Scholarships at the Faculty of Catholic Theology

Merit Scholarships

Currently, no merit scholarships are being offered at the Paris Lodron University.

Support Scholarships 

Support scholarships for the promotion of scientific work: Mitteilungsblatt

Amount of the support scholarships: 750,00 to 3.600,00 euros

The application must include:

a) the corresponding form: form-for-funding-scholarship_2024
b) the current student enrollment certificate
c) a content description of the scientific work (master’s thesis and diploma thesis, max. 1 page) or outline (dissertation). (Important: The scientific work must be registered in PAAV (PLUS Thesis Management) and approved by the Dean!)
d) a timeline for the completion of the work
e) a cost breakdown and financing plan (at least in the amount of 750,00 euros). The requested funding amount must not exceed the maximum possible funding amount of 3.600,00 euros. IT equipment purchases (e.g., hardware) and living expenses are not supported!
f) submission of at least one detailed review by a university teacher as specified in § 94 Abs. 2 UG 2002, addressing the cost breakdown and the student’s ability, based on previous academic performance and proposals for the work, to complete the work with above-average success
g) a declaration of commitment from the student to submit a report on the appropriate use of the scholarship, including all receipts or evidence, travel logs, etc., to the Dean of the respective faculty no later than three months after completion of the work
h) for equivalent foreign students (except EU citizens) → See the information sheet of the respective faculty
i) the application must be addressed to the Dean of the respective faculty (see also the form).

Application Deadline:
Summer Semester 2024: June 10, 2024
Winter Semester 2024/25: October 31, 2024

Additional Information:

Informationsblatt der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät

§4 StudFG

§18 StudFG

§19 StudFG

Further Scholarships