ellmer, Markus; Reichel, Astrid (2021) Staying close to business: the role of epistemic alignment in rendering HR analytics outputs relevant to decision-makers, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-21
  • Bagdadli, Silvia; Gianecchini, Martina; Andresen, Maike; Cotton, Rick; Kaše, Robert; Lazarova, Mila; Smale, Adam; Bosak, Janine; Briscoe, Jon P; Chudzikowski, Katharina; Reichel, Astrid et al. (2021) Human capital development practices and career success: The moderating role of country development and income inequality, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42, 4, 429-447
  • Ellmer, Markus; Reichel, Astrid; (2021) Mind the channel! An affordance perspective on how digital voice channels encourage or discourage employee voice, Human Resource Management Journal, 31, 1, 259-276
  • Reichel, Astrid; Scheibmayr, Isabella; Brandl, Julia (2020) The HR lady is on board: Untangling the link between HRM’s feminine image and HRM’s board representation, Human Resource Management Journal, 30, 4, 586-603

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