Migration Studies

COORDINATION & CONTACTAssoz. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Aschauer
COURSE OFFERINGS & REGISTRATION Winter Semester 2024 / Summer Semester 2025 (PLUSonline)
DETAILSBulletin from August 1, Number 149


The supplementary study programme in “Migration Studies” aim to provide interested students with insights into the historical, sociological, and cultural foundations of migration research. Relevant courses from various disciplines will also explore current topics in migration research. By completing the supplementary studies, students will enhance their argumentative and critical thinking skills concerning current social discourses and developments and encourage an interdisciplinary academic engagement with the subject matter.

Target Group

The supplementary study programme are designed for all students who wish to acquire key competencies in migration research. Currently, specific issues in migration research are receiving increased attention in many academic disciplines. Therefore, the consolidation of the university’s course offerings aims to provide students with the opportunity to pursue an interdisciplinary supplementary education in a highly socially relevant area.

Structure & Requirements

Basic Module (12 ECTS)

The Basic Module provides theoretical foundations of migration research and offers insights into the subject from various disciplinary perspectives.

For the Basic Module, students must complete courses totaling 12 ECTS from the supplementary study programme course offerings. Courses from one’s own field of study may only be chosen if they are not part of the mandatory or elective subjects. Excluded from this rule are courses from the cross-sectional module on socio-ecological crises, which cannot be counted as free electives.

The following courses or courses from the following areas must be completed for the Basic Module:

  • Foundations of Migration Research (6 ECTS)
  • Migration: Historical and Social Dynamics (6 ECTS)

Advanced Module (12 ECTS)

The Advanced Module aims to deepen knowledge in the sub-disciplines of migration research.

For the Advanced Module, students must complete courses totaling 12 ECTS from the supplementary study programme course offerings. Courses from one’s own field of study may only be chosen if they are not part of the mandatory or elective subjects. Excluded from this rule are courses from the cross-sectional module on socio-ecological crises, which cannot be counted as free electives.

The following courses or courses from the following areas must be completed for the Advanced Module:

  • Migration: Global Processes, Economy, Politics, and Law (6 ECTS)
  • Migration: Interculturality, Education, and Religion (6 ECTS)

Course Registration

Registration for individual courses is done via PLUSonline. The selection of suitable courses for the supplementary study programme is coordinated by the Migration Studies working group. This steering group includes representatives from all faculties.

Note: For courses taken as part of the supplementary study programme, select “Free Registration” during course registration if the option is available:

free registration


After successfully completing the courses listed above, the following certificates can be requested:

  • Basic Module Migration Studies. This will be issued after successfully completing the Basic Module totaling 12 ECTS.
  • Supplementary Study Programme Migration Studies. This will be issued after successfully completing the Basic or Thematic Module and the Advanced Module totaling 24 ECTS.

IMPORTANT: It is possible to include supplementary study programmes and specialisation programmes in the Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Diploma examination certificate (naming of free electives). Regulations can be found in your curriculum, or you may need to reach an agreement with the chair of your curriculum committee beforehand.

The recognition of courses for the supplementary study programme in Migration Studies is done through free electives provided in the respective curricula. If free electives are not available in the required amount in certain study programs, the courses can still be taken in addition to the curriculum.

Requesting a Certificate

Once you have completed the required courses, submit the completed exam pass and the corresponding certificates to Assoz. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Aschauer. After verifying the documents, the certificate will be issued by the ZFL – Flexible Learning on behalf of the Vice-Rectorate for Education and Student Experience and will be sent digitally to your university email address.

Issuing the certificate is no longer possible after graduation. Therefore, please make sure to apply for the certificate at least a few weeks before graduation.

If it is not possible to print the academic records from PLUSonline, only submit the completed exam pass.

Download Exam Pass



Assoz. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Aschauer
Department of Sociology and Social Geography

Sociology Section
Rudolfskai 42, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 8044 – 4105
E-Mail: wolfgang.IaJCg-aschTHPRmYauer@cFIaJCplus._17NuUac.atr.LSh0