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presentation video
Course Duration / ECTS6 semesters / 180 ECTS
University degreeBachelor of Arts (BA)
Admission Requirements
and Curriculum
· Matura or school leaving certificate (e.g., Abitur (GER), GCE
levels (UK), Diplome du Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement du
Second Degre (F), Titulo de Bachiller (E), Attestat (RSF)),
which is comparable in length and quality to the Austrian Matura.
· Additional exam: Latin proficiency -to be completed before the final Bachelor’s examinations
· Curriculum
Dates and Deadlines· The dates and deadlines change every semester.
· The current deadlines and dates can be found here.
Information on the department
and departmental student representatives
Department of Slavonic Studies
Language level required  German B2

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Contact office of admissions

Photo: old books

What will I learn?
The BA degree course in Slavonic Studies at the University of Salzburg is dedicated to the study of the languages, literatures and cultures of Russia, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Students will learn about the large cultural area and its ever-changing relationships with Western Europe in history and present, its languages and literatures. The BA course in Slavonic Studies offers an ideal introduction to the professional and academic engagement with the Slavonic cultural area. The academic subsections of linguistics, literary and cultural studies are accompanied by an intensive language training in Polish, Czech and Russian. Students specialize in one of these languages and acquire another one (target level B2).

Photo: Unipark Nonntal

What makes Salzburg so special as a place to study?
The department of Slavonic Studies conducts innovative research and teaching and is internationally well networked. We offer our students ideal conditions and arrange attractive opportunities for summer courses, semesters abroad and work placements. The department and its students’ union (StV) offer a vibrant cultural and social programme. Every year, led by a professional director our students rehearse a Russian play, which they perform in its original language at stages in Salzburg and Vienna. Further diversions from everyday student life include cooking and film nights as well as ‘Slavistikfeste’ (student parties). Students can practice their language skills in various discussion groups and language tandems with native speakers.

Photo: Stefan Zweig Centre & Staff

Which career opportunities do I have?
During their studies our students will acquire Eastern European expertise which allows them to work in a broad variety of occupations. They will be able to speak at least two Slavonic languages, have a solid overview of the geographical and the cultural area, and they will have spent a study visit in one or several Slavonic countries. Thus, the are qualified to work in the cultural field, adult education or tourism. Students who combine this BA degree course with another course in, e.g., economy, law or communication science, increase their chances for a good career in an international enterprise or organisation, or also in publishing or media companies.

Postgraduate degree:
Literary and cultural studies specialization in Slavonic Studies
Slavonic Language Sciences


Gertraud Hatheyer

Gertraud Hatheyer
Administrator Slavonic Studies

Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 8044-4500
Fax.: +43 662 8044-160

Photographs: © Luigi Caputo (1-3) I © Gertraud Hatheyer (4)