Univ-Prof. Dipl.-Biol. Dr. Stefan Dötterl

Referierte Zeitschriften 2024

Rupp, T.; Oelschlägel, B.; Berjano, R.; Mahfoud, H.; Buono, D.; Wenke, T.; Rabitsch, K.; Bächli, G.; Stanojlovic, V.; Cabrele, C.; Xiong, W.; Knaden, M.; Dahl, A.; Neinhuis, C.; Wanke, S. & Dötterl, S.: Chemical imitation of yeast fermentation by the drosophilid-pollinated deceptive trap-flower Aristolochia beatica (Aristolochiacea). Phytochemistry, Volume 224, 2024.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phytochem.2024.114142

Díaz Jiménez, P.; Dötterl, S.; Fuchs, R.; Perez-Farrera, M. A.; Aguilar-Rodríguez, P. A.: A new Spathiphyllum (Araceae) from Mexico segregated by its morphology and floral scent from closely related species. Taxon 73, 2 (2024), 436-446.  https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.13147

Höpflinger, M. C.; Barman, M.; Dötterl, S. & Tenhaken, R.: A novel 0-methyltransferase Cp4MP-OMT catalyses the final step in the biosynthesis of the volatile 1,4-dimethoxybenzene in pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) flowers. BMC Plant Biol 24, 294 (2024).  https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-024-04955-3

Schlager, M.; Neumayer, J.; Petermann, J. & Dötterl, S.: Effect of land-use intensity and adjacent semi-natural habitats on wild and honey bees of meadows. Apidologie 55, 17 (2024).  https://doi.org/10.1007/s13592-024-01056-w

Marotz-Clausen, G.; Gibernau, M.; Dötterl, S.: Where are volatiles produced in the highly synorganised inflorescence of Arum maculatum L.? Biochem. Syst. Ecol., 2024, 112.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bse.2023.104766

Referierte Zeitschriften 2023

Cordeiro, G.D., Dötterl, S. Global warming impairs the olfactory floral signaling in strawberry. BMC Plant Biol 23, 549 (2023).  https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-023-04564-6

Dötterl, S. and Gershenzon, J.: Chemistry, biosynthesis and biology of floral volatiles: roles in pollination and other functions. Nat. Prod. Rep., 2023, 1901-1937  https://doi.org/10.1039/D3NP00024A

Lukas, K.; Dötterl, S.; Ayasse, M.; & Burger, H.: Colletes hederae bees are equally attracted by visual and olfactory cues of inconspicuous Hedera helix flowers. Chemoecology 33, 135 – 143 (2023).  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00049-023-00392-0

Barman, M.; Tenhaken R.; Dötterl S.: A review on floral scents and pigments in cucurbits: Their biosynthesis and role in flower visitor interactions. Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 322.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2023.112402

Dötterl, S.; Chen, L. and Wen, P. (2023) Editorial: Methods in Chemical Ecology: 2022/23. Front. Eco. Evol. 11:1267179.  doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1267179

Wechselberger, K.; Dötterl, S.; Hann, P.; Schragl, C.; Kauschitz, J.; Wernicke, M.; Kamptner, A.; Seiter, M.; Eitzinger, J. and Shala-Mayrhofer, V.: Vergleich verschiedener Fallensysteme zur Durchführung eines Schnellkäfermonitorings in Österreich. Entomologica Austriaca 30: 35-48, 2023.

Cordeiro, G.D.; Dötterl, S. Floral Scents in Bee-Pollinated Buckwheat and Oilseed Rape under a Global Warming Scenario. Insects 2023, 14, 242.  https://doi.org/10.3390/insects14030242

Campos Dália Maia, A.; Dötterl, S.; Gomes Goncalves, E.; Silberbauer-Gottsberger, I.; Gottsberger, G.: Floral scent chemistry of sympatric species of Philodendron (Araceae) sharing a common pollinator in the fragmented coastal Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil. Flora Volume 300, 2023   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.flora.2023.152224

Gfrerer, E.; Laina, D.; Gibernau, M.; Comes, H. P.; Hörger, A. C. and Dötterl, S.: Variation in scent amount but not in composition correlates with pollinator visits within populations of deceptive Arum maculatum L. (Araceae). Front. Plant Sci. (2023)  Link

Nicht referierte Zeitschriften 2023

Schanz, D.; Dötterl, S.; Obermaier, E.: Die Wildbienenfauna (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) des Ökologisch-Botanischen Gartens der Universität Bayreuth. Veränderungen während der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte Blütenbesuchsverhalten und Ökologie ausgewählter Arten. Galathea Band 39, Beiträge des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen, 2023, S. 29-45. Schanz et al. 2023_Galathea_Bees Botanical Garden Bayreuth2022

Wallner, W.; Brandauer, S. S.; Neumayer, J.; Rupp, T.; Schlager, M. & Dötterl, S.: Nachweise neuer und wenig bekannter Bienenarten aus Salzburg (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). 3. Beitrag. Mitteilungen aus dem Haus der Natur. 28, 2023, 50-55  

Referierte Zeitschriften 2022

Etl, F.; Kaiser, Ch.; Reiser, O.; Schubert, M.; Dötterl, S.; Schönenberger, J.: Evidence for the recruitment of florivorous plant bugs as pollinators. Current Biology, 2022.  LINK

Díaz Jiménez, P.; Dötterl, S.; Fuchs, R.; Hentrich, H.; Pérez-Farrera, M. Á.; Vega, J. P. & Aguilar-Rodríguez, P. A.: Two new species of Spathiphyllum (Araceae) from Tabasco, Mexico with notes on their floral scent. Phytotaxa 566: 121-132.

Lehner, S.; Schulz, S.; Dötterl, S.: The mystery of the butterfly bush Buddleja davidii: How are the butterflies attracted? Front. Plant Sci. (2022) 13:994851. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.994851

Gfrerer, E.; Laina, D.; Wagner, R.; Gibernau, M.; Hörger, A. C.; Comes, H. P. and Dötterl, S.: Antennae of psychodid and sphaerocerid flies respond to a high variety of floral scent compounds of deceptive Arum maculatum L.: Sci Rep 12, 5086 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-08196-y

Tunes, P.; Dötterl, S. and Guimaraes, E.: Florivory and Pollination Intersection: Changes in Floral Trait Expression Do Not Discourage Hummingbird Pollination. Front. Plant Sci. (2022) 13:813418. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.813418

Etl, F.; Francke, W.; Schönenberger, J.; Dötterl, S.: Chemical Attraction of Gall Midge Pollinators (Cecidomyiidae: Cecidomyiinae) to Anthurium acutangulum (Araceae). J Chem Ecol 48, 263–269 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10886-022-01349-3

Sonnleitner, M.; Schoder, S.; Macek, O.; Leeb, Ch.; Bräuchler, Ch.; Haring, E.; Dötterl, S.; Eckelt, A.; Fauster, R.; Glatzhofer, E.; Graf, E.; Gros, P.; Heimburg, H.; Heiss, E.; Hinterstoisser, W.; Kirchweger, S.; Koblmüller, S.; Komposch, Ch.; Link, A.; Rabl, D.; Rupp, T.; Schlager, M.; Streinzer, M.; Strutzberg, H.; Timaeus, L.; Wagner, H. C.; Wiesmair, B.; Zimmermann D. & Szucsich N. U.: Beitrag der ABOL-BioBlitze zur österreichischen Biodiversitäts-Erfassung:DNA-Barcodes aus 2019 und 2020. Acta ZooBot Austria 158, 2022, 81-95.

