Supported by OEAD, WTZ, ESF, ERASMUS and other institutions | ||
Researcher Researcher Researcher Researcher External collaborator | Franz Neubauer Manfred Bernroider Gertrude Friedl Johann Genser Sibila Borojević Šostarić, Technical University of Zagreb Vladica Cvetković, University of Belgrade Chris Heinrich, ETH Zürich Irena Peytcheva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Albrecht von Quadt, , ETH Zürich Bruno Tomljenović, Technical University of Zagreb Igor Vlahović, Technical University of Zagreb Yunpeng Dong, Northwest University Xi´an Xiaoming Liu, Northwest University, Xi´an | |
Project description | Together with Alps, the Southeast European Alpine Mountain belthas a peculiar arc-like structure with several intervening basins like the Pannonian basin. The mountain belt originates by the interaction continental microplate like the Adriatic plate and subduction and closure of the Penninic/Neo-Tethyan oceanic tracts. It can be considered as the playground of microplate interaction. Several basic concepts of tectonics were discovered and formulated in that region. The aim of this project is to reveal tectonic processes in mountains and associated basins and to study the consequences for ore and hydrocarbon deposit formation as well as for seismic hazard as tectonic processes are still ongoing. | |
Publications | 2014 Bartel, E.M., Neubauer, F., Heberer, B., Genser, J., 2014. States of paleostress north and south of the Periadriatic fault: Comparison of the Drau Range and the Friuli Southalpine wedge. Tectonophysics, 637, 305–327. Bartel, E.M., Neubauer, F., Heberer, B., Genser, J., 2014. A low-temperature ductile shear zone: The gypsum-dominated western extension of the brittle Fella-Sava Fault, Southern Alps. Journal of Structural Geology, 69, 18–31. Grba, N., Neubauer, F., Šajnović, K. Stojanović, K. Jovančićević, B., 2014. Heavy metals in Neogene sedimentary rocks as a potential geogenic hazard for sediment, soil, surface and groundwater contamination (eastern Posavina and Lopare Basin, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 16 p., Wagreich, M., Neubauer, F., 2014. The geological thinking of Eduard Suess (1831 – 1914) between basic research and application: an introduction. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 107/1, 4-5. Borojević Šoštarić, S., Palinkaš, A.L., Neubauer, F., Cvetković, V., Bernroider, M., Genser, J., 2014. The origin and age of the metamorphic sole from the Rogozna Mts., Western Vardar Belt: New support for the one-ocean model for the Balkan ophiolites. Lithos, 192–195, 39–55, 2013 NEUBAUER, F., BOJAR, A.-V., 2013. Origin of sediments during Cretaceous continent-continent collision in the Romanian South Carpathians: preliminary constraints from 40Ar/39Ar single-grain dating of detrital white mica. Geologica Carpathica, 56/5. CVETKOVIĆ, V., ŠARIĆ, K., PRELEVIĆ, D., GENSER, J., NEUBAUER, F., HOECK, V., VON QUADT, A., 2013. An anorogenic pulse in a typical orogenic setting: Geochemical and geochronological record in the East Serbian latest Cretaceous to Paleocene alkaline rocks. Lithos, YILMAZ Ş., AYSAL, N., GUNGÖR, Y., PEYTCHEVA, I., NEUBAUER, F., 2013. Geochemistry and U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of Metagranites in Istranca Zone, NW Pontides, Turkey: Implications for the Geodynamic Evolution of Cadomian Orogeny. Gondwana Research, BOROJEVIĆ ŠOŠTARIĆ, S., PALINKAŠ, A.L., NEUBAUER, F., HURAI, V., CVETKOVIĆ, V., ROLLER-LUTZ, Z., MANDIĆ, M, GENSER, J., 2013. Silver-base metal epithermal vein and listwanite hosted deposit Crnac, Rogozna Mts., Kosovo, Part II: A link between magmatic rocks and epithermal mineralization, structural and genetic model. Ore Geology Review, 50, 98–117. 