The Bachelor’s Program in Political Science


Important notice

From winter semester 2024/25, a new curriculum will come into force for the Bachelor of Political Science, which will apply to all newly enrolled students.

Students who started their studies according to the 2016 curriculum (i.e., enrolled between winter semester 2016/17 and summer semester 2024) can complete their studies according to this curriculum until October 1, 2027 at the latest. After that, they will automatically be transferred to the 2024 curriculum. However, they can also switch to the new curriculum earlier by notifying the Office of Admissiona.


The most important changes

  • In addition to the five previous core subjects, “Politics and Gender, Diversity and Equality” has been added as a 6th core subject. Instead of five, there are now six introductory lectures that all students must complete.
  • The rest of the study program has been made more flexible. Four of the six elective modules, corresponding to the core subjects, must be selected. In each of the four chosen core subjects, students must attend an in-depth proseminar (e.g., the PS Introduction to Political Theory and History of Ideas II) as well as two further, topic-specific courses.
  • All degree programs at the University of Salzburg include a compulsory cross-sectional module in which socio-ecological crises, such as sustainability and the climate crisis, democracy education, poverty or migration research, are dealt with. In the curriculum for the BA in Political Science, this cross-sectional module has been integrated into Module 10 (Gender Studies and Socio-Ecological Crises).



BA Political Science (Curriculum 2016)
BA Political Science (Curriculum 2024)