Support for Students & Aspiring Students

Studying at university is a challenge, but it also offers opportunities. As a student, you’ll want to avoid unnecessary problems and always stay informed. If you need support, you can turn to one of the information centres at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS).


  • Austrian Students’ Union

    The Austrian Students’ Union, ÖH, represents the interests of students at all public universities in Austria as designed by law.  The ÖH offers information and support to students, but they also have a say in curriculum development and a seat at the discussion table at the Ministry of Education to further student interests.

    Every two years, all levels of the ÖH are up for re-election. Thanks to the compulsory membership of all students, the ÖH can let its voice be heard. The Students’ Union Fee paid each semester by approximately 290,000 allows that the ÖH operate independently of the Austrian government and the interests of business. And the volunteer spirit of thousands of student representatives makes the ÖH one of strongest students’ unions in all of Europe.

    Helpful services. Effective advocacy.

    Providing services for students is at the core of what the ÖH does. But that’s not all. The ÖH works to ensure that the situation for students at Austria’s universities is the best that it can be. When it comes to questions of university financing, free access to higher education, curriculum development at individual universities, or advocating for students’ rights, the ÖH plays an active role in shaping education policy.

    For more information or for contact details, visit the  ÖH Salzburg website.  

    If you have questions about what to study or about something concerning the degree programme you’re in, your student representatives can offer help. A list of student representatives and information centres is available  here.

  • ÖH Student Advice & Support Office

    The student representatives at the Student Advice & Support Office can help students and aspiring students before and during their time at uni by providing information (about curricula, registration and general student issues: student accommodations, financial issues, social issues and more) to you in person during office hours.

    Additionally, the student representatives at the Student Advice & Support Officecan also be reached via e-mail or telephone (+43 662 8044 6001 & 6006). More information is available  here.

  • Admissions Department

    The admissions counsellors and staff members in the Admissions Department are ready to provide students at the University of Salzburg with up-to-date information and individual advice on issues like admission procedures, matriculation, re-enrolment, changing degree programmes, tuition fees, academic leaves of absence, withdrawal and confirmation of enrolment.

    Information about curricula, enrolment or degree programmes, general student issues (student accommodations, financial issues, social issues) can be found in the Information Brochure (in German).

    To ensure that your enquiry is answered efficiently, please use the contact form on this page to select a topic and a question and register your enquiry. The system will notify the staff member responsible for your topic, and they will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.