Laina, D.; Gfrerer, E.; Scheurecker, V.; Fuchs, R.; Schleifer, M.; Zittra, C.; Wagner, R.; Gibernau, M.; Comes, H. P.; Hörger, A. C.; Dötterl, S.: Local Insect Availability Partly Explains Geographical Differences in Floral Visitor Assemblages of Arum maculatum L. (Araceae). Front. Plant Sci. 13:838391. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.838391

Nicht referierte Zeitschriften 2022

Stark, A.; Rupp, T.; Berjano, R.; Mahfoud, H.; Buono, D.; Wenke, T.; Rabitsch, K.; Wanke, S. & Dötterl, S.: Beschreibung einer neuen Art der Gattung Dysaletria Loew (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae) aus Untersuchungen von Aristolochia-Blüten in Spanien. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, 66, 2022/1.

Tribsch, A.; Habel, J.C. & Dötterl, S.: Die Biodiversität im Salzburger Land nimmt ab. JBZ arbeitspapiere 59: Salzburg morgen – Die Szenariostudie. Welche Entwicklungen werden Salzburg im Jahr 2040 prägen? 2022, 144-161.

Referierte Zeitschriften 2021

Asenbaum, J.; Schäffler, I.; Etl, F.; Dötterl, S.; Schönenberger, J.; Chartier, M.: Comparative Pollination Ecology of Five European Euphorbia Species. IJPS 182,8 (2021)

Brandt, K.; Dötterl, S.; Ramírez, R. R.; Etl, F.; Machado, I. C.; Navarro, D. M. D. A. F.; Dobler, D.; Reiser, O.; Ayasse, M.; Milet-Pinheiro, P.: Unraveling the Olfactory Biases of Male Euglossine Bees: Species-Specific Antennal Responses and Their Evolutionary Significance for Perfume Flowers. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:727471. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.727471

Braunschmid, H; Guilhot, R; Dötterl, S: Floral scent and pollinators of Cypripedium calceolus L. at different latitudes. Diversity, 31, 5 (2021)

Burger, H.; Marquardt, M.; Babucke, K.; Heuel, K. C.; Ayasse, M.; Dötterl, S.; Galizia, C. G.: Neural and behavioural responses of the pollen-specialist bee Andrena vaga to Salix odours. J Exp Biol (2021) 224 (13): jeb242166.

Cordeiro, GD; Liporoni, R; Caetano, CA; Krug, C; Martínez-Martínez, CA; Martins, HOJ; Cardoso, RKOA; Araujo, FF; Araújo, PCS; Oliveira, R; Schlindwein, C; Warrant, EJ; Dötterl, S; Alves-dos-Santos, I: Nocturnal bees as crop pollinators. Agronomy 2021, 11(5), 1014

Gfrerer, E.; Laina, D.; Gibernau, M.; Fuchs, R.; Happ, M.; Tolasch, T.; Trutschnig, W.; Hörger, A. C.; Comes, H. P.; Dötterl, S.: Floral scents of a deceptive plant are hyperdiverse and under population-specific phenotypic selection. Front. Plant Sci. 12:719092 (2021)

Gottsberger, G; Gottsberger, B; Silberbauer-Gottsberger, I; Stanojlovic, V; Cabrele, C; Dötterl, S: Imitation of fermenting fruits in beetle-pollinated Calycanthus occidentalis (Calycanthaceae), Flora, 274, 151732 (2021)

Heiduk, A.; Meve, U.; Menzel, F.; Haenni, J.-P.; von Tschirnhaus, M.; Dötterl, S.; Johnson, S. D.: Fly Pollination of Kettle Trap Flowers of Riocreuxia torulosa (Ceropegieae-Anisotominae): A Generalized System of Floral Deception. Plants 2021, 10(8), 1564

Jiménez, P. D.; Hentrich, H.; Dötterl, S.; Krömer, T.; MacSwiney G, M. Ch.; Aguilar-Rodríguez, A.: Reproductive biology of two Spathiphyllum (Araceae) species in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. Flora 2021 (285).

Martel, C; Rakosy, D; Dötterl, S; Johnson, S; Ayasse, M; Paulus, HF; Nilsson, LA; Mejlon, H; Jersáková, J: Specialization for tachinid fly pollination in the phenologically divergent varieties of the orchid Neotinea ustulata. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 659176 (2021)

Martínez-Martínez, C. A.; Cordeiro, G. D.; Martins, H. O. J.; Kobal, R. O. A. C.; Milet-Pinheiro, P.; Stanton, M. A.; Franco, E. L.; Krug, C.; Mateus, S.; Schllindwein, C.; Dötterl, S.; Alves-dos-Santos, I.: Floral Volatiles: A Promising Method to Access the Rare Nocturnal and Crepuscular Bees. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 676743 (2021)

Milet-Pinheiro, P; Domingos-Melo, A; de Oliveira Júnior, JD; de Albuquerque, NSL; da Costa, ACG; de Lima, SA; da Silva, MFR; Navarro, DMdAF; Maia, ACD; Gundersen, LL; Schubert, M; Dötterl, S; Machado, IC: A semivolatile floral scent marks the shift to a novel pollination system in bromeliads. Current Bioloy, 31, 860-868 (2021)

Milet-Pinheiro, P.; Santos, P. S. C.; Prieto-Benitez, S.; Ayasse, M.; Dötterl, S.: Differential Evolutionary History in Visual and Olfactory Floral Cues of the Bee-Pollinated Genus Campanula (Campanulaceae). Plants 2021, 10(7), 1356

More, M.; Soteras, F.; Ibanez, A. C.; Dötterl, S.; Cocucci, A. A.; Raguso, R. A.: Floral Scent Evolution in the Genus Jaborosa (Solanaceae): Influence of Ecological and Environmental Factors. Plants 2021, 10(8), 1512

