Information for students
"Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung"
For students of the University of Salzburg the statutes of the University of Salzburg regarding “Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen” apply (p. 6-8):
Statutes of the University of Salzburg
According to §19(5) of the statutes of the University of Salzburg, your registration is binding after the second week of the course. 80% attendance is required in the course (from the time of registration), as the assessment is based on regular written and oral contributions, and not just on a single exam at the end of the course.
From the third week of the course onwards, absence without good reason is considered as an examination failure, and the course will therefore be assessed negatively.
ECTS credits
The creditability of courses offered by the Language Centre for your studies must be clarified individually with the curriculum committee of the relevant department. The Language Centre cannot provide you with any information on this. As a rule, the following ECTS credits (1 ECTS credit = 25 real hours) are awarded for courses offered by the Language Centre:
2-hour courses: 3 ECTS credits
3-hour courses (+ 1-hour tutorial): 4.5 ECTS credits
The total workload which leads to the successful completion of the course consists of:
attendance of the course
preparatory and follow-up work for the course (homework, presentations, etc.)
self-study, exam preparation
written and oral examinations during and at the end of the semester
For a 2-hour course, credited with 3 ECTS credits, a total workload of 75 hours is expected. 30 of which are contact hours, which means approx. 45 hours of self-study are expected outside the course. Over a semester of 15 weeks, this means that approx. 3 extra hours per week must be invested in self-study, homework, learning, preparation, etc. This calculation is based on the ECTS guidelines of the University of Salzburg.