ERASMUS+ coordination trips and Preparatory Visit (PV)

with  program countries (KA 131)

  • Erasmus+ Preparatory Visit (PV)

(Academic) university members can apply for financial support from the funds for organizational support (OS) to initiate new Erasmus partnerships. These are approved in accordance with our financial resources. Travel and accommodation costs are eligible and the general internal travel guidelines of the University of Salzburg apply.

  • Erasmus+ coordination trips

In order to get to know an existing partner institution better or to discuss any student or staff mobility issues, Erasmus coordinators (or their representatives) can apply for travel and accommodation costs via the ERASMUS+ program at any time (but subject to our financial resources and applicable internal travel guidelines). The Organizational Support for Beneficiaries (OS) funding includes the creation of optimal conditions for students, graduates and staff through quality assurance measures to realize learning or teaching stays at higher education institutions. The participants strive to negotiate the best exchange modalities for all parties involved, to intensify contacts where possible, to identify obstacles and to eliminate any resulting problems for current / future exchanges.

  • Application and processing of preparatory visit or coordination trip

– Consultation with the partnership coordinator, if necessary (> approval of the application),

– Informal notification and discussion of the project with the International Relations Department (AIB) as early as possible (Katharina Niedermayr)

– Application for leave of absence via PPS to the HR department (application will be forwarded to the AIB),

– Application for travel allowance to AIB

– If applicable: release of funds

– Execution of the trip

– Travel expense report incl. preparation of a short report (download required documents under forms)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.