P.I.: PhD student Researcher Researcher External collaborator | Franz Neubauer & Johann Genser Wei Li Manfred Bernroider Gertrude Friedl Yunpeng Dong, Northwest University Xi´an Xiaoming Liu, Northwest University Xi´an Guoqing Han, Jilin University, Changchun YongjiangLiu, Jilin University, Changchun Guoqing Han, Jilin University, Changchun Shoumai Ren, Geological Survey of China, Beijing | |
Project description | The project aims to study the formation of sedimentary basins along the northern margin of the Tibetan plateau and the relationships to surrounding mountain belts including Altyn, Kunlun, Qimantagh and Qilian Mts. The principal goal is to clarify the mode of basin formation and the influence of mountain uplift to the basin infilling history. The Qaidam basin is Neogene to Recent sedimentary basin with thick, deformed Quaternary sediments. The formation of the Qaidam basin is likely related to overthrusting of Altyn- and Kunlun Mountains, forming a ramp basin. The surface uplift and mountain building has a strong impact to the global climate and caused aridification. | |
Publications | LI, W., NEUBAUER, F., LIU, Y., GENSER, J., REN, S., HAN, G., LIANG, C., 2013. Paleozoic evolution of the Qimantagh magmatic arcs, : constraints from LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon ages and implications for the subduction of the Qimantagh and Paleo-Tethyan Oceans, Eastern Kunlun Mountains: constraints from zircon dating of granitoids and modern river sands. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. DONG, Y., LIU, X., NEUBAUER, F., ZHANG, G. TAO, N., ZHANG, Y., ZHANG,X., LI, W., 2013. Timing of Paleozoic amalgamation between the North China and South China Blocks: Evidence from detrital zircon U-Pb ages. Tectonophysics, 586, 173-191, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2012.11.018. CAO, S., NEUBAUER, F., LIU, J., GENSER, J., LEISS, B., 2011:40Ar/39Ar geochronology and exhumation of metamorphic complex in Diancang Shan massif along the Ailao Shan-Red River belt, Yunan, southeastern Tibet, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42, 525–550. CAO, S., LIU, J., LEISS, B., NEUBAUER, F., GENSER, J., ZHAO, C., 2011. Oligo-Miocene shearing along the Ailao Shan–Red River shear zone: Constraints from structural analysis and zircon U/Pb geochronology of magmatic rocks in the Diancang Shan massif, SE Tibet, China. Gondwana Research, 19, 97–99. DONG, Y., GENSER, J., NEUBAUER, F., ZHANG, G., LIU,X., YANG, Z., HEBERER, B., 2011. U-Pb and 40Ar/39Argeochronological constraints on the exhumation history of the North Qinlingterrane, China. Gondwana Research, 19, 881–893. DONG, Y., ZHANG, G., HAUZENBERGER, C., NEUBAUER, F., YANG, Z., LIU X., 2011. Palaeozoic tectonics and evolutionary history of the Qinlingorogen: evidence from geochemistry and geochronology of ophiolite and related volcanic rocks. Lithos, 122, 39–56, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2010.11.011. DONG,Y., ZHANG, G., NEUBAUER, F., LIU, X., GENSER, J., HAUZENBERGER, C., 2011.Tectonic evolution of the Qinlingorogen, China: review and synthesis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 41, 213–237. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2011.03.002 DONG, Y., ZHANG, G., NEUBAUER, F., LIU, X., HAUZENBERGER, C., ZHOU, D., LI, W., 2011. Syn- and post-collisional granitoids in the Central Tianshanorogen: geochemistry, geochronology and implications for tectonic evolution. Gondwana Research, 19, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2011.01.013. NEUBAUER, F., LIU, Y., GENSER, J., RIESER, A. B., FRIEDL, G., GE, X., THÖNI, M., 2010. Unusual composition of extensional veins in a folded hypersaline lake infill: the Qaidam basin, China. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 103, 81–91. RIESER, A.B., NEUBAUER, F., LIU, Y., GENSER, J., 2010. Walking through geologic history across an incised anticline – a case study from the northern margin of the Tibetan plateau. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 103, 29–42. RIESER,A.B., BOJAR, A.-V., NEUBAUER,, F., GENSER, J., FRIEDL,,G., LIU, Y., GE, X., 2008.Monitoring Cenozoic climate evolution of northeastern Tibet: Preliminary results from the Qaidam basin, China. Int. J. Earth Sci..98, 1063–1075, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00531-008-0304-5. RIESER, A.B., NEUBAUER, F., LIU, Y., GENSER, J., HANDLER, R., GE, X.-H., FRIEDL, G., 2007.40Ar/39Ar dating of detrital white mica as a complementary tool for provenance analysis: a case study from the Cainozoic Qaidam Basin (China). In: Nichols, G., Williams, E., Paola, C. (Eds.): Sedimentary Processes, Environments and Basins – A Tribute to Peter Friend. Int. Assoc. Sed. Spec. Publ., 38, 301–325. LIU, Y.-L.,NEUBAUER, F., GENSER, J., GE, X.-H. AKIRA TAKASU, A., YUAN, S.H., CHANG, L.H., LI, W.-M., 2007. Geochronology of the initiation and displacement of the Altyn Strike-Slip Fault, western China. J. Asian Earth Sci., 29, 243–252. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seaes.2006.03.002. RIESER, A.B., LIU, Y., GENSER, J., NEUBAUER, F., HANDLER, R., FRIEDL, G., GE, X.H., 2006. 40Ar/39Ar ages of detrital white mica constrain the Cenozoic development of the intracontinentalQaidam Basin, China. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 118, 1522–1534, http://dx.doi.org/GSB25962. LIU Y., NEUBAUER, F., GENSER, J., TAKASU, A., GE, X., HANDLER, R., 2006.40Ar/39Ar ages of the blueschistfaciespeliticschists from Qingshuigou in the Northern Qilian Mountains, Western China.Island Arc, 15, 187-198. RIESER, A.B., LIU, Y., GENSER, J., NEUBAUER, F., HANDLER, R., GE, X.H., 2007.Uniform Permian 40Ar/39Ar detrital mica ages in the eastern Qaidam Basin (NW China): where is the source? Terra Nova, 18, 79–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.111/j.1365-3121.2005.00666.x BOJAR, A.-V., RIESER, A., NEUBAUER, F., BOJAR, H.-P., GENSER, J., LIU, Y. &GE, X.-H., 2005. Stable isotope amd mineralogical investigations of an arid Quaternary lacustrine paleoenvironment, Western Qaidam, China. Geological Quarterly, 49/2, 173–184. LIU, Y.,GENSER, J., NEUBAUER, F., JIN, W., GE, X., HANDLER, R., TAKASU, A., 2005. 40Ar/39Ar mineral ages from basement rocks in the Eastern Kunlun Mountains and their tectonic implications. Tectonophysics, 398: 199–224. RIESER, A., NEUBAUER, F., LIU, Y., GE, X., 2005.Sandstone provenance of north-western sectors of the intracontinental Cenozoic Qaidam basin, western China: tectonic vs. climatic control. Sedimentary Geology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2005.01.012. |
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