Students must make sure they have the necessary visa or residence permit valid for their alotted study period in Salzburg. Detailed information regarding entry and residence regulations can be found on the  OeAD Homepage, the  Social Affairs, Health Care and Consumer Protection Ministry webpage or checking the   Austrian Ministry of Internal Affairs website.

Confirmation of Registration “Anmeldebescheinigung” for EU/EEA/CH

EU/EEA and Swiss citizens staying longer than three months in Salzburg are required to apply for confirmation of registration called “Anmeldebescheinigung”’ to the  Municipal Authorities of Salzburg, Office for Public Policy (> Magistrat Salzburg, Amt für öffentliche Ordnung), located in Schwarzstraße 44 within four months upon arrival in the city. The student must prove admission (download ‘Studienbestätigung’ from PLUSonline), that she/he has sufficient health insurance and correspondingly an adequate means of existence (financial funds like Erasmus scholarship, funding from parents etc.) while living in Salzburg. The confirmation has a one time fee of € 15,00 and is permanently valid. Attention: Non-compliance with this regulation can lead to a fine of up 250 Euro!

Download  here the Confirmation of Registration form “Anmeldebescheinigung”

Visa and Residence Permit for Third Countries Students

To find detailed entry and residence information especially designed for international / exchange students, the International Relations Office recommends students to consult the  Austrian Exchange Service’s website and to contact the competent Austrian Authorities responsibles.

Civil Registration

Within the first three days of your arrival in Salzburg you must register yourself at the  city’s registration office (Meldeamt) at  Registration Office, (location: Kiesel Building, Saint-Julien-Str. 20, 5020 Salzburg; 4th floor), open from Monday – Thursday 07:30 – 16:00, Friday 07:30 – 13:00. Download the necessary  registration form called “Meldezettel” here or get it either from your landlord, student dorm or find it in your Welcome Folder. First, have your registration form signed by your landlord and then register. Please don’t forget to take your passport/ID-card with you to the office. Three days before leaving Salzburg, cancel your registration with the authorities.