Rupp, T.; Oelschlägel, B.; Rabitsch, K.; Mahfoud, H.; Wenke, T.; Disney, R. H. L.; Neinhuis, Ch.; Wanke, S.; Dötterl, S.: Flowers of Deceptive Aristolochia microstoma Are Pollinated by Phorid Flies and Emit Volatiles Known From Invertebrate Carrion. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 658441 (2021)

Ruprecht, U; Socher, SA; Dötterl, S: Unexpected occurrence of Cladosporium spp. on the inner side of the spathe of the titan arum, Amorphophallus titanum. Acta Mycologica (In Press)

Sladacek, FXJ; Dötterl, S; Schäffler, I; Segar, ST; Konvicka, M: Succession of dung-inhabiting beetles and flies reflects the succession of dung-emitted volatile compounds. Journal of chemical Ecology 47, 433-443 (2021)

Stamm, P; Etl, F; Maia, ACD; Dötterl, S; Schulz, S: Synthesis, absolute configuration and biological activity of floral scent compounds from night-blooming Araceae. The Journal of Organic Chemistry (In Press)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2020

Aguilar-Rodríguez, PA; Jiménez, PD; Espejo-Serna, A; López-Ferrari, AR; Hentrich, H; Dötterl, S; Yovel, Y; Macswiney-G, MC: A new Werauhia (Tillandsioideae, Bromeliaceae) from Mexico with observations about its reproductive biology. Phytotaxa, 446, 128-134 (2020)

Brandt, K; Machado, IC; Navarro, DMDAF; Dötterl, S; Ayasse, M; Milet-Pinheiro, P: Sexual dimorphism in floral scents of the neotropical orchid Catasetum arietinum and its possible ecological and evolutionary significance, AoB PLANTS, 12, plaa030 (2020)

Braunschmid, H; Dötterl, S: Does the rarity of a flower´s scent phenotype in a deceptive orchid explain its pollination success? Frontiers in Plant Science. 11, 584081 (2020)

de Araujo, FF; de Cássia Souza Araújo, P; Siqueira, E; Alves-dos-Santos, I; Oliveira, R; Dötterl, S; Schlindwein, C:  Nocturnal bees exploit but do not pollinate flowers of a common bat-pollinated tree, Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 14, 785-797. (2020)

Gottsberger, G; Silberbauer-Gottsberger, I; Dötterl, S: Distant populations of a Xanthosoma (Araceae) species have different floral scents but the same cyclocephaline beetle pollinators. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 34, 580-588. (2020)

Hentrich, H; Dick, A; Hagenguth, L; Preiß, L; Scherr, J; Schlumpberger, B; Dötterl, S; Schäffler, I; Gerlach, G; Gottsberger, G: Paphinia Lindl. (Orchidaceae: Stanhopeinae) – a genus of scentless perfume orchids? Proceedings of the World Orchid Conference 22 (2020)

Lukas, K; Dötterl, S; Ayasse, M; Burger, H: Olfactory and visual floral signals of Hedera helix and Heracleum sphondylium involved in host finding by nectar-foraging social wasp, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 571454 (2020)

Raspotnig, G; Anderl, F; Kunert, O; Schaider, M; Brückner, A; Schubert, M; Dötterl, S; Fuchs, R; Leis, HJ: A novel class of defensive compounds in harvestmen: hydroxy-γ-lactones from the phalangiid Egaenus convexus. Journal of Natural Products, 83, 3278-3286 (2020)

Xu, H; Zhou, G; Dötterl, S; Schäffler, I; Degen, T; Chen, L; Turlings, TC: Distinct roles of cuticular aldehydes as pheromonal cues in two Cotesia parasitoids. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 46, 128-137 (2020)

Nicht referierte Zeitschriften 2020

Schoder, S; Dötterl, S; Papenberg E: Wild, parasitisch und königlich –Bienen (Apiformes). Carinthia II, 130, 34 (2020)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2019

Brandt, K; Dötterl, S; Fuchs, R; Navarro, DMDAF; Machado, ICS; Dobler, D; Reiser, O; Ayasse, M; Milet-Pinheiro, P:  Subtle chemical variations with strong ecological significance: stereoselective response of male orchid bees to stereoisomers of carvone epoxide. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 45, 464-473 (2019)

Cordeiro, GD; Fernandes dos Santos, IG; Inês da Silva, C; Schlindwein, C; Alves-dos-Santos, I; Dötterl, S: Nocturnal floral scent profiles of Myrtaceae fruit crops. Phytochemistry, 162, 193-198 (2019)

Dellinger, AS; Scheer, LM; Artuso, S; Fernández-Fernández, DM; Sornoza, F;  Penneys, DS; Tenhaken, R; Dötterl, S; Schönenberger, J: Bimodal pollination systems in Andean Melastomataceae involving birds, bats and rodents. American Naturalist, 194, 104-116 (2019)

Etl, F; Brandauer, SS; Brandauer, P; Prader, S; Neier, V; Dötterl, S; Schönenberger, J: Flower visitors of Calathea lutea (Marantaceae): The roleof the hummingbird Threnetes ruckeri. Acta ZooBot Austria, 156, 183-196 (2019)

Heiduk, A; Haenni, JP; Meve, U;  Schulz, S; Dötterl, S:  Flower scent of Ceropeg­ia stenantha: electrophysiological activity and synthesis of novel components. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 205, 301-310 (2019)

Lukas, K; Harig, T; Schulz, S; Hadersdorfer, J; Dötterl, S: Flowers of European pear release common and uncommon volatiles that can be detected by honey bee pollinators. Chemoecology, 29, 211-223 (2019)

Maia, ACD; Grimm, C; Schubert, M; Etl, F; Gomes Gonçalves, E; Navarro, DMAF; Schulz, S; Dötterl, S:  Novel floral scent compounds from night-blooming Araceae pollinated by cyclocephaline scarabs (Melolonthidae, Cyclocephalini). Journal of Chemical Ecology, 45, 204-213 (2019)

Correction to: Maia, ACD; Grimm, C; Schubert, M; Etl, F; Gomes Gonçalves, E; Navarro, DMAF; Schulz, S; Dötterl, S:  Novel floral scent compounds from night-blooming Araceae pollinated by cyclocephaline scarabs (Melolonthidae, Cyclocephalini). Journal of Chemical Ecology, 45, 214-215 (2019)

Paiva, EAS; Dötterl, S; De-Paula, OC; Schlindwein, C; Souto, LC; Vitarelli, NC; Inês da Silva, C; Mateus, S; Alves-dos-Santos, I; Oliveira, DMT:  Osmophores of Caryocar brasiliense (Caryocaraceae): a particular structure of the androecium that releases an unusual scent. Protoplasma, 256, 971-981 (2019)

