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presentation video
Course Duration / ECTS6 semesters / 180 ECTS
University degreeBachelor of Science (BSc)
Admission Requirements
and Curriculum
· Matura or school leaving certificate (e.g., Abitur (GER), GCE
levels (UK), Diplome du Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement du
Second Degre (F), Titulo de Bachiller (E), Attestat (RSF)),
which is comparable in length and quality to the