Applied Statistics and Data Analysis

COORDINATIONSupplementary Studies Board for Statistics (FB Artificial Intelligence and Human Interfaces & FB Psychology)
CONTACTAndrea Baumgartner


 Winter Semester 2024 / Summer Semester 2025 (PLUSonline)
REGISTRATIONPlease register informally with the Supplementary Studies Board – details can be found at the end of this page.
DETAILSOfficial Bulletin from November 8, 2018, No. 21


Statistical methods are essential research and evaluation tools in disciplines oriented towards medical, natural, and social sciences. This supplementary study or specialization allows for the development of a deeper understanding of statistical concepts and ways of thinking, the exploration of a broader spectrum of statistical methods, and the deepening of specific techniques, particularly using statistical software packages (e.g., “R”).

Objectives & Key Areas

The goal of the supplementary study is to increase the quantity and quality of statistical education. Competencies are to be built and further developed that ensure the more independent and up-to-date application of statistical methods in research and practice. Graduates will be able to precisely formulate statistical questions, use data simulation to solve statistical problems, work with modern statistical programs, and understand the standards and approaches to statistical questions from different academic perspectives.

Target Group & Added Value

This offering is aimed at both students from fields applying statistics and mathematics students. The former will gain a deeper understanding, particularly with regard to underlying probabilistic and statistical concepts. Both target groups will learn about the application of statistical methods in various disciplines, acquiring the ability to formulate statistical questions and correctly use and interpret complex statistics in the context of different application fields. Graduates will thus develop greater independence in handling quantitative scientific research projects and position themselves excellently in a labor market that increasingly demands statistical competencies.

Please Note: The supplementary study and specialization “Applied Statistics and Data Analysis” can be completed by Master’s, Diploma, or Doctoral students

  • who have completed basic training in statistical methods amounting to approximately 10 ECTS as part of their studies
  • and who are familiar with a statistical software program (R, SPSS, SAS, Matlab, etc.) that was part of their university education

The supplementary study and specialization are not an introduction to Applied Statistics but build upon it. Therefore, before beginning the supplementary study programmes or specialisation programmes, a review of the aforementioned admission requirements by the responsible Supplementary Studies Board is necessary.

Structure and Requirements

Basic Module (12 ECTS)

Freely chosen courses amounting to 12 ECTS according to the course offerings*.

Advanced Module (12 ECTS)

Freely chosen courses amounting to 12 ECTS according to the course offerings*, including courses on the practical application of statistical software amounting to at least 3 ECTS, unless already completed in the Basic Module.

Specialisation (36 ECTS)

Freely chosen courses according to the course offerings*, including:

    • Courses on the practical application of statistical software amounting to at least 6 ECTS, unless already completed in the Basic or Advanced Module, as well as
    • Lecture & Exercise in Probability Theory (7 ECTS)**, unless already completed in the Basic or Advanced Module.

* Courses from one’s own field of study may only be chosen if they are not part of the mandatory or elective courses.
** Mathematics students who have already completed these courses within their studies should choose courses amounting to 7 ECTS from other fields that focus on the practical application of statistical methods.

Course Registration

Note: For courses you take as part of the supplementary study/specialization, select “Free Registration” in PLUSonline (if the option is available) during course registration:

Ansicht aus PLUSonline, Freie Anmeldung


After successfully completing the courses listed above, the following certificates can be requested:

  • Basic Module in Applied Statistics and Data Analysis. This will be issued after successful completion of the Basic Module amounting to 12 ECTS credits.
  • Supplementary Studies in Applied Statistics and Data Analysis. This will be issued after successful completion of the Basic and Advanced Modules amounting to a total of 24 ECTS credits.
  • Specialization in Applied Statistics and Data Analysis. This will be issued after successful completion of the courses listed above amounting to a total of 36 ECTS credits.

IMPORTANT: It is possible to include supplementary studies and specializations in the Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Diploma examination certificate (naming of free electives). Regulations can be found in your curriculum, or you may need to reach an agreement with the chair of your curriculum committee beforehand.

Requesting a Certificate

Once you have completed the required courses, submit the completed exam pass and the corresponding certificates to Andrea Baumgartner. After verifying the documents, the certificate will be issued by the Center for Flexible Learning (ZFL) on behalf of the Vice-Rectorate for Education and Student Experience and will be sent digitally to your university email address.

Issuing the certificate is no longer possible after graduation. Therefore, please make sure to apply for the certificate at least a few weeks before graduation.

If it is not possible to print the transcripts from PLUSonline, only submit the completed exam pass.

Download Exam Pass

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Studienergänzungsboard Statistik
Andrea Baumgartner

FB Artificial Intelligence and Human Interfaces & FB Psychologie
NaWi – Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 622 8044 – 5302