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presentation video
Course Duration / ECTS6 semesters / 180 ECTS
University degreeBachelor of Arts (BA)
Admission Requirements
and Curriculum
· Matura or school leaving certificate (e.g., Abitur (GER), GCE
levels (UK), Diplome du Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement du
Second Degre (F), Titulo de Bachiller (E), Attestat (RSF)),
which is comparable in length and quality to the Austrian Matura.
· Additional exam: Latin proficiency -to be completed before the final Bachelor’s examinations
· Curriculum
Dates and Deadlines· The dates and deadlines change every semester.
· The current deadlines and dates can be found here.
Information on the department
and departmental student representatives

Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Catholic Theology
Language level required German B2

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Contact office of admissions

Photo: keyboard and old books

What will I learn?
Philosophy attempts to find answers which meet contemporary scientific criteria to the fundamental questions of human existence. The BA degree course in Philosophy at the Faculty of Catholic Theology offers students an extensive education in the most important philosophical disciplines. Students gain a fundamental understanding of manifold scientific accesses to reality as well as a broad and deep knowledge of the various philosophical answers and positions developed in history and present. Moreover, graduates will learn how to describe problems precisely, to think critically, to argue logically, and to deal constructively with different perspectives. Thereby, students acquire the competence to find and provide solid orientation in society’s challenges.

Photo: Furtwänglerpark Salzburg

What makes Salzburg so special as a place to study?
The Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Catholic Theology offers a Bachelor’s course in a familiar environment with enthusiastic and personally committed lecturers. Students discuss abstract ideas in courses with small groups, close supervision and a friendly atmosphere. There is always room for exchange and individual interests. Seminar papers and other qualifying academic work can always be composed in interdisciplinary openness and – if required – with a close personal supervision. The relevance of philosophical thinking for the personal and social life is the department’s central concern. This concern is reflected in its main emphasis: to philosophically question human being in all of its metaphysical and historical foundations as well as its psychological, social, existential, religious and moral dimensions.

Photo: KTH faculty; member with scroll

Which career opportunities do I have?
Philosophy graduates are able to deal critically and creatively with various problems. Along with their intellectual flexibility, sensitivity and openness, their sense of what is appropriate and a rich repertoire of attempts at a solution makes philosophers competent partners in dialogue, who face society’s current challenges with far-sightedness and a keen insight. As distinct from courses geared towards specific careers (as, for example, teacher training programmes, medical training, studies in architecture, etc.), Philosophy graduates can choose from a wide range of career options, especially in combination with an additional specialist training. Possible careers include culture and human resources management, management consultancy and coaching, library, publishing and media work, adult education, politics and policy counselling, information technology, environment protection and ethics counselling. Students can deepen their acquired knowledge in a subsequent Master’s course and embark on a scientific career.

Postgraduate degree:
Philosophy at the Faculty of Catholic Theology


Photo: Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Emmanuel J. Bauer

Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Emmanuel J. Bauer
Head of the curricular committee Philosophy

Franziskanergasse 1/IV, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 8044-2526

Photographs: © Luigi Caputo (1&3) I © Kay Müller (2) © Emmanuel Bauer (4)