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HRM group @ Defensio of Christina Fuchs

On 11 July 2024, Christina Fuchs successfully defended her dissertation on “Human Technology Interaction and its Effects on Organizational Structures”. The cumulative dissertation comprises five articles that investigate the effects of increased digitalization of work and communication on (tele)workers and the organization. It discovers surprising effects on employee voice, collaboration, professional isolation and even a change in formal hierarchies.

Christina Fuchs after her successful defensio


A big thank you goes to Astrid Reichel for the competent supervision of the dissertation, to Anne Keegan, who acted as reviewer for the dissertation, to the other members of the examination senateSimon Oertel and Christine Bauer -, to the entire HRM team for the joint “doctorate time”, as well as to all colleagues from the department for the subsequent celebration!


Christina Fuchs with members of the HRM teams
(l.t.r.: Isabella Scheibmayr, Dominik Zellhofer, Astrid Reichel, Christina Fuchs, Sofije Avdiu)

(online since 27.07.2024)



HRM group @ e-HRM Conference

The international  e-HRM conference took place at the University of Leeds for the 9th time. Christina Fuchs represented the HRM group and presented the paperIncentive effects of algorithmic HR evaluation – the role of transparency and work task“, which she co-authored with Isabella Scheibmayr and Astrid Reichel. The article highlights the first results of a research project funded by the Vienna Chamber of Labor (AK Wien) –  Digifonds on the paradoxical incentive effects of algorithmic HR management.

e-HRM 2024 conference participants

We would like to thank the AK Wien for funding our research and the organizers of the conference!

(online since 25.06.2024)



HRM group @ Global Conference on IHRM

The  6th Global Conference on IHRM took place on 13-14 June 2024 at the University of Gothenburg. Astrid Reichel was part of the publishing panel and represented the International Journal of HRM as Associate Editor. She chaired the track “Virtual and automated global work” and presented the paper “The global rise of algorithmic HRM – research into neglected incentive effect” (co-authored with Isabella Scheibmayr and Christina Fuchs).

Astrid Reichel presenting at the GCIHRM

The Cranet Meeting, which is held twice a year, took place on 15 June. Astrid Reichel successfully completed her maximum term on the network’s Advisory Board in the middle of the year and was thanked by the Board for her work.

(online since 25.06.2024)



HRM group @ Gender, Work & Organization

The article Organizing vulnerability: exploring Judith Butler’s conceptualization of vulnerability to study organizationsby Isabella Scheibmayr was now published in the  special issue ‘”Troubling/Transforming Working Lives: Judith Butler, Gender, Work and Organization” in Gender, Work and Organization“. The special issue is investigating possible ways of using Judith Butler’s work in Organization and Management Research.

Cover of special issue

The article is available open access  HERE.

(online since 11.06.2024)



HRM group @ Dialogforum 2024

“The art of living from science: Is the university a good employer?” is the title of the upcoming dialog forum, which GÖD is hosting hybrid at Unipark on May 15, from 2-4 pm. Discussions will include the advantages and disadvantages of development agreements and the establishment of more democratic processes in personnel development.

poster of Dialogforum 2024



In addition to Astrid Reichel, the panelists include the Managing Rector of the PLUS, Martin Weichbold, the Vice Rector of the Mozarteum, Mario Kostal, Angela Wegscheider, Deputy Chairwoman of the University of Linz Works Council, and Martin Tiefenthaler, Chairman of the University Trade Union.

(online since 07.05.2024)



HRM group @ CarCon 2024

The  Career Division of the  Academy of Management organized their second division conference ( CarCon) from April 18-19 at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Isabella Scheibmayr participated online and presented two papers at the conference. On Thursday, she presented a co-authored study with Astrid Reichel on the leadership career of female doctors and on Friday a single-authored  paper on the role of canonization in the careers of contemporary Austrian composers

Paper at Carcon 2024

 We thank the organizing team for this great experience!
                          The  conference program can be found here. Paper at Carcon 2024



(online since 22.04.2024)



HRM group @ Neo-Institutionalismus Workshop

On 21 and 22 March, the  19th Neo-Institutionalism Workshop took place at the University of Jena. Astrid Reichel presented “the gendered logic of logics“, a joint paper with Isabella Scheibmayr. It deals with the fact that part-time leadership is considered possible, depending on what is done in “the other time”. The workshop was attended by a high calibre of people and was therefore highly informative.

