Master Programme Religious Studies
Degree | M.A. (Master of Arts) |
Name of Degree | Master of Arts in Religious Studies |
Type of degree | non-consecutive mono master’s degree |
Standard period of study | 4 semester |
ECTS | 120 ECTS in sum consisting of: 30 ECTS: master thesis and oral exam 48 ECTS: obligational 30 ECTS: choice within preselection 12 ECTS: free choice |
Languages used in teaching | German, English |
Begin | winter-term (regularly) summer-term possible (in that case please contact Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Rötting) |
Admission requirements | BA or similar degree at an approved national or international University or educational institution |
Accreditation | of ECTS from other studies: responsible Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Zerfaß |
Information | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Rötting
Required contents are:
- Foundation in religious and cultural studies
- Transformations of religious traditions and literatures – historically and above all contemporarily
- Mediality and normative orders of societies
Individual profiling through optional subjects from the wide range of subjects offered at the University of Salzburg (Sociology, Psychology, History, Jewish Cultural History, Theology, Economics and Business Studies, Law, etc.):
- Cultural studies
- Cultural and religious history
- Cultural and religious criticism
The study programme features a combination of methods and approaches in the field of religion and normativity by pursuing textual, medial, embodied, performative, economic and aesthetic dimensions. At the centre are current conflicts and transformations of religion and normative orders due to migration, economisation of (the) society, pluralisation and global dynamics.
- Knowledge about contemporary religious pluralism and normative orders (European forms of Islam, Christianities, spirituality, East-Asian religions, Buddhism in the West from mindfulness to yoga, secularisms such as Quantum Entrainment, alternative healing, economisation and branding of religion, etc.)
- independent research on religion in various social contexts with suitable methods
- critical appraisal of media’s portrayal of religion and current trends
- the skill to moderate multi-religious-secular processes (conflicts, construction projects, intercultural festivals, etc.)
- an own culture-reflective position.
Start of the study programme
The Master-studies regularly starts with the beginning of the winter-term. Starting with the summer-term can be arragend upon request.
- link to the Curriculum (German only)