PLUS Grant for study-relevant internships abroad

Type of grant:

Stipend and travel grant for internships abroad – experience abroad can also be gained during your studies. The grant is intended to support internships worldwide that can be credited towards your studies.

Grant duration:

Minimum 2 weeks, maximum 2 months within the Erasmus+ program countries (EU Countries, Liechtenstein, Iceland, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Türkiye). Maximum 6 months outside the Erasmus+ program countries.

Issuing authority:

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Department of International Relations.

Application requirements:

  • Regular degree-seeking students at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
  • Candidates Candidates must have the centre of their vital interests in Austria and cannot already be carrying out the internship when applying.

Other Important details:

  • Course or tuition fees are not covered
  • Applicants who are in an employment relationship and are on leave of absence while retaining their salary will only receive 50% of the stated monthly scholarship amount if their salary exceeds € 730 net per month.

Selection process:

Candidates are selected by a committee at the university.

Grant details:

Only grants (no full scholarships) are awarded to cover living and travel expenses. The amount of the scholarship is based on the amount of aid for studies abroad according to the Study Support Act, taking the financing plan as a basis. The scholarship includes a one-off travel allowance up to a maximum of € 700.
You can find a table with the monthly stipend rate and one-off travel grant depending on the destination country on our website.

If the scholarship holder receives a grant towards living expenses from another institution or stipend-awarding body, this will be taken into account in the amount of the scholarship.

Application documents:

  • Application form for a scholarship abroad (1x);
  • 1 letter of recommendation from lecturers at the University of Salzburg stating that the planned internship can be credited to your studies;
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form (1x);
  • Letter of motivation with academic justification (1x);
  • Proof of foreign language skills, insofar as these are necessary for the stay abroad (1x);
  • Confirmation of acceptance from the institution where the internship will be carried out
  • Financing plan (according to form);
  • Confirmation of credit transfer from CuKo/examination office

Privacy information about mobility programs

For more information regarding the processing of your personal data, please see our privacy information HERE

Submission point: 

Applications are to be submitted at the Department of International Relations.

Application Deadlines:

  • February 1
  • April 1
  • June 1
  • November 15

Please note: Applications must be submitted on time for the deadline and in full before beginning the stay abroad. Late or incomplete applications will be discarded. Subsequent approvals cannot be granted – even if all other requirements are met.


Immediately after completion of the stay abroad, a report must be submitted to the International Relations Department, including a confirmation of stay from the institution where the internship was carried out, which must contain precise details of the duration of the stay at the institution and the internship carried out there (maximum length 5 pages).
If the report and the confirmation of stay are not submitted within two months of the end of the stay abroad, the entire scholarship amount will be reclaimed.
Scholarships are awarded within the framework of private-sector administration on the basis of student applications. There is no legal entitlement to the award.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information:

Dott.ssa Elona Memisha-Schnappinger
Coordinator for Incoming and Outgoing Mobilities worldwide
International Relations Department
Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18, 2. Stock
A – 5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43-(0)662-8044-2043
Web: University of Salzburg Grant Programs