Mobility Lab

Spatial conditions significantly influence mobility. Conversely, mobility shapes the geographical area. Members of the Mobility Lab carry out first-class research at the interface between geoinformatics and mobility research. The knowledge gained is consistently transferred to practical application and published. Students are involved in the continuous development of knowledge and supervised in the context of project and final theses.

For more details, please visit our  website!

 Mobility Lab


Heads of Mobility Lab

Martin Loidl

Dr. Martin Loidl
Mobility Lab I UNIGIS

Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS
Schillerstraße 30, 5020 Salzbrug

Tel.: +43 662 8044 7534

Bernhard Zagel

Dr. Bernhard Zagel
Senior Scientist I Division Head

Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS
Schillerstraße 30, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 8044 7532