Rachersberger, M; Cordeiro, GD; Schäffler, I; Dötterl, S: Honeybee pollinators use visual and floral scent cues to find apple (Malus domestica) flowers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67, 13221-13227 (2019)

Xu, H; Zhou, G; Dötterl, S; Schäffler, I; von Arx, M; Röder, G; Degen, T; Chen, L; Turlings, TC: The combined use of an attractive and a repellent sex pheromonal component by a gregarious parasitoid. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 45, 559-569 (2019)

Zito, P; Tavella, F; Pacifico, D; Campanella, V; Sajeva, M; Carimi, F; Ebmer, AW; Dötterl, S: Interspecific variation of inflorescence scents and insect visitors in Allium (Amaryllidaceae – Allioideae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 305, 727-741 (2019)

Nicht referierte Zeitschriften 2019

Weber, A.; Gerlach, G.; Dötterl, S.: Die großen wissenschaftlichen Leistungen von Stefan Vogel (1925-2015) Teil 5b. Öl statt Nektar – die Ölblumen (dikotyle Vertreter). Der Palmengarten 82, 2 (Nov. 2019), 48-65

Weber, A.; Gerlach, G.; Dötterl, S.: Die großen wissenschaftlichen Leistungen von Stefan Vogel (1925-2015) Teil 5a. Öl statt Nektar – die Ölblumen (Allgemeine Aspekte). Der Palmengarten 82, 1 (Juli 2019), 49-61

Referierte Zeitschriften 2018

Gottsberger, G; Silberbauer-Gottsberger, I; Webber, AC; Dötterl, S: Populations of Unonopsis guatterioides (Annonaceae) in Amazonas and Minas Gerais, Brazil, potentially represent different species: Floral scent, flower characters and pollinators revisited. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 78, 17-20 (2018)

Guimarães, E; Tunes, P; de Almeida Junior, LD; Di Stasi, LC; Dötterl, S; Machado, SR: Nectar replaced by volatile secretion: a potential new role for nectarless flowers in a bee-pollinated plant species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1243. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01243 (2018)

Heethoff, M; Brückner, A; Schmelzle, S; Schubert, M; Bräuer, M; Meusinger, R; Dötterl, S; Norton, RA; Raspotnig, G: Life as a fortress – structure, function, and adaptive values of morphological and chemical defense in the oribatid mite Euphthiracarus reticulatus (Actinotrichida). BMC Zoology, 3:7 (2018)

Junker,  RR; Kuppler, J; Amo, L; Blande, JD; Borges, RM; van Dam, NM; Dicke, M; Dötterl, S; Ehlers, B; Etl, F; Gershenzon, J; Glinwood, R; Gols, R; Groot, AT; Heil, M; Hoffmeister, M; Holopainen, JK; Jarau, S; John, L; Kessler, A; Knudsen, JT; Kost, C; Larue-Kontic, AAC; Leonhardt, SD; Lucas-Barbosa, D; Majetic, CJ; Menzel, F; Parachnowitsch, AL; Pasquet, RS; Poelman, EH; Raguso, RA; Ruther, J; Schiestl, FP; Schmitt, T; Tholl, D; Unsicker, SB; Verhulst, N; Visser, ME; Weldegergis, BT; Köllner, TG: Co-variation and phenotypic integration in chemical communication displays: biosynthetic constraints and eco-evolutionary implications. New Phytologist, 220, 739-749 (2018)

Krug, C; Cordeiro, C; Schäffler, I; Inês Silva, C; Oliveira, R; Schlindwein, C; Dötterl, S; Alves-dos-Santos, I: Nocturnal bee pollinators are attracted to guarana flowers by their scents. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1072. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01072 (2018)

Marotz-Clausen, G; Jürschik, S; Fuchs, R; Schäffler, I; Sulzer, P; Gibernau, M; Dötterl, S: Incomplete synchrony of inflorescence scent and temperature patterns in Arum maculatum L. (Araceae). Phytochemistry, 154, 77-84 (2018)

Siqueira, E; Oliveira, R; Dötterl, S; Cordeiro, GD; Alves-dos-Santos, I; Mota, T; Schlindwein, C:  Pollination of Machaerium opacum (Fabaceae) by nocturnal and diurnal bees. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 12, 633–645 (2018)

Teichert, H; Dötterl, S; Gottsberger, G: Scent emissions and floral nutrients of Carludovicoideae (Cyclanthaceae)  and their importance for associated beetles. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 304, 831–839 (2018)

Zito, P; Tavella, F; Sajeva, M; Carimi, F; Dötterl, S: Inflorescence scents of Calendula maritima, C. suffruticosa subsp. fulgida, and their hybrid. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 179, 415-421 (2018)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2017

Brandt, K; Dötterl, S; Francke, W; Ayasse, M; Milet-Pinheiro, P: Flower visitors of Campanula: are oligoleges more sensitive to host-specific floral scents than polyleges? Journal of Chemical Ecology, 43, 4-12 (2017)

Braunschmid, H; Mükisch, B; Rupp, T; Schäffler, I; Zito, P; Birtele, D; Dötterl, S: Interpopulation variation in pollinators and floral scent of the lady´s-slipper orchid Cypripedium calceolus L. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 11, 363–379 (2017)

Cordeiro, GD; Pinheiro, M; Dötterl, S; Alves-dos-Santos, I: Pollination of Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae) by night-active bees: a new nocturnal pollination system mediated by floral scent. Plant Biology, 19, 132-139 (2017)

Etl, F; Franschitz, A; Aguiar, AJC; Schönenberger, J; Dötterl, S: A perfume-collecting male oil bee? Evidences of a novel pollination system involving Anthurium acutifolium (Araceae) and Paratetrapedia chocoensis (Apidae, Tapinotaspidini). Flora, 232, 7-15 (2017)

Gonçalves-Souza, P; Schlindwein, C; Dötterl, S; Paiva, EAS: Unveiling the osmophores of Philodendron adamantinum (Araceae) as a means to understanding interactions with pollinators. Annals of Botany, 119, 533-543 (2017)

Heiduk, A; Brake, I; v. Tschirnhaus, M; Haenni, JP; Miller, R; Hash, J; Prieto-Benítez, S; Jürgens, A; Johnson, SD; Schulz, S; Liede-Schumann, S; Meve, U; Dötterl, S:  Floral scent and pollinators of Ceropegia trap flower. Flora, 232, 169-182 (2017)

