The University of Salzburg is part of the  International Student Exchange Program and offers its students the opportunity to study abroad at over 150 US universities and colleges.
• Students from the University of Salzburg will not only be exempt from tuition fees, but will also have access to free lodging and board during their stay. Nominated students will also be exempt from paying the tuition fees in Salzburg during their studies abroad (Note: this does not apply for the ÖH (Austrian Student Union) fee, which still has to be paid in to avoid ex-matriculation).
• In exchange, US American ISEP students will benefit from the same exemptions during their study period at the University in Salzburg. The costs for this hospitality will be covered by the University of Salzburg students taking part in ISEP. A programme fee of € 800 will be transferred to the University of Salzburg each month. The US-American students will receive this money monthly in order to cover their living costs during their time in Salzburg.
Choice of US Universities Information surrounding the individual member universities is available on the  ISEP-Website. The search for study programme and course offers at the different ISEP universities is also available.

Application deadlines:
Fall term (Winter Semester) and Full Year 2024/25 (summer semster 2024): January 15, 2024
Spring term (Summer Semester) 2025: July 15, 2024

Application process

Step 1:
The students interested in taking part must inform themselves about the ISEP member universities and choose up to 10 possible universities for their application. Please pay attention to the information about the “chance of placement” according to the “Anticipated exchange openings” list on the ISEP website. Modules relevant to your current programme of study should be chosen for every university selected in the application. Please be aware that an important pre-requisite for a successful nomination through ISEP is the completion of the  TOEFL Test.

Step 2:
The next stage of the ISEP application continues online. You can find the link to the online application form  here. The following documents are part of the ISEP application and must be uploaded in their original form to the application portal.

• Transcript of Records (Studienerfolgsnachweis)
 Language Proficiency Report
• Letter of motivation (in English, 300-500 words)
• 1  Academic Reference (written by a course leader from either the student’s main or secondary department at the University of Salzburg)
• Photocopy of passport

Step 3:
All of the previously mentioned documents must be submitted online by the 15th January. On the basis of these documents, a head of the study commission for the relevant faculty will choose up to five candidates’ nominations to be sent to ISEP. Notification of this selection shall be given in writing. Nominated ISEP students can apply for the Joint Study grant or those receiving a study grant can apply for an international grant from the grant agency. More finance opportunities:

Step 4:
After the nomination has been made, students must wait for the placement at one of the universities of their choice. The information that follows will be available from the International Relations Office or in the ISEP application online portal. The signature on the Participant Placement Acceptance Form secures the study placement. ISEP will then issue a visa application form, which you can use to apply for your visa.

Finance and overview of costs
Nominated ISEP students can apply for an international grant at the responsible financial aid agency (for those receiving a study grant) or they can apply for the Study Abroad der PLUS grant programme (for those not already receiving a study grant) in the International Relations Office.
Cost breakdown
ISEP costs:
• US $395 – participation fee (valid from 1.1.2015. If the student cannot be placed on the program the fee will be reduced to US $100.
• €800 month – Room and board at the host institution. We will use the money to pay for accommodation and meal stipends for the students at the University of Salzburg.
• US $73/month – ISEP compulsory insurance
Other general costs (also incurred by other Study Abroad der PLUS students):
• US $245 – TOEFL Test
• Fees for student visa
You can find out more information by visiting Benjamin Gauss in the International Relations Office (Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18, 2nd Floor, 5020 Salzburg) or by visiting Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ralph Poole at the Faculty for English and American Studies.