2012 BOROJEVIĆ ŠOSTARIĆ, S., NEUBAUER, F., 2012. Principle rock types for radioactive waste repositories. Rudarsko-geološko-naftniZbornik, 24, 11–18. BOROJEVIĆ ŠOŠTARIĆ, S. NEUBAUER, F., HANDLER, R., PALINKAŠ, L. A., 2012. Variscan vs. Alpine tectonothermal events in NW-Dinarides: constraints from 40Ar/39Ar dating. GeologicaCarpathica, 63, 441–452. BOROJEVIĆ ŠOŠTARIĆ, S., CVETKOVIĆ, V., NEUBAUER, F., PALINKAŠ, LA., BERNROIDER, M., GENSER, J., 2012. Oligocene shoshonitic rocks of the Rogozna Mts. (Central Balkan Peninsula): evidence of petrogenetic links to the formation of Pb-Zn-Ag ore deposits. Lithos, 148, 176–195. 2011 – 2002 ÇELIK, Ö. F., MARZOLI, A., MARSCHIK, R., CHIARADIA, M., NEUBAUER, F., ÖZ, İ. 2011. Early–Middle Jurassic intra-oceanic subduction in the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan Ocean, Northern Turkey. Tectonophysics, 509, 120–134. PALINKAŠ, L., BOROJEVIĆ ŠOŠTARIĆ, STRMIĆPALINKAŠ, S., CRNJAKOVIĆ, M., NEUBAUER, F., MOLNÁR, F., BERMANEC, V., 2010. Volcanoes in the Adriatic Sea: Permo-Triassic magmatism on the Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform. ActaMineralogica-Petrographica Field Guide Series, 8, 1–15. BOROJEVIĆ-ŠOŠTARIĆ, S., PALINKAŠ, L.A., STRMIĆPALINKAŠ, S. ., BERMANEC, V., NEUBAUER, F., SPANGENBERG, J., PROCHASKA,W., 2009. Origin of siderite mineralization Petrova and Trgovska Gora Mts., NW Dinarides. Mineralogy and Petrolog, 97, 111–128. PEYTCHEVA, I., QUADT , A., NEUBAUER, F., FRANK, M., NEDIALKOV, R., HEINRICH, C., STRASHIMIROV, S., 2009.U-Pb dating, Hf-isotope characteristics and trace-REE-patterns of zircons from Medet porphyry copper deposit, Bulgaria: implications for timing, duration and sources of ore-bearing magmatism. Mineralogy and Petrology, 96, 19–41. DALLMEYER, R.D., NEUBAUER, F., FRITZ, H., 2008. The Meliata suture in the Carpathians: Regional significance and implications for the evolution of high-pressure wedges within collisional orogens. In: SIEGESMUND, S., FÜGENSCHUH, B. &FROITZHEIM, N. (Eds.) Tectonic Aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathian System. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 298, 101–115. RIESER, A.B., NEUBAUER, F., HANDLER, R., VELICHKOVA, S.H. & IVANOV, Z., 2008. 40Ar/39Ar age constraints on the timing of magmatic and hydrothermal events in the Panagyurishte region, Bulgaria. Swiss Journal of Geosciences. 101, 107–123, CLOETINGH, S., P. A. ZIEGLER, I. M. ARTEMIEVA, G. BADA, R. T. VAN BALEN, Z. BEN-AVRAHAM, J.-P. BRUN, H. P. BUNGHE, E. P. BUROV, R. CARBONELL, C. FACCENNA, A. FRIEDRICH, J. GALLERT, A. G. GREN, O. HEIDBACH, A. G. JONES, L. MATENCO, J. MOSAR, O. ONCKEN, C. PASCAL, G. PETERS, S. SLIAUPA, A. SOESOO, W. SPAKMAN, R. A. STEPHENSON, H. THYBO, T. TORSVIK, G. DE VICENTE, F. WENZEL, M. J. R. WORTEL, U. ACHAUER, A. ÁDÁM, A. BARABÁS, F. BEEKMAN, J. BEHRMANN, A. BEYLICH, J. M. BONOW, J. BRAUN, S. BUITER, L. CSONTOS, J. DEHLS, P. DÈZES, C. DINU, DOMBR, J. EBBING, E. EIDE, T. FANCSIK, L. FODOR, O. FREDIN, W. FRISCH, L. GEMMER, J. GENSER, G GRENERCZY, J. M. HAGEDOORN, SZ. HARANGI, HEGED, A. HELGE, B. HENDRIKS, F. HORVÁTH, E. HORVÁTH, G. A. HOUSEMAN, H. IGEL, P. JAPSEN, J. KISS, V. KLEMANN, J. KUHLEMANN, A. LANKREIJER, E. LARSEN, J. LAUTERJUNG, O. LONGVA, J. LUDDEN, E. LUNDIN, A. MADARASI, P. MAGUIRE, G. MOLNÁR, A. NÁDOR, J. NEGENDANK, F. NEUBAUER, A. NOVAK, O. OLESEN, P. T. OSMUNDSEN, C. PASCAL, C. PUIGDEFABREGAS, L. RISE, ZS. RUSZKICZAY-RÜDIGER, M. SACCHI, S. SCHMID, M. SMELROR, W. STACKEBRANDT, K. STALSBERG, R. STEEL, B. STEINBERGER, CS. SZABÓ, P. SZAFIÁN, L. SZARKA, B. SZÉKELY, O. SZTANÓ, M. TESAURO, A. THIEKEN, G. TIMÁR, L. TÓTH, J. VAN ENST, J. D. VAN WEES, G. VARGA, Z. WÉBER, M. WILSON, D. WOLF, 2007. TOPO-EUROPE: the Geoscience of Coupled Deep Earth – Surface Processes. Global and Planetary Change, 58, 1-118, PEYTCHEVA, I., VON QUADT, A., HEINRICH, C.A., NEDIALKOV, R., NEUBAUER, F. & MORITZ, R., 2007. The Medet and Assarel Cu-porphyry deposits in Central Srednogorie, SE Europe: were they a common magmatic and hydrothermal system? In: Andrews, C. et al.: Proceedings of the Ninth Biennal Meeting of the Society for Geology applied to Mineral Deposits Dublin, Ireland 20 th-23rd August 2007, 881–884. WIESINGER, M., NEUBAUER, F., VON QUADT, A., PEYTCHEVA, I., BERZA, T., 2007.Geochemical characteristics and age of the Surduc pluton (Upper Cretaceous), Romania: significance for Banatitemagmatism. In: Andrews, C. et al.: Proceedings of the Ninth Biennal Meeting of the Society for Geology applied to Mineral Deposits Dublin, Ireland 20 th-23rd August 2007, 913–916. ILIC, A., NEUBAUER, F. (2005): Tertiary to recent oblique convergence and wrenching of Inner Dinarides: constraints from a palaeostress study. Tectonophysics, 410, 465–484. NEUBAUER, F., LIPS, A., KOUZMANOV, K., LEXA, J., IVASCANU, P., 2005.:Subduction, slab detachment and mineralization: the Neogene in the Apuseni Mountains and eastern Carpathians. Ore Geology Reviews (GEODE Final issue), 27, 13–44. ILIC, A., NEUBAUER, F., HANDLER, R., 2005.Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic tectonics of Dinarides revisited: implications from 40Ar/39Ar dating of detrital white micas. Geology, 33/3, 233–236. HANDLER, R., VELICHKOVA, S.H., NEUBAUER, F. &IVANOV, Z. (2004): 40Ar/39Ar age constraints on the timing of the formation of Cu-Au deposits in the Panagyurishte region, Bulgaria. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrograph. Mitt. (Spec. issue GEODE-ABCD), 84/1, 119–132. VELICHKOVA, S.H., HANDLER, R., NEUBAUER, F. &IVANOV, Z. (2004): Variscan to Alpine tectonothermal evolution of the Central Srednogorie Zone, Bulgaria: constraints from 40Ar/39Ar analysis. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrograph. Mitt. (Spec. issue GEODE-ABCD), 84, 1.133–151. PEYTCHEVA, I., VONQUADT, A., OVTCHAROVA, M., HANDLER, R., NEUBAUER, F., SALNIKOVA, E., KOSTITSYN, Y., &SAROV, ST. &KOLCHEVA, K.: Metagranitoids from the eastern part of the Central Rhodopean Dome (Bulgaria): U-Pb, Rb-Sr and40Ar/39Ar timing of emplacement and exhumation and isotope-geochemical features. MineralogyandPetrology, 82, 1–31, NEUBAUER, F. &GENSER, J., 2004. Microfabric evolution of high-pressure rocks during subduction and exhumation: Sifnos, Aegean Sea. In: Chatzipetros, A.A. and Pavlidis, S.B. (Eds.): Proceedings 5th International Symposium on eastern Mediterranean Geology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 14 to 20 April, 2004, p. 143–146. NEUBAUER, F., HEINRICH, C. AND GEODE WORKING GROUP INCL. TOMEK, C., LIPS, A., NAKOV, R., QUADT, A. V., PEYTCHEVA, I., HANDLER, R. BONEV, I., IVASCANU, P., ROSU, E., IVANOV, Z., KAISER-ROHRMEIER, M. AND OTHERS, 2004. Late Cretaceous and Tertiary geodynamics and ore deposit evolution of the Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinarideorogen. In: Eliopoulos, D. et al. (ed.): Mineral Exploration and sustainabledevelopment.Millpress Rotterdam, p. 1133–1136. BLUNDELL, D., NEUBAUER, F.&VON QUADT, A., 2002.Preface. In: Blundell, D.J., NEUBAUER, F.&VON QUADT, A. (eds.): The timing and location of major ore deposits in an evolving orogen. Geological Society of London Special Publication, 204, vii–x. HEINRICH, Ch.A. &NEUBAUER, F. 2002. Cu-Au-Pb- Zn-Ag metallogeny of the Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinaride geodynamic province.MineraliumDeposita, 37: 533–540. NEUBAUER, F., 2002. Evolution of late Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic tectonic elements in central and southeast European Alpine mountain belts: review and synthesis.Tectonophysics, 352: 87–103. NEUBAUER, F., 2002. Contrasting Late Cretaceous to Neogene ore provinces in the Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinaride collision belt. In: BLUNDELL, D.J., NEUBAUER, F. &QUADT, A. (eds.): The timing and location of major ore deposits in an evolving orogen. Geological Society (London) Special Publication 204: 81–102. |
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