Helletsgruber, C; Dötterl, S; Ruprecht, U; Junker, RR: Epiphytic bacteria alter floral scent emissions. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 43, 1073-1077 (2017)

Oliveira, PE; Tomé, CER; Torezan-Silingardi, HM; Dötterl, S; Silberbauer-Gottsberger, I; Gottsberger, G: Differential pollination modes between distant populations of Unonopsis guatterioides (Annonaceae) in Minas Gerais and Amazonas, Brazil. Flora, 232, 39-46 (2017)

Ollerton, J; Dötterl, S; Ghorpadé, K; Heiduk, A; Liede-Schumann, S; Masinde, S; Meve, U; Peter, CI; Prieto-Benítez, P; Punekar, S; Thulin, M; Whittington, A: Diversity of Diptera families that pollinate Ceropegia (Apocynaceae) trap flowers: an update in light of new data and phylogenetic analyses. Flora, 234, 233-244 (2017)

Schiebold, JMI; Feulner, M; Dötterl, S; Lauerer, M: High congruence of intraspecific variability in floral scent and genetic patterns in Gentianella bohemica Skalický (Gentianaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 71, 50-58 (2017)

Nicht referierte Zeitschriften und Reihen 2017

Neumayer, J; Wallner, W; Dötterl, S: Nachweise neuer und wenig bekannter Bienenarten aus Salzburg. Mitteilungen aus dem Haus der Natur, 24, 5-11 (2017)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2016

Dötterl, S; Vater, M; Rupp, T; Held, A: Ozone differentially affects perception of volatiles in western honey bees. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 42, 486-489 (2016)

Etl, F; Berger, A; Weber, A; Schönenberger, J; Dötterl, S: Nocturnal plant bugs use cis-jasmone to locate inflorescences of an Araceae as feeding and mating site (Heteroptera: Miridae). Journal of Chemical Ecology, 42, 300-304 (2016)

Heiduk, A; Brake, I; von Tschirnhaus, M; Göhl, M; Jürgens, A; Johnson, SD; Meve, U; Dötterl, S: Ceropegia sandersonii mimics attacked honey bees to attract kleptoparasitic flies for pollination. Current Biology, 26, 2787–2793 (2016)

Jersáková, J; Spaethe, J; Streinzer, M; Neumayer, J; Paulus, H; Dötterl, S; Johnson, SD: Does the globe orchid dupe its pollinators through generalized food deception or mimicry? Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 180, 269-294 (2016)

Oelschlägel, B; von Tschirnhaus, M; Nuss, M; Nikolić, T; Wanke, S; Dötterl, S; Neinhuis, C: Spatio-temporal patterns in pollination of deceptive Aristolochia rotunda L. (Aristolochiaceae). Plant Biology, 18, 928–937 (2016)

Milet-Pinheiro, P; Herz, K; Dötterl, S; Ayasse, M: Host choice in a bivoltine bee: how sensory constraints shape innate foraging behaviors. BMC Ecology, 16:20 (2016)

Prieto-Benítez, S; Dötterl, S; Giménez-Benavides, L: Circadian rhythm of a Silene species favors nocturnal pollination and constrains diurnal visitation. Annals of Botany, 118, 907-918 (2016)

Prieto-Benítez, S; Millanes, AM; Dötterl, S; Giménez-Benavides, L: Comparative analyses of flower scent in Sileneae reveal a contrasting phylogenetic signal between night and day emissions. Ecology and Evolution, 6, 7869–7881 (2016)

Zito, P; Scrima, A; Sajeva, M; Carimi, F; Dötterl, S: Dimorphism in inflorescence scent of dioecious wild grapevine. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 66, 58-62 (2016)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2015

Fischer, K; Karl, I; Heuskin, S; Janowitz, S; Dötterl, S: Kin recognition and inbreeding avoidance in a butterfly. Ethology, 121, 977-984 (2015)

Heiduk, A; Kong, H; Brake, I; von Tschirnhaus, M; Tolasch, T; Tröger, AG; Wittenberg, E; Francke, W; Meve, U; Dötterl, S: 2015. Deceptive Ceropegia dolichophylla fools its kleptoparasitic fly pollinators with exceptional floral scent. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3:66. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00066 (2015)

Kathirithamby, J; Hrabar, M; Delgado, JA; Collantes, F; Dötterl, S; Windsor, D; Gries, G: We do not select nor are we choosy: a case study of reproductive synchrony in Strepsiptera. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 116, 221-238 (2015)

Milet-Pinheiro, P; Ayasse, M; Dötterl, S: Visual and olfactory floral cues of Campanula (Campanulaceae) and their significance for host recognition by an oligolectic bee pollinator. PLOS ONE 10(6): e0128577. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0128577 (2015)

Milet-Pinheiro, P; Navarro, DMdAF; Dötterl, S; Carvalho, AT; Pinto, CE; Ayasse, M; Schlindwein, C: Pollination biology in the dioecious orchid Catasetum uncatum: how does floral scent influence the behavior of pollinators? Phytochemistry 116: 149-161 (2015)

Mitchell, TC; Dötterl, S; Schaefer, H: Hawk-moth pollination and elaborate petals in Cucurbitaceae: The case of the Caribbean endemic Linnaeosicyos amara. Flora 216: 50–56 (2015)
Oelschlägel, B; Nuss, M; von Tschirnhaus, M; Pätzold, C; Neinhuis, C; Dötterl, S; Wanke, S: The betrayed thief – the extraordinary strategy of Aristolochia rotunda to deceive its pollinators. New Phytologist, 206, 342-351 (2015)

Prieto-Benítez, S; Dötterl, S; Giménez-Benavides, L: Diel variation in flower scent reveals poor consistency of diurnal and nocturnal pollination syndromes in Sileneae.  Journal of Chemical Ecology, 41, 1095-1104 (2015)

Schäffler, I; Steiner, KE; Haid, M; van Berkel, SS; Gerlach, G; Johnson, SD; Wessjohann, L; Dötterl, S: Diacetin, a reliable cue and private communication channel in a specialized pollination system. Scientific Reports 5, 12779: doi:10.1038/srep12779 (2015)

Zito, P; Dötterl, S; Sajeva, M: Floral volatiles in a sapromyiophilous plant and their importance in attracting house fly pollinators. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 41, 340-349 (2015)

Nicht referierte Zeitschriften und Reihen 2015

Feulner, M; Lauerer, M; Dötterl, S: Es stinkt! Komponenten im Blütenduft von Orchidantha fimbriata. Der Palmengarten, 79, 52-58 (2015)

Dötterl, S: Nachruf Dr. Peter Hartmann. Berichte der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Bayreuth, 27, 537-539 (2015)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2014