Neo-Institutionalism Workshop

Many thanks to the organizers, Peter Walgenbach, Philipp Poschmann, aNeo-Institutionalsm Workshopnd Lisa-Marie Gerhard




(online since 08.04.2024)



HRM group @ Automation of Work

Prof. Dr. Reichel

On 29 February, Astrid Reichel was invited as a speaker at the  symposium “The Automation of Work” at WU Vienna, organized by Susanne Auer-Mayer and Andreas Tinhofer. She spoke to experts (from WK, AK, trade unions, start-ups) and interested parties about the use of AI in HRM

Symposium "Automation of Work" 


(online since 08.04.2024)



HRM group @ Interdisciplinary Symposium

On February 1, the KnowledgeNetwork Law, Business and the World of Work (WissensNetzwerk Recht, Wirtschaft und Arbeitswelt) is hosting the interdisciplinary symposiumThe Attractive Workplace: Meaning, Social or Gravel?” at the Edmundsburg in Salzburg (held in German).

Symposium Attractive Workplace

Astrid Reichel and other colleagues from research and practice will speak and discuss the topics of work, resources, remuneration, and employer branding.
HERE you may find more information and the detailed program.

(online since 24.01.2024)



HRM group @ Extended Views 

Recently, Christina Fuchs and Petra Eggenhofer-Rehart (WU Vienna) published the chapter “ Homeoffice, Sweet Homeoffice? Effects of teleworking on the perception of isolation during the lockdown in the  anthologyExtended Views: Social and Economic Perspectives on the Covid-19 Pandemic”. In this book publication, researchers from a wide range of disciplines investigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The chapter Homeoffice, Sweet Homeoffice explores how increased teleworking during and after the pandemic affects the professional and social isolation of employees

Cover of anthology

A big thank you goes to the Kaiserschild and Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation for supporting and funding our research

(online since 16.01.2024)



HRM group @ PLUS Research Seminar

On 9 January, Prof. Dr. Leonard Dobusch from the University of Innsbruck was a guest at the Economics and Business Research Seminar. He spoke aboutopenness as an organizing principle” and explained how this supposed openness can also promote exclusion.

Prof. Dr. Leonhard Dobusch
Prof. Dr. Leonhard Dobusch

We would like to thank Leonard very much for the exciting lecture and the stimulating discussions (also on current economic events) afterwards in the Pauli Stube.


(online since 08.04.2024)



HRM group @ Gender, Work & Organization

A new article by Isabella Scheibmayr was just published in the journal Gender, Work & Organization“. The  article Organizing vulnerability: exploring Judith Butler’s conceptualization of vulnerability to study organizations“ is available open access  here. In the article, Scheibmayr conceptualizes Judith Butler’s concept of Vulnerability for HRM- and Organization research.

Infos to the article of Isabella Scheibmayr

(online since 18.12.2023) 



HRM group @ EPURAI Paris

On November 23-24, 2023, the 2nd EPURAI (Ethical Public Robots and Artificial Intelligence) Workshop took place at the SKEMA Business School on the grand Paris Campus. 

Program of EPURAI

The full program can be found  HERE.

Astrid Reichel presenting

Astrid Reichel was invited as a speaker at this interdisciplinary event with international scholars and presented on the following topic: “Being incentivized or gaming the system: algorithms in human resource management“.

group picture EPURAI 2023

Many thanks to Ali Ozkes and Roland Königsgruber (SKEMA Business School), Dieter Vanderelst (University of Cincinnati), Jurgen Willems (WU Vienna) for the invitation and excellent organization!

