Call FOr Abstracts

Dear All!
Abstract submission is open!
Presentations are invited on various topics, related to amphibians and reptiles. One person can submit one oral and/or one poster presentation as presenting author. Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee.
Submission of abstracts for oral presentations or posters should be made no later than May 31st 2017. Authors should indicate their preference for presentation type (oral or poster). Authors will be informed of the outcome of their submissions by June 15th 2017 the latest. All accepted abstracts will be published in the abstract book.
Abstracts must contain a clear statement of the purpose of the work, the methods used, the results, and conclusions. Results should be presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions drawn. Reviewers will be advised to reject abstracts that do not contain data, since it is very difficult to evaluate the suitability of these abstracts for presentation. The decision on acceptance/rejection by the scientific committee is final. Reviewers will decide whether abstracts are accepted (with amendments, if necessary) and, if accepted, whether they should be oral ppresentations or posters. They will also assign oral presentations to the most appropriate sessions for the symposium.
Length: Abstracts must not exceed 250 words in length excluding references, title, authors and affiliations.
Font: Times New Roman 12pt, Title and Authors Bold 14 pt
Line spacing: 1,5 Genera, species and subspecies: in italic
References in the running text:
…im Gewässer auftreten (Bauer 1998) …und sich dort laut Huber (2005) gerne in tieferen Lagen aufhalten …wofür es zahlreiche Belege gibt (Bauer et al. 1998, Huber & Mayer 2005)  
Reference List:
Example Journals: Meister, M. & J. Meister (2013): Wie zitiere ich richtig im Literaturverzeichnis.- Zeitschrift für Fließtext 6: 133-149.
Example Books: Josef, K. (2010): Der Prozess der Gelbbauchunke.- Prag (Studiosus-Verlag), 188 pp.
Abstracts can to be submitted as Open Office Textdocument (.odt) or MS Word Textdocument (.doc, .docx) to the Congress email-Adress:

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