Ayasse, M; Dötterl, S: The role of preadaptations or evolutionary novelties for the evolution of sexually deceptive orchids. New Phytologist, 203, 710-712 (2014)

Carvalho, AT; Dötterl, S; Schlindwein, C:  An aromatic volatile attracts oligolectic bee pollinators in an interdependent bee-plant relationship. Journal of Chemical Ecology,40, 1126-1134 (2014)

Castillo, DM; Kula, AAR; Dötterl, S; Dudash, MR; Fenster, CB: Invasive Silene latifolia may benefit from a native pollinating seed predator, Hadena ectypa, in North America. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 175, 80-91 (2014)

de Vega, C; Herrera, CM; Dötterl, S: Floral volatiles play a key role in a specialized ant pollination system. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 16, 32-42 (2014)

Dötterl, S; Glück, U; Jürgens, U; Woodring, J; Aas, G: Floral reward, advertisement and attractiveness to honey bees in dioecious Salix caprea. PLOS ONE, 9(3): e93421. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093421 (2014)

Feulner, M; Pointner, S; Heuss, L; Aas, G; Paule, J; Dötterl, S: Floral scent and its correlation with AFLP data in Sorbus. Organisms Diversity and Evolution, 14, 339-348 (2014)

Jürgens, A; Glück, U; Aas, G; Dötterl, S: Diel fragrance pattern correlates with olfactory preferences of diurnal and nocturnal flower visitors in Salix caprea (Salicaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 175, 624-640 (2014)

Pereira, J; Schlindwein, C; Antonini, Y; Maia, ACD; Dötterl, S; Martins, C; Navarro, DMAF; Oliveira, R:  Philodendron adamantinum (Araceae) lures its single cyclocephaline scarab pollinator with specific dominant floral scent volatiles. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 111, 679-691 (2014)

Zito, P; Sajeva, M; Raspi, A; Dötterl, S: Dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide: so similar yet so different in evoking biological responses in saprophilous flies. Chemoecology, 24, 261-267 (2014)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2013

Burger, H; Ayasse, M; Dötterl, S; Kreissl, S; Galizia, CG: Perception of floral volatiles involved in host-plant finding behaviour: comparison of a bee specialist and generalist, Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 199, 751-761 (2013)

Gottsberger, G; Silberbauer-Gottsberger, I; Dötterl, S: Pollination and floral scent differentiation in species of the Philodendron bipinnatifidum complex (Araceae), Plant Systematics and Evolution, 299, 793–809 (2013)

Liede-Schumann, S; Dötterl, S; Gebauer, M; Meve, U: A RAPD study of the Sarcostemma group of Cynanchum (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae-Asclepiadeae), Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 13, 15-31 (2013)

Maia, ACD; Gibernau, M; Dötterl, S; Navarro, DMAF; Seifert, K; Müller, T; Schlindwein, C: The floral scent of Taccarum ulei (Araceae): attraction of scarab beetle pollinators to an unusual aliphatic acyloin, Phytochemistry, 93, 71-78 (2013)

Milet-Pinheiro, P; Ayasse, M; Dobson, HEM; Schlindwein, C; Francke, W: Dötterl, S: The chemical basis of host-plant recognition in a specialized pollinator, Journal of Chemcal Ecology, 39, 1347-1360 (2013)

Schneider, MA; Dötterl, S; Seifert, K: Diastereoselective synthesis of a lilac aldehyde isomer and its electrophysiological detection by a moth, Chemistry & Biodiversity, 10, 1252-1259 (2013)

Bücher und Buchkapitel 2013

Dötterl, S: Wie Blumen sprechen: das Ölblume-Ölbiene-Bestäubungssystem, In: Die Vielfalt des Lebens edited by E. Beck. Wiley-VHC Verlag & Co. KGaA. (2013)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2012

Braun, M; Dötterl, S; Schlindwein, C; Gottsberger, G: Can nectar be a disadvantage? Contrasting pollination natural histories of two woody Violaceae from the Neotropics, International Journal Plant Sciences, 173, 161-171 (2012)

Burger, H; Dötterl, S; Häberlein, CM; Schulz, S; Ayasse, M: An arthropod deterrent attracts specialised bees to their host plants, Oecologia, 168, 727–736 (2012)

Dötterl, S; David, A; Boland, W; Silberbauer-Gottsberger, I; Gottsberger, G: Evidence for behavioral attractiveness of methoxylated aromatics in a dynastid scarab beetle-pollinated Araceae, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 38, 1539–1543 (2012)

Dötterl, S; Jahreiß, K; Jhumur, US; Jürgens, A: Temporal variation of flower scent in Silene otites (Caryophyllaceae): a species with a mixed pollination system, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 169, 447-460 (2012)

Gottsberger, G; Silberbauer-Gottsberger, I; Seymour, RS; Dötterl, S: Pollination ecology of Magnolia ovata may explain the overall large flower size of the genus, Flora, 207, 107-118 (2012)

Lunau, K; Dötterl, S; Eltz, T: Attraction of Euglossa igniventris females to odorous substances, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie, 16, 305-308 (2012)

Maia, ACD; Dötterl, S; Kaiser, R; Silberbauer-Gottsberger, I; Teichert, H; Gibernau, M; Navarro, DMAF; Schlindwein, C; Gottsberger, G: The key role of 4-methyl-5-vinylthiazole in the attraction of scarab beetle pollinators: a unique olfactory floral signal shared by Annonaceae and Araceae, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 38, 1072-1080 (2012)

Milet-Pinheiro, P; Ayasse, M; Schlindwein, C; Dobson, HEM; Dötterl, S: Host location by visual and olfactory floral cues in an oligolectic bee: innate and learned behavior, Behavioral Ecology, 23, 531-538 (2012)

Schäffler, I; Balao, F; Dötterl, S: Floral and vegetative cues in oil and non-oil secreting Lysimachia species, Annals of Botany, 110, 125-138 (2012)

Schiestl, FP; Dötterl, S: The evolution of floral scent and olfactory preferences in pollinators: coevolution or pre-existing bias?, Evolution, 66, 2042-2055 (2012)

Teichert, H; Dötterl, S; Frame, D; Kirejtshuk, A; Gottsberger, G: A novel pollination mode, saprocantharophily, in Duguetia cadaverica (Annonaceae): a stinkhorn (Phallales) flower mimic, Flora, 207, 522-529 (2012)

Tolasch, T; Kehl, S; Dötterl, S: First sex pheromone of the order Strepsiptera: (3R,5R,9R)-3,5,9-Trimethyldodecanal in Stylops melittae KIRBY, 1802, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 38, 1493–1503 (2012)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2011