(online since 11.01.2024)



HRM group @ Austrian Women’s Prizes Awards Ceremony

On November 20, 2023, the Käthe Leichter and Grete Rehor Prizes were awarded under the umbrella of the Austrian Women’s Prize by the Federal Minister for WOMEN, FAMILY, INTEGRATION AND MEDIA. Many thanks to the award winner Prof. Lefkofridi for the invitation to participate and congratulations on the award!

Sujet Austrian Women's Prize 2023

(online since 11.01.2024)



HRM group @ PLUS Research Seminar

On Nobember 15, 2023, the renowned scientist, specialist for International HRM and editor, Mila Lazarova  (Simon Fraser University Vancouver,  WU Vienna) visited the Department of Business. In an interactive session, she used extensive of publishing and editing experience to give academics at different stages of their careers valuable tips on publishing.

research seminar title

(online since 11.01.2024)



HRM group @ Salzburger Nachrichten

On October 19th, a supplement on crowdsourcing was published in the Salzburger Nachrichten for which Prof. Reichel was interviewed.

supplement in SN

The whole article can be found under this  link.

(online since 07.11.2023)



HRM group @ Autumn Workshop of the Scientific Commission Personnel (WK PERS)

This year’s  autumn workshop of the  Scientific Commission Personnel in the  German Academic Association for Business Research took place in Berlin and was organized by the  Chair for Human Resource Management & Intercultural Leadership of the ESCP Business School.

Dr. Scheibmayr presenting

Isabella Scheibmayr from the HRM group presented a paper on the integration of strategic and algorithmic HRM (co-written with Astrid Reichel).

Dr. Scheibmayr presenting

(online since 09.10.2023)



HRM group @ Cranet Advisory Board

On September 20, one of the regular meetings of Cranet’s (Cranfield Network of Global HRM) Advisory Board took place. Cranet exists since 1989 and has representatives in over 40 countries worldwide. Astrid Reichel has been part of the Austrian team since 2005 and has been on the Advisory Board for several years.

Cranet Advisory Board Meeting

Currently we are working on the feedback for the working groups dealing with the International Report of the last data collection round and the draft of the next survey instrument.

(online since 20.09.2023)



HRM group @ Salzburger Nachrichten

On Saturday, August 26th, 2023 a newspaper article on job-outs appeared in Salzburger Nachrichten. Astrid Reichel was interviewed about her experience on this topic.

Articel in Salzburger Nachrichten of 26.8.2023


The whole article may be found  here.

(online since 29.08.2023)



HRM group @ AOM 2023

The HRM group participated in this year’s  83rd Annual Meeting of the  Academy of Management in Boston. Isabella Scheibmayr presented the paper „Female Doctors’ Navigating Constellation of Logics to Leadership Careers“ (co-written with Astrid Reichel) in the Session ‘Gender and Career Challenges’.

AoM Paper 2023

The abstract was published in the  AoM Proceedings. Isabella Scheibmayr at AoM 2023

Astrid Reichel won an Acknowledgement Award of the CAR Division for Mentoring.

Acknowledgement Award for Astrid Reichel   We congratulate!


(online since 14.08.2023)


HRM group @ 39th EGOS Colloquium

The  39th Colloquium by the European Group for Organizational Studies ( EGOS) was taking place from 6th to 8th July at the University of Cagliari in Sardinia. The HRM  group defied the Southern Italian heat and presented work in three subthemes:

  • Christina Fuchs presented in  Subtheme 60 (Places, Emotions, and Organizations) the paper “The new meaning of office: How the emergence of a virtual workplace triggers changes of formal organizational structure from a place-making perspective” (co-authored with Astrid Reichel).
  • Isabella Scheibmayr presented her work “Worlding desirable futures: Science fiction as method for theorizing organizations and organizing” in  Subtheme 10 (Shaping Desirable Futures – Imagining (Real) Utopias)
  • Astrid Reichel presented the paper “Taking charge while taking care? A multi-country study examining the effects of gender, parental status, and goals on proactive career behaviors” (co-authored with Marijke Verbruggen, Pamela Suzanne, Mami Taniguchi, et al.) in hybrid  Subtheme 21 (Bricolaging Careers – (Re)Imagining Meaningful Careers for ‘the Good Life’).
Ewald Kibler plus HRM group
l.t.r.: Ewald Kibler (Aalto University), Astrid Reichel, Isabella Scheibmayr, Christina Fuchs

More information
on the conference can be found at the  EGOS website and the  2023 Colloquium website.

