
Staff members can be reached by e-mail and by telephone. You are also welcome to meet us in the office during working hours. For specific concerns, we recommend you make an appointment in advance with the appropriate person on our team.

We invite you to meet us virtually:

Use the online consultation hour of the International Relations Office every Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 11am! (will NOT take place on public holidays! Date on 12.08.2024 is also cancelled!)
Participation in the ONLINE consultation via Microsoft TEAMS under this  LINK

A special CIVIS Consultation hour with Egzona Krasniqi for students who are interested in CIVIS takes place every Thursday from 10am to 11am. (NOT on public holidays!)
Participation via Microsoft TEAMS:  CIVIS Consultation Hour 

Information for students from the University of Salzburg who are interested in studying abroad: you have three different opportunities to choose from.
You may study abroad through either the:

Detailed information can be found by clicking on the respective links for these programs.  

Self-organized stay abroad: Students who want to study at a foreign university in which the University of Salzburg does not have a cooperation agreement, or who have not received a scholarship elsewhere must take care of all the arrangements for application, financing, accommodation, etc. themselves. The International Relations Office can only provide limited assistance in these cases.

Tuition fees

As a rule, students who spend an exchange semester or a year abroad as part of a transnational EU, state, or university mobility program will have their tuition fees waived for the period of study at both the home and host universities.

If you would have to pay the tuition fees at the University of Salzburg and your stay abroad takes place during the semester or parts of it (min. 1 month), you can apply for the waiver of the tuition fee for mobility programs at the Office of International Relations until the end of the enrollment grace period of the respective semester.

This exemption from tuition fees is only valid for the period of the stay abroad.
After completion of the minimum period of study + 2 tolerance semesters, tuition fees must be paid.
A stay abroad completed within this period does not lead to a later exemption from tuition fees.
For students who already receive Austrian “Studienbeihilfe”/study scholarship, an extension of the tolerance semesters can be applied for under certain conditions and with timely notification. The contact person for this is the  Stipendienstelle/Scholarship Office

Attention: the ÖH-fee must be paid despite of the waiver of the tuition fee!
If you are participating in a self-organized stay abroad, the tuition fees at the host university usually have to be paid in full by the student.


Support for students with physical, mental or health impairments:

Further scholarships for students, graduates and scientists

The Austrian Exchange Service provides information on public and private grants in the form of an online database that can be searched according to various criteria.
 grants.at – Online Database for Scholarships and Research Funding