Balao, F; Herrera, J; Talavera, S; Dötterl, S: Spatial and temporal patterns of floral scent emission in Dianthus inoxianus and electroantennographic responses of its hawkmoth pollinator, Phytochemistry, 72, 601-609 (2011)

Braun, M; Dötterl, S; Gottsberger, G: Absence of pollinators and apomictic fruit production in an Atlantic rainforest population of Cymbopetalum brasiliense (Annonaceae), Plant Systematics and Evolution, 296, 265-273 (2011)

Dötterl, S; Milchreit, K; Schäffler, I: Behavioural plasticity and sex differences in host finding of a specialized bee species, Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 197, 1119-1126 (2011)

Feulner, M; Schuhwerk, F; Dötterl, S: Taxonomical value of inflorescense scent in Hieracium s. str., Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 39, 732-743 (2011)

Jersáková, J; Malinová, T; Jeřábková, K; Dötterl, S: Biological Flora of the British Isles: Pseudorchis albida (L.) Á. et D. Löve, Journal of Ecology, 99, 1282-1298 (2011)

Johnson, S D; Burgoyne, PM; Harder, LD; Dötterl, S: Mammal pollinators lured by the scent of a parasitic plant, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 278, 2303-2310 (2011)  see also Press release

Junker, RR; Bretscher, S; Dötterl, S; Blüthgen, N: Phytochemical cues affect hunting site choices of a nursery web spider (Pisaura mirabilis) but not of a crab spider (Misumena vatia), Journal of Arachnology, 39, 113-117 (2011)

Junker, RR; Daehler, CC; Dötterl, S; Keller, A; Blüthgen, N: Ant-flower networks in Hawai’i: nectar-thieving ants prefer undefended native over introduced plants with floral defenses, Ecological Monographs, 81, 295-311 (2011)

Junker, RR; Loewel, C; Gross, R; Dötterl, S; Keller, A; Blüthgen, N: Composition of epiphytic bacterial communities differs on petals and leaves, Plant Biology, 13, 918-924 (2011)

Schäffler, I; Dötterl, S: A day in the life of an oil bee: Phenology, nesting & foraging behavior, Apidologie, 42, 409-424 (2011)

Steiner, KE; Kaiser, R; Dötterl, S: Strong phylogenetic effects on floral scent variation of oil-secreting orchids in South Africa, American Journal of Botany, 98, 1663-1679 (2011)  see also Press release

Teichert, H; Dötterl, S; Gottsberger, G: Heterodichogamy and nitidulid beetle pollination in Anaxagorea prinoides, an early-divergent Annonaceae, Plant Systematics and Evolution, 291, 25-33 (2011)

Bücher und Buchkapitel 2011

Dafni, A; Marom-Levy, T; Jürgens, A; Dötterl, S; Shimrat, Y; Dorchin, A; Kirkpatrick, EH; Witt, T: Ambophily and „super generalism“ in Ceratonia siliqua (Fabaceae) pollination., , In: Evolution of Plant-Pollinator Interactions edited by S. Patiny. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (2011)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2010

Burger, H; Ayasse, M; Häberlein, CM; Schulz, S; Dötterl, S: Echium and Pontechium specific floral cues for host-plant recognition by the oligolectic bee Hoplitis adunca, South African Journal of Botany, 76, 788-795 (2010)

Burger, H; Dötterl, S; Ayasse, M: Host-plant finding and recognition by visual and olfactory floral cues in an oligolectic bee, Functional Ecology, 24, 1234-1240 (2010)

Carmen Martinell, M; Dötterl, S; Blanché, C; Rovira, A; Massó, S; Bosch, M: Nocturnal pollination of the endemic Silene sennenii (Caryophyllaceae): an endangered mutualism?, Plant Ecology, 211, 203-218 (2010)

Dötterl, S; Vereecken, NJ: The chemical ecology and evolution of bee-flower interactions: a review and perspectives, Canadian Journal of Zoology, 88, 668-697 (2010)

Heiduk, A; Brake, I; Tolasch, T; Frank, J; Jürgens, A; Meve, U; Dötterl, S: Scent chemistry and pollinator attraction in the deceptive trap flowers of Ceropegia dolichophylla, South African Journal of Botany, 76, 762-769 (2010)

Ibanez, S; Dötterl, S; Anstett, MC; Baudino, S; Caissard, JC; Gallet, C; Després, L: The role of volatile organic compounds, morphology, and pigments of globeflowers in the attraction of their specific pollinating flies, New Phytologist, 188, 451-463 (2010)

Jersáková, J; Castro, S; Sonk, N; Milchreit, K; Schödelbauerová, I; Tolasch, T; Dötterl, S: Absence of pollinator-mediated premating barriers in mixed-ploidy populations of Gymnadenia conopsea s.l. (Orchidaceae), Evolutionary Ecology, 24(5), 1199-1218 (2010)

Jürgens, A; Dötterl, S; Liede-Schumann, S; Meve, U: Floral scent composition in early diverging taxa of Asclepiadoideae, and Secamonoideae (Apocynaceae), South African Journal of Botany, 76, 749-761 (2010)

Kehl, A; Dötterl, S; Aas, G; Rambold, G: Is flower scent influencing host plant selection of leaf-galling sawflies (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) on willows?, Chemoecology, 20, 215-221 (2010)

Piechowski, D; Dötterl, S; Gottsberger, G: Pollination biology and floral scent chemistry of the Neotropical chiropterophilous Parkia pendula, Plant Biology, 12, 172-182 (2010)

Primante, C; Dötterl, S: A syrphid fly uses olfactory cues to find a non-yellow flower, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 36, 1207-1210 (2010)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2009

Dötterl, S; Jürgens, A; Wolfe, Lorne W; Biere, A: Disease status and population origin effects on floral scent: potential consequences for oviposition and fruit predation in a complex interaction between a plant, fungus, and noctuid moth, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 35, 307-319 (2009)

Feulner, M; Schuhwerk, F; Dötterl, S: Floral scent analysis in Hieracium subgenus Pilosella and its taxonomical implications, Flora, 204, 495-505 (2009) Liede-Schumann, S; Hartmann, HEK: Mesembryanthemum – back to the roots?, Taxon, 58(2), 345-346 (2009)

Soltau, U; Dötterl, S; Liede-Schumann, S: Leaf variegation in Caladium steudneriifolium (Araceae) – A case of mimicry?, Evolutionary Ecology, 23, 503–512 (2009) see also Press release

Teichert, H; Dötterl, S; Zimma, B; Ayasse, M; Gottsberger, G: Perfume-collecting male euglossine bees as pollinators of a basal angiosperm: the case of Unonopsis stipitata (Annonaceae), Plant Biology, 11, 29-37 (2009)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2008

