Anna Schreiner

Anna Schreiner, M.Sc.
Doctoral student

Department of Psychology, Division of Social Psychology
Hellbrunnerstrasse 34a, 5020

Tel.: +43 662 8044 5129

As part of my dissertation in the “Building blocks of resilience” project, I am looking at the experience and evaluation of threats as well as how individuals and groups deal with different adversities. I am interested in which resources (e.g. social and personal identities) help people during life transitions and how resilience processes affect individuals and groups in both the long and short term. In terms of application, I focus on the counseling formats of mentoring and training.


  • October 2015-August 2019: Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Paris Lodron University Salzburg
  • August 2019-October 2022 Master’s degree in Psychology, Paris Lodron University Salzburg
  • Since December 2023: Doctoral program Psychology, Paris Lodron University Salzburg