Christian Culture, Change & Communication

6 semesters, 180 ECTS I Start: October 1st, 2022 
Language of instruction: German

 PräsentationsvideoChurch structures are in transformation, new pastoral strategies are being sought. In order to cope with the complex challenges in an increasingly plural society, competences in the areas of management and media are also more and more needed in addition to theological skills.

The novel Bachelor’s programme “Christliche Kultur, Transformation & Kommunikation (Christian Culture, Change & Communication)” therefore combines

  • basics in theological and philosophical subjects (75 ECTS)
  • with specially tailored modules in business administration/management (40 ECTS)
  • and communication studies/media practice (24 ECTS).

Two modules “Faith Communication” and “Pastoral Innovation” make this unique competence profile fruitful for ongoing and upcoming church transformation processes.

The complete curriculum of the new study programme will be available on this page from May 2022.



Dietmar DirnhoferDietmar Dirnhofer

Dietmar Dirnhofer
Head of Office

Universitätsplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-2507

Photographs: © HOME Base GmbH (1) I © Martin Auer