SCI-referierte Publikationen 2012
Na, Y., Comes, H.P., Mao Y.R., Qi, X.S. & Qiu, Y.X. (2012) Genetic effects of recent habitat fragmentation in the Thousand-Island Lake region of southeast China on the distylous herb Hedyotis chrysotricha (Palib.) Merr. (Rubiaceae). – – American Journal of Botany, 99, 1715-–1725.
Qi, X.S., Chen, C., Comes, H.P., Sakagushi, S., Liu, Y.H., Tanaka, N., Sakio, H. & Qiu, Y.X. (2012) Molecular data and ecological niche modelling reveal a highly dynamic evolutionary history of the East Asian Tertiary relict Cercidiphyllum (Cercidiphyllaceae). – New Phytologist, 196, 617–630. [This article was highlighted by a Commentary of Mao, K.S. & Liu, J.Q. (2012) Current ‘relicts’ more dynamic in history than previously thought. – New Phytologist, 196, 329–331.]
Zai, S.N., Comes, H.P., Nakamura, K., Yan, H.F. & Qiu, Y.X. (2012) Late Pleistocene lineage divergence among populations of Neolitsea sericea (Lauraceae) across a deep sea-barrier in the Ryukyu Islands. – Journal of Biogeography, 39, 1347–2699.
Kropf, M., Comes, H.P. & Kadereit, J.W. (2012) Past, present and future of mountain species of the French Massif Central – the case of Soldanella alpina L. subsp. alpina (Primulaceae) and a review of other Massif Central plant and animal taxa. – Journal of Biogeography, 39, 799–812.
Pelser, P.B., Abbott, R.J., Comes, H.P., Milton, J.J., Möller, M., Loosely, M.E., Cron, G.V., Barcelona, J.F., Kennedy, A.H., Watson, L.E., Barone R., Hernández F. & Kadereit, J.W. 2012) The genetic ghost of an invasion past: colonization and extinction revealed by historical hybridization in Senecio. – Molecular Ecology, 21, 369–387.
SCI-referierte Publikationen 2011
Zhang, T.C., Comes, H.P. & Sun, H. (2011) Chloroplast phylogeography of Terminalia franchetii (Combretaceae) from the eastern Sino-Himalaya and its correlation with historical river capture events. In: Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 60, 1-12
Li, Y., Zhai, S.N., Qiu, Y.X., Guo, Y.P., Ge, X.J., & Comes, H.P. (2011) Glacial survival east and west of the ‘Mekong-Salween-Divide’ in the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains Region as revealed by AFLP and cpDNA sequence variation in Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Berberidaceae). In: Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 59, 412-424
Qiu, Y.X., Fu, C.X. & Comes, H.P. (2011) Plant molecular phylogeography in China and adjacent regions: Tracing the genetic imprints of Quaternary climate and environmental change in the world’s most diverse temperate flora. In: Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 59, 225-244
SCI-referierte Publikationen 2010
Guan, B.C., Fu, C.X., Qiu, Y.X., Zhou, S.L. & Comes, H.P. (2010) Genetic structure and breeding system of a rare understory herb, Dysosma versipellis (Berberidaceae), from temperate deciduous forests in China. – American Journal of Botany, 97(1), 111–122.
SCI-referierte Publikationen 2009
Bittkau, C. & Comes, H.P. (2009): Molecular inference of a late Pleistocene shift in Nigella s. lat. (Ranunculaceae) resulting from increased speciation in the Aegean archipelago. In: Journal of Biogeography, 36, 1346 – 1360
Qiu, Y.X., Sun, Y., Zong, M., Zhang, X.P., Lee, J., Murata, J., Fu, C.X. & Comes, H.P. (2009): Molecular phylogeography of East Asian Kirengeshoma (Hydrangeaceae) in relation to Quaternary climate change and land-bridge configurations. In: New Phytologist, 183, 480 – 495
Kropf, M., Comes, H.P. & Kadereit, J.W. (2009): An AFLP clock for the dating of shallow-time evolutionary history based on the intraspecific divergence of southwestern European alpine plant species. In: Molecular Ecology, 18, 697-708
Qiu, Y.X., Guan, B.C., Fu, C.X. & Comes, H.P. (2009): Did glacials or interglacials promote allopatric incipient speciation in East Asian temperate plants? Phylogeographic and coalescent analyses of refugial isolation and divergence in Dysosma versipellis. In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 51, 281-293
Qiu, Y.X., Qi, X.S., Jin, X.F., Tao, X.Y., Fu, C.X., Naiki, A. & Comes, H.P. (2009): Population genetic structure, phylogeography, and demographic history of Platycrater arguta (Hydrangeaceae) endemic to East China and South Japan, inferred from chloroplast DNA sequence variation. In: Taxon, 58(4), 1226-1241
SCI-referierte Publikationen 2008
Kropf, M., Comes, H.P. & Kadereit, J.W. (2008) Causes of the genetic architecture of south-west European high mountain disjuncts. – Plant Ecology and Diversity, 1 (2), 217–228.
Li, E.X., Yi, S., Qiu, Y.X., Guo, J.T., Comes, H.P. & Fu, C.X. (2008) Phylogeography of two East Asian species in Croomia (Stemonaceae) inferred from chloroplast DNA and ISSR fingerprinting variation. – Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 49, 702–714.
Comes, H.P., Tribsch, A. & Bittkau, C. (2008) Plant speciation in continental island floras as exemplified by Nigella in the Aegean Archipelago. – Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London, Series B, Biological Sciences, 363, 3083–3096.
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