Diploma Thesis / Master Thesis / Doctoral Thesis

Please check in advance whether you meet the requirements for acceptance as a diploma, master or dissertation candidate.

Requirements for acceptance as a diploma / master student

  • Seminar participation with Prof. Schmalenbach
  • Assessment of the subject examination in Public International law or European law with the grade Very Good, Good or Satisfactory, depending on the thesis topic

Requirements for acceptance as a dissertation candidate

  • Seminar participation with Prof. Schmalenbach
  • Assessment of the subject examination in Public International law or European law with the grade Very Good, Good or Satisfactory, depending on the thesis topic
  • Assessment of the diploma thesis with the minimum grade of Good

Students who would like to write a diploma, master or doctoral thesis in Public International Law should contact the office (). After clarifying whether supervision is currently possible, an appointment can be made for the purpose of specifying or reserving a topic and discussing the further procedure.

Diploma/Master/Doctoral Thesis can be written in German or English. Please note the relevant rules of citation as well as the other formal requirements that apply to a thesis to be assessed.

  • Possible topics: the entire range of Public International and European law.
    • Length of the thesis: Diploma/Master’s thesis at least 60 pages of text (see study plan).
    • Dissertation – no requirements according to the curriculum
  • IMPORTANT: Before officially submitting the diploma thesis/master’s thesis/dissertation, a pre-correction copy must be handed in to Prof. Schmalenbach!
    • for diploma/master’s theses, 20 pages of the thesis to be freely selected.
    • for dissertations the entire thesis

Styleguide for written work

Helpful informations, documents, such as a study plan, guidelines for registration, …, see STUDY & More.