Diploma theses and dissertations
Diploma theses with Univ.-Prof. DDr. Franz Gmainer-Pranzl:
- LISA SCHWEIGER-GENSLUCKNER: “The pious of tomorrow will be an athlete” – Sport and Religion (SS 2014)
- CHRISTINA WIMMER: The Place of Religion in Post-Secular Societies – An Interpretation of Jürgen Habermas’ Contribution (WS 2014/15)
- PETRA MÖDLHAMMER: The Afro-Cuban Santería: Trend-Setting Stations of a Transnational and Transreligious Wandering (SS 2016)
- SOPHIA LUCIA MARIA KREMSER: Why?! Religiously Motivated Terrorism as a Sociopolitical Phenomenon of Modern Societies (SS 2017)
- LAURENT PIERRE KOMI CHARDEY SVD: Le phénomène migratoire des fidèles catholiques vers les mouvements religieux actuels et les autres religions au Togo: Cas de la ville de Lomé (SS 2019)
- MICHAEL ALEXANDER STROHRIEGL: Challenges for Theology, Intercultural and Church in Social and Cultural Change (SS 2019)
Dissertations with Univ.-Prof. DDr. Franz Gmainer-Pranzl:
- IGBOAMALU PHILIP TOBECHUKWU: Crave for Miracle and Healing in the Wake of New Religious Movements (AICs) in Contemporary Nigeria: An Intercultural Study (Diss. in “Theology Intercultural and Study of Religions”, WS 2015/16)
- BETTINA BRANDSTETTER: Between Homogenization and Pluralization. The Place of the Kindergarten Teacher in the Heterogeneity of Cultures and Religions (Diss. in the subject “Theology Intercultural and Study of Religions”, SS 2017)
- SEBASTIAN BABU KUNNAPPALLIL: Towards an Intercultural Theology. Interculturality as a Paradigm for Theologizing in Northeast India (Diss. in “Theology Intercultural and the Study of Religions”, SS 2018)
- BENJAMIN MPONGO EMEKE: Théologie de la reconstruction chez Kä Mana (Diss. in “Theology Intercultural and Study of Religions”, SS 2019)
- GUDRUN BECKER: Responsivity as an attitude towards foreign religions. A responsive postural theology of religions following Nostra aetate (Diss. in the subject “Theology Intercultural and Study of Religions”, SS 2022)