

Carrilho M, Monarca RI, Aparício G, Mathias ML, Tapisso JT, von Merten S. 2023. Physiological and behavioural adjustment of a wild rodent to laboratory conditions. Physiology & Behavior,

Aparício G, Carilho M, Oliveira FG, Mathias ML, Tapisso JT, von Merten S. 2023. Artificial light affects the foraging behavior in greater white-toothed shrews (Crocidura russula). Ethology,


Grilo C, Afonso BC, … , von Merten S, Mathias ML. 2022. Mammals in Portugal: A data set of terrestrial, volant, and marine mammal occurrences in Portugal.  Ecology,

Oliveira FG, Tapisso JT, Afonso BC, Pereira J, Neves T, von Merten S, Rychlik L, Mathias ML, Rychlik L. 2022. Dissimilar use of an external heat source for thermoregulation by shrews from different geographic regions. Journal of Thermal Biology,

von Merten S, Oliveira FG, Tapisso JT, Pustelnik A, Mathias ML, Rychlik L. 2022. Urban populations of shrews show larger among-individual behavioural differences than rural populations. Animal Behaviour,


Oliveira FG, Tapisso JT, von Merten S, Rychlik L, Fonseca PJ, Mathias ML. 2021. Behavioral responses of rural and urban greater white-toothed shrews (Crocidura russula) to sound disturbance. Urban Ecosystems,

von Merten S, Pfeile C, Künzel S, Hoier S, Tautz D. 2021. A humanized version of Foxp2 affects ultrasonic vocalization in adult female and male mice. Genes, Brain & Behavior,


Oliveira FG, Mathias ML, Rychlik L, Tapisso JT, von Merten S. 2020. Metabolic and behavioral adaptations of greater white toothed shrews to urban conditions. Behavioral Ecology,

von Merten S, Dingemanse NJ, Mathias ML, Rychlik L. 2020. Individual behavior, behavioral stability, and pace of life within and among five shrew species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology,

von Merten S, Siemers BM. 2020. Shrew twittering call rate is high in novel environments – a lab-study. Mammal Research,


Linnenbrink M, von Merten S. 2017. No speed dating please! Patterns of social preference in male and female house mice. Frontiers in Zoology,

von Merten S, Zwolak R, Rychlik L. 2017. Social personality: a more social shrew species exhibits stronger differences in personality types. Animal Behaviour, 127, 125-134,


Hoier S, Pfeifle C, von Merten S*, Linnenbrink M*. 2016. Communication at the Garden Fence – Context Dependent Vocalization in Female House Mice. PLoS ONE, 11(3): e0152255. * von Merten and Linnenbrink contributed equally to this work.


Zsebők S, Czabán D, Farkas J, Siemers BM, von Merten S. 2015. Acoustic Species Identification of Shrews: Twittering Calls for Monitoring. Ecological Informatics, 27, 1-10,


von Merten S, Hoier S, Pfeile C, Tautz D. 2014. A role for ultrasonic vocalisation in social communication and divergence of natural populations of the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus). PLoS ONE, 10(1): e97244.


Page RA*, von Merten S*, Siemers BM. 2012. Associative memory or algorithmic search: a  comparative study on learning strategies of bats and shrews. Animal Cognition, 15, 495-504, * Page and von Merten contributed equally to this work.

von Merten S, Siemers BM. 2012. Exploratory behaviour in shrews: fast-lived Sorex versus slow-lived Crocidura. Animal Behaviour, 84, 29–38,


Siemers BM, Schauermann G, Turni H, von Merten S. 2009. Why do shrews twitter? Communication or simple echo-based orientation. Biology Letters, 5, 593-596,


Winter Y, von Merten S, Kleindienst HU. 2005. Visual landmark orientation by flying bats at a large-scale touch and walk screen for bats, birds and rodents. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 141, 283-290,