Defining Being
Theology, Wisdom and Religion

At the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Salzburg, you will undoubtedly receive an excellent education. Besides, there is also an added value: In times of individual search for meaning, multiple crises and conspiracy theories, fake news and echo chambers where self-absorption thrives, it is essential to look closely, dare to engage in open dialogue, and act responsibly. We not only impart knowledge and expertise but also education in the true sense. Education is much more than mere retrievable knowledge; it is a turning towards the thinking of the significant and essential aspects of life. It requires a sense of the needs and spiritual desires of others, a grounded relfection on faith, an awareness of the worldviews of others, the development of cultural sensitivity, and social competencies. And it involves grappling with the ultimate questions of human existence, the existential, religious, and spiritual questions.
We educate individuals who have the courage to embrace change, who creatively tackle challenges, and who understand what ultimately matters.
Pictures: © Kay Müller (1, 2, 5) I © Dietmar Dirnhofer (3) | © STV TheoPhil (4) | © Andreas Kolarik (6)