McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific — Cooperation

The McGeorge Summer School of Law is subordinate to the respective Dean and is managed by the Office of the Dean: Mrs. Mag.a Romana Worm, MD of the Deans Office Please contact therefore only: Applications please send to: Az.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther Herzig   __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ About McGeorge: w At University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ McGeorge Salzburg — Administrative Office !! open only in the summer during the Course !! Mrs. Petra Bachleitner (Raum Nr. 3.71 (3.OG Toskanatrakt)) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For more information on the current program, please visit McGeorge’s website or email Contact and Programm of the McGeorge Summer School at Salzburg: For content requests you can ask (in Salzburg):The Head of Deans Office