ZFL – Flexible Learning
Our team takes on various tasks in the context of the Vice-Rectorate for Teaching and Studies. The Helpdesk for eLearning is our central service for lecturers and students. Here, our staff will deal with your enquiries quickly and straightforwardly and will be happy to advise you individually on the use of the learning platform, including the plagiarism software. In addition, there is coordination and counselling on all aspects of the Supplementary studies offered at the PLUS. The digital media study supplement is organised entirely within our team. The PLUS mediastudios team at the faculty of natural and life sciences provides university-wide support in the creation of digital media such as photographs or film portraits. The postgraduate programmes and the Docotrate School PLUS are separate service and coordination areas.
Offers and services can be found sorted by target group under:
SERVICE for Students (eLearning I Welcome Day I Supplementary studies & minors I AV-Studio I Media Certificate I Doctorate School PLUS I Postgraduate)
SERVICE for Staff (eLearning I Blackboard & MS Teams I Plagiarism Software)
© Luigi Caputo