Burger, H; Dötterl, S; Ayasse, M: Importance of olfactory and visual cues of Echium for host-plant finding of the oligolectic bee Osmia adunca (Megachilidae)., Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie, 16, 163-166 (2008)

Dötterl, S: Antennal responses of an oligolectic bee and its cleptoparasite to plant volatiles, Plant Signaling & Behavior , 3(5), 296-297 (2008)

Dumri, K; Seipold, L; Schmidt, J; Gerlach, G; Dötterl, S; Ellis, AG; Wessjohann , L: Non-volatile floral oils of Diascia spp. (Scrophulariaceae), Phytochemistry, 69(6), 1372-1383 (2008)

Jhumur, US; Dötterl, S; Jürgens, A: Floral odors of Silene otites (Caryophyllaceae): their variability and attractiveness to mosquitoes, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 34, 14-25 (2008)

Jürgens, A; Dötterl, S; Liede-Schumann, S; Meve, U: Chemical diversity of floral volatiles in Asclepiadoideae-Asclepiadeae (Apocynaceae), Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 36, 842-852 (2008)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2007

Dötterl, S; Burkhardt, D; Jürgens, A; Mosandl, A: Stereoisomeric pattern of lilac aldehyde in Silene latifolia, a plant involved in a nursery pollination system, Phytochemistry, 68, 499-504 (2007)

Dötterl, S; Schäffler, I: Flower scent of floral-oil producing Lysimachia punctata as cue for the oil-bee Macropis fulvipes, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 33, 441-445 (2007)

Füssel, Ulrike; Dötterl, S; Jürgens, A; Aas, G: Inter- and intraspecific variation in floral scent in the genus Salix and its implication for pollination, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 33, 749-765 (2007)

Giménez-Benavides, L; Dötterl, S; Jürgens, A; Escudero, A; Iriondo, JM: Generalist diurnal pollination provides greater fitness in a plant with nocturnal pollination syndrome: assessing the effects of a Silene-Hadena interaction., Oikos, 116, 1461-1472 (2007)

Jhumur, US; Dötterl, S; Jürgens, A: Electrophysiological and behavioural responses of mosquitoes to volatiles of Silene otites (Caryophyllaceae), Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 1, 245-254 (2007)

Johnson, S D; Ellis, A E ; Dötterl, S: Specialization for pollination by beetles and wasps: the role of lollipop hairs and fragrance in Satyrium microrrhynchum (Orchidaceae), American Journal of Botany, 94(1), 47-55 (2007)

Nikbakhtzadeh, MR; Dettner, K; Boland, W; Dötterl, S: A novel approach to the quantitation of coeluting cantharidin and deuterium labelled cantharidin in Blister Beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae), Iranian Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases, 1(2), 19-26 (2007)

Nikbakhtzadeh, MR; Dettner, K; Boland, W; Gäde, G.; Dötterl, S: Intraspecific transfer of cantharidin within selected members of the family Meloidae (Insecta: Coleoptera), Journal of Insect Physiology, 53, 890-899 (2007)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2006

Dötterl, S; Burkhardt, D; Weißbecker, B; Jürgens, A; Schütz, S; Mosandl, A: Linalool and lilac aldehyde/alcohol in flower scents. Electrophysiological detection of lilac aldehyde stereoisomers by a moth, Journal of Chromatography A, 1113(1-2), 231-238 (2006)

Dötterl, S; Jürgens, A; Seifert, K; Laube, T; Weißbecker, B; Schütz, S: Nursery pollination by a moth in Silene latifolia: the role of odours in eliciting antennal and behavioural responses, New Phytologist, 169, 707-718 (2006)

Jhumur, US; Dötterl, S; Jürgens, A: Naïve and conditioned responses of Culex pipiens pipiens biotype molestus (Diptera: Culicidae) to flower odors, Journal of Medical Entomology, 43(6), 1164-1170 (2006)

Jürgens, A; Dötterl, S; Meve, U: The chemical nature of fetid floral odors in stapeliads (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae-Ceropegieae), New Phytologist, 172, 452-468 (2006)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2005

Dötterl, S; Füssel, Ulrike; Jürgens, A; Aas, G: 1,4-Dimethoxybenzene, a floral scent compound in willows that attracts an oligolectic bee, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 31(12), 2993-2998 (2005)

Dötterl, S; Jürgens, A: Spatial fragrance patterns in flowers of Silene latifolia: Lilac compounds as olfactory nectar guides?, Plant Systematics and Evolution, 255(1-2), 99-109 (2005)

Dötterl, S; Wolfe, Lorne W; Jürgens, A: Qualitative and quantitative analyses of flower scent in Silene latifolia, Phytochemistry, 66, 203-213 (2005)

Referierte Zeitschriften 2004

Hausmann, A; Dötterl, S: Nectar plants and larval food-plants of the genus Glossotrophia (Geometridae, Sterrhinae): studies on pollen grains attached to museum specimens. , Nota Lepidopterologica, 26, 127-136 (2004)

Jürgens, A; Dötterl, S: Chemical composition of anther volatiles in Ranunculaceae: gernera-specific profiles in Anemone, Aquilegia, Caltha, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus, and Trollius species., American Journal of Botany, 91(12), 1969-1980 (2004)

Nicht referierte Zeitschriften und Reihen

Dötterl, S; Hartmann, P: Die Bienenfauna des Ökologisch-Botanischen Gartens der Universität Bayreuth (Hymenoptera: Apidae) ., Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen, 52(1-2), 2-20 (2003)

Sonstige Publikationen

Burkhardt, D; Mosandl, A; Dötterl, S; Jürgens, A; Weißbecker, B; Schütz, S: Antennal responses of a moth to single lilac aldehyde stereoisomers, using micro-preparative enantioselective MDGC and GC-MS/EAD methods., Entomologentagung in Dresden der DGaaE (2005)

Dötterl, S; Jürgens, A; Wolfe, Lorne W; Weißbecker, B; Schütz, S: Is a nursery pollinator influencing the flower scent of its main host plant?, Entomologentagung in Dresden der DGaaE (2005)

Dötterl, S; Jürgens, A; Seifert, K; Laube, T; Weißbecker, B; Schütz, S: The role of flower volatiles for the interaction between the seed predating pollinator Hadena bicruris and its main host plant, Silene latifolia, 12th International Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships (SIP) (2004)

Dötterl, S; Jürgens, A; Weißbecker, B; Schütz, S: Interactions between Caryophyllaceae species and their pollinating fruit predators, International Congress of Entomology (ICE) (2004)