Information on Admission for Doctoral Programs

A doctoral program teaches you to conduct independent, scientific research and develop your skills in this area. These programs take six semesters at the PLUS, consist of 180 ECTS and upon completion, the academic degree of “Doktor*in” is conferred. During these studies, an academic thesis (the dissertation) is written. The thesis is presented during the final exam (Rigorosum).  

Further information on the doctoral programs and specific structures can be found on the homepage of our Doctorate School PLUS.  

Below, you will find information on how to enrol for a doctoral program at the PLUS, if you have completed your Master’s or Diploma program at the PLUS, or at another university. 

The doctoral program at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences and at the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, as well as the doctoral program for Business, are all accessible only if you pass the qualitative selection process. Further information on the processes can be found in the respective curricula: Link 

If you intend to take up a doctoral program at the PLUS, please contact the Office of Admissions (for all doctoral programs). The contact form is found at the bottom of the page.  


  • Language proficiency

    For study programs taught in English

    Prospective students applying for an English-taught study program have to prove their language proficiency by submitting an accredited language certificate. A list of all accepted language certificates can be found at the link at the end of this page; alternatively, if language proficiency of C1 or higher is confirmed in the secondary school certificate, the certificate is accepted as proof.  

    For study programs taught in German

    Prospective students whose first language is not German have to prove their language proficiency by submitting an accredited language certificate. A list of all accepted language certificates can be found at the link at the end of this page.  

    (If no proof of the required language proficiency in German is submitted, an additional exam has to be taken. The exam is taken as part of the language course offered as preparation (Vorstudienlehrgang VPLUS). In order to sit the exam and take part in the course, you have to submit an application for admission at the PLUS along with a minimum German level of B1.  Further information: University Preparation Course (VPLUS) – Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg

    Prospective students in possession of a letter of admission are entitled to a place at the VPLUS language preparatory course. Details on the course at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg are presented on the homepage of the course centre.  

    NOTE: The participation in the VPLUS course is a requirement for the application for the student’s visa (“Aufenthaltstitel Studierender”). Information on the visa and residence permit is given by the responsible office: Magistrat Salzburg – Amt für öffentliche Ordnung. 

    Magistrat Salzburg – Amt für öffentliche Ordnung 
    Schwarzstraße 44 
    5020 Salzburg 

contact form

language proficiency