Gifts to the library

The Salzburg University Library welcomes gifts that complement the collection according to the criteria listed below. We ask for your understanding that we cannot accept all gifts.

Which gifts are especially welcome?

  • Books from and about the city and province of Salzburg (“Salisburgensien”) that are not yet available at the University Library
  • Bound periodicals to supplement the holdings (example: the University Library already owns the 1900-1920 volumes of a periodical, you would like to donate the 1921-1930 volumes)
  • Books published before 1870, rare and valuable works such as first editions, etc.

What media are not suitable as gifts?

  • Books and periodicals that are already in the University Library (“duplicates”)
  • Textbooks and schoolbooks
  • General anthologies, fiction, light literature
  • Encyclopedias and reference works
  • Outdated literature from the fields of technology/science, medicine and law
  • Offprints from works already in the library’s possession
  • Single issues of periodicals, single volumes of periodicals
  • Copies
  • Obsolete types of data carriers (e.g.: cassettes, videos, floppy disks)
  • Media for which the ownership is unclear
  • Books with problematic provenance (e.g. if there is a suspicion of NS looted property)

What else should be considered?

  • Media can only be accepted if they are in perfect condition.
  • Only media that are the unrestricted property of the donor(s)* can be considered as gifts. The gift giver* expressly agrees to take back works with unclear or problematic ownership.
  • Gifts are accepted without conditions only and become the property of the Library upon acceptance.
  • Works not accepted into the collection may be dealt with at the Library’s discretion.

How can I support the University Library?

  • Please check if the works you would like to offer are already available at the University Library of Salzburg. Please use the library search engine  UBsearch.
  • For gifts of 11 to 100 media units, we ask that you also email us a list of the titles included in advance so that we can check whether the works offered are suitable for us. Ideally, the list should contain the following information for each work: Author, title, year of publication and – if possible – the ISBN. You can download a template (German version) here.
  • Please fill out the gift form when you make a gift.

Where can I drop off the gifts?

  • Gifts of small amounts (up to 10 books) can be dropped off at the University Library Circulation & Information Desk at any time. Please note the hours of operation.
  • For more than 10 items, please be sure to contact the Formal Media Processing Manager by email or phone.

You can also find more information in our folder (PDF printable version).


Dr. Reinhard Rathmayr
Formal Media Processing (Head)
Tel.: +43 (0)662 8044 77670