icon scannerOrder digitization

We create digitizations from newspaper volumes, microfilms/microfiches and large formats for you for a fee (see fees) up to DIN A1 (594mm x 841mm). The order is placed by means of a scan order (german print version, can be filled out online). Please fill out the order as detailed as possible and hand it in signed to the circulation desk of the main library.If you have a UB library card, you will be billed through your library account. If you do not have a library card, you will receive an invoice.

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Questions regarding scan orders and billing
should be sent by e-mail to
Questions regarding order processing should be sent by e-mail to


eBooks on Demand

Symbolbild eBook on Demand

With the eBooks on Demand service, you can order your selected book as a digital edition. This is how the service works: Click on the EOD button in the library search engine  UBsearch and place your order directly on the Internet. The book will then be fully digitized and delivered in PDF format within a few working days. Payment is possible directly on the Internet or by invoice.

Please direct any questions about EoD to

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