(online since 13.07.2023)



HRM group @ 16th IHRM Conference 

IHRM in Action! This was the motto of the 16th  International Human Resource Management Conference, which took place from June 28 to 30 at King’s College in London. Christina Fuchs represented the HRM group Salzburg and presented the paperThe New Meaning of Office: How Hybrid Work Changes Formal Organizational Structure from a Place-Making Perspective” (co-authored with Astrid Reichel) in the sub-theme “New Work Arrangement and Its Implications”

Paper presented at IHRM

Many thanks to Dana Minbaeva and the King’s College team for organizing this exciting event!      Kings-College London

(online since 12.07.2023)



HRM group @  PAAM Workshop Leeds

The 2nd  EIASM workshop of people analytics and algorithmic management (PAAM) took place at the  Business school of the University of Leeds from 21st until 22nd of June. Isabella Scheibmayr presented two papers: “The performativity of quantification acts in HRM: insights from six cases in France”(co-authored with Clotilde Coron, Université Paris-Saclay) and “Is strategic algorithmic HRM inherently antagonistic?” (co-authored with Astrid Reichel).

We thank Maria Belizon, Andy Charlwood and Jeroen Meijerink and the  EIASM for organizing this productive workshop!

(online since 29.06.2023)



HRM group @ EURAM 2023

From June 14 to 16, the 23rd Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) took place at Trinity Business School in DublinChristina Fuchs participated in the track “New ways of working and hybrid workplaces” and presented her paperThe new meaning of office: How hybrid work triggers the emergence of a virtual workplace and changes of formal organizational structure“, co-authored with Astrid Reichel

Christina Fuchs at EURAM 2023

We thank the EURAM team and especially the track leaders Emamdeen Fohim and Fabrizio Maimone. 

(online since 26.06.2023)



HRM group @ Gender, Diversity & Inclusion

On June 12, Prof. Reichel was the guest speaker at the lecture series “Gender, Diversity & Inclusion”. The lecture was recorded for Salzburg Uni TV and can be watched  here.

Prof. Reichel at her presentation


Many thanks to Prof. Zoe Lefkofridi and her team for organizing this exciting event.

(online since 21.06.2023)


HRM group @ HRIC South Africa

From May 31 to June 2, the  4th International Conference of the HR Division of the Academy of Management took place in South Africa. Astrid Reichel presented 2 articles, both of which have now been successfully published:  Who benefits from HRM professionalization? The moderating role of gender in professionalization effects in organizationsand Workers’ responses to algorithmic HRM. Incentivizing Strathern’s paradox?” (published under the title “The Future of HRM Incentivizing Strathern’s Paradox? Workers’ Responses to Algorithmic HRM” and both written in cooperation with Isabella Scheibmayr). 

impressions of the conference

impressions of the conference


Many thanks to Bennie Linde and his team at NWU on site and to the HR Division of AoM.


presentation by Marco Rapp

(online since 21.06.2023)



HRM group @ OS Workshop

Isabella Scheibmayr presented a paper called “Worlding desirable futures – science fiction as method” at the  17th Organization Studies Workshop organized by the journal  Organization Studies  from 17th to 20th May in Athens, Greece. This year’s workshop theme was “Utopias and dystopias: Organization studies in a brave new world?”.

(online since 30.05.2023)



HRM group @ Academy of Management Discoveries

A new paper by Isabella Scheibmayr and Astrid Reichel titles “The Future of HRM Incentivizing Strathern’s Paradox? Workers’ Responses to Algorithmic HRM” has been accepted in Academy of Management Discoveries. The accepted manuscript is available  HERE. The article discusses how workers respond to algorithmic HRM, specifically to algorithmic personnel evaluation.

Cover of AoM Discoveries

 (online since 15.05.2023)



HRM group @ Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Graz

For 10 years now, the Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management offers researchers in early career stages the opportunity to present their research and discuss it with colleagues and professors from Austria and internationally. This year’s workshop took place for the first time at the University of Graz.

Picture of the AESW Workshop Graz 2023
© Elena Ressi

Isabella Scheibmayr
presented her research paper “Is strategic algorithmic human resource management inherently antagonistic? An integration of strategic and algorithmic HRM based on an ontological status identification”.

Christina Fuchs participated in the Round Table Discussions with the paper “The new meaning of office: How hybrid work changes formal organizational structure from a place-making perspective” (both articles are co-authored with Astrid Reichel).

We would like to thank the organizers, Robert Bauer, Giuseppe Delmestri, and especially Renate Ortlieb and the organizational team of the University of Graz for this exciting and fruitful workshop!

(online since 09.05.2023)



HRM group @ 38th SHRM Workshop in Prague

On April 27 and 28, Isabella Scheibmayr and Christina Fuchs participated in the 38th Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) at the University of Economics and Business in Prague. This year’s workshop was held under the motto “Challenges for HRM in the next generation”. 24 researchers presented their work in the field of HRM.

picture of SHRM participants

picture of Christina Fuchs and Isabella Scheibmayr

Isabella Scheibmayr presented her paper “Strategic algorithmic HRM – an inherent antagonism?”, and Christina Fuchs presented the paper “How technology providers legitimize AI for talent acquisition in the face of legal opaqueness and audience’s trust concerns” (both articles are co-authored with Astrid Reichel).

(online since 09.05.2023)


HRM group @ Human Resource Management Journal

The article  Who benefits from (Human Resource Management) professionalization? The moderating role of gender on professionalization effects in organisations by Isabella Scheibmayr and Astrid Reichel was recently published online in Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ;  ABS 4*, ABDC A).

Information on paper

The paper considers the interaction of professionalization and gender proportion of the HRM occupation on organizational closure of HRM and HRM’s probability to gain a seat on the corporate board. The study investigated this relationship for 3276 organisations in 34 countries using the  Cranet survey 2014/15 and finds that organizational closure of HRM can be materialized especially for male HR directors and in countries where the proportion of women in HRM is lower. Interestingly, organizational closure does not automatically translate into board membership. Here the results imply a reverse gender effect: Only in countries with a very high proportion of women in HRM does organizational closure relate to a higher probability of HRM being represented on the board.

The study is  open access and and will be published in a special issue later.

(online since 17.04.2023)


HRM group @ HUMAN RESOURCE Management

The article “Effective communication for relational coordination in remote work: How job characteristics and HR practices shape user-technology interactions” by Christina Fuchs and Astrid Reichel is now published in a Special Issue of the journal Human Resource Management (HRM; ABS 4, ABDC A*). This paper investigates how companies can promote effective digital communication and coordination between teleworking employees through targeted interventions and what role job design plays in this context. With our findings we show that it is important to involve HRM from the outset so that, in close cooperation with IT, a system can be found that—supported by suitable sets of rules—enables effective communication.

Infos to article

You can find the article as open-access  here.

(online since 25.1.2023)



HRM group @ Cranet Country Report

Cranet Logo

Cranet, the world’s largest network (universities in over 40 countries worldwide) on HRM practices, is represented in Austria by the HRM group, University of Salzburg and the Interdisciplinary Institute for Management and Organisational Behaviour at WU Wien.

In 2021, the 9th round of surveys was completed in Austria. The  country report describing key HRM data for Austria is now available.

(online since 11.01.2023)



HRM group @ 5C Blog

The HRM group is part of 5C (Cross Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers). Based on the working paper, “The gendered logic of logics: Female doctors’ navigating specific constellations of logics to leadership careers“, presented at the 38th EGOS Colloquium by Isabella Scheibmayr and Astrid Reichel, Astrid Reichel wrote a contribution for the 5C blog. It describes a phenomenon that the authors call the  part-time-leadership paradox

Businesswoman Juggling Responsibility

(online since 11.01.2023)