Testothek Educational Science

The Testothek Erziehungswissenschaft in the subject library UNIPARK contains about 280 school tests and psychological-diagnostic procedures.
These can be made available – on a limited basis – to students and staff of the University of Salzburg for study, research and teaching purposes. Interlibrary loan is not possible. For the use of test procedures, students must submit an “Application for the use of test procedures/questionnaires from the Testothek Erziehungswissenschaft”, which must be signed by the academic supervisor.

You can find the Testothek Educational Science at the information desk of the UNIPARK library.

  • Request for the use of tests
  • Conditions of borrowing:
    A maximum of 3 tests can be borrowed for 7 days, with the possibility of renewal twice (provided there are no reservations).
  • Opening hours Testothek:
    Monday 14:00-16:00
    Thursday 15:00-17:00 (in lecture-free periods 14:00-16:00)

Borrowings are only possible during opening hours of the Testothek; returns can be made at any time during library opening hours.


All tests are recorded online in the catalog of the University Library of Salzburg ( UBsearch). There you will find the bibliographic information as well as notes on availability.