The United Kingdom left the EU on 31.01.2020 and is legally no longer a member of the European Union. Therefore, the UK is no longer an Erasmus+ programme country.
Since the beginning of Academic Year 2023/24, the Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS) continues cooperations with individual former Erasmus partner universities in the UK under a university partnership. The necessary contracts are the subject of negotiations. Mobilities to these selected partner universities will be open to students from all faculties and will be financed through the PLUS Study Abroad Scholarship – within the limits of available funds. For Names and contacts of the British partner universities see: list of University Partnerships
Current information on travel regulations can be found on the pages of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Information on visas and insurance in the UK can be found on our homepage under NEWS
Data protection
Personal data are confidential and will be processed in accordance with the respective federal laws only to the extent necessary for your application and participation in the Erasmus+ program.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.