Logo IDA Lab

IDA Lab Salzburg

AI Learning and Artificial Intelligence Concept. Business, modern technology, internet and networking concept. 3D illustration

 ©X  LI-In-Bug

Lost in the jungle of high-price AI consultants ever willing to sell new magic AI tools?

Quality check by the IDA Lab Salzburg – advantage through state-of-the-art research in AI and Data Science

The Lab for Intelligent Data Analytics Salzburg (IDA Lab) serves as central facility for basic and applied research, as well as for knowledge and technology transfer in Data Science, Machine Learning, AI and Statistics. It is a cooperation of the Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg (PLUS, Lead), the Paracelsus Medical University ( PMU), the Salzburg Research  (SRFG) and the University of Applied Sciences ( FHS).




09. – 10.07.2024 | 5th International Workshop on  Statistical Analyses of Multi-Outcome Data

at  Paris Lodron University Salzburg | Organized by Prof. Arne Bathke (PLUS), Prof. Lei Liu (Washington University in St. Louis), Prof. Peter X. K. Song (University of Michigan), and Prof. Yichuan Zhao (Georgia State University) |  Program | SAM 2024


08. – 11. 07. 2024 |   useR! Salzburg 2024 | Virtual and On-Site Event in  Salzburg


03. 07.2024 | 2nd Data Science Doctoral Retreat with doctoral candidates from PLUS, FHS, and PMU


07.06.2024 | DIH-West Press Release

Support for SMEs by  DIH-West for another four years.  Digital Innovation Hub West continues its mission for small and medium-sized enterprises from Innovation Salzburg. 


13.06.2024 | SchülerUNI Salzburg:

Lecture with   Wolfgang TrutschnigLea Maislinger and Simon Hirländer  | Topic: Wo:men and machines: Gemeinsam oder gegeneinander?

Date: 13.06.2024, Time: 11:00 – 12:00 Uhr, Location: Grüner Hörsaal, Natur- & Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34.


06.06.2024 | Lecture:  Wolfgang Trutschnig presents exciting information on the  topic of AI


June 2024 | Podcast:   What Is Reinforcement Learning? With Simon Hirländer


18.11.2023 |   TEDxSalzburg at Mozarteum

Invited Speaker Simon Hirländer: “AI is what we make it”

>>  Simon Hirländers TEDx Talk is now online!


5. – 07.02.2024 | International Workshop  RL4AA’24


Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Natur- und Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät,  Blauer Hörsaal (402)

Organised by: IDA Lab, Team Smart Analytics & Reinforcement Learning

Participation is free of charge, please register  here


23 – 26.10.2023 | International Data Week 2023 | A Festival of Data in Salzburg

Interantional Data Week_Logo



13.07.2023 | Data Science Doctoral Retreat 2023

Data Sceience Doctoral Retreat 2023 ©FHS 2023


IDA Lab – PLUS and University of Applied Sciences Salzburg (FHS)

Thanks to our host, the University of Applied Sciences, and everyone who took part! It was a great day!


June 2023 | State-of-the-art research in the areas of artificial intelligence, data science and statistics secured for another five years.

Logo Land Salzburg;  ©Land Salzburg

The follow-up project IDA Lab III was funded by the Province of Salzburg within the framework of WISS 2025!


12.12.2022 | Press release „Der Standard“

“Nicht immer liegt es nur an der Bequemlichkeit, dass Menschen nicht aufs Auto verzichten. In Salzburg versucht man nun gezielt gegenzusteuern” von Norbert Regitnig-Tillian. Thomas Prinz (Team Space & Mobility) ist Projektleiter der beiden – im Artikel besprochenen – Projekte.

 Warum viele als Öffi-Muffel enden


27.10.2022 I Comment

Very appreciative comment from our project partner “Porsche Informatik/Porsche Holding” on the completion of the two successful projects “KFZ” and “FRIDA“.

 >> Fostering bright minds: Research collaboration between the University of Salzburg and Porsche Holding Salzburg


New Bachelor’s programme Artificial Intelligence in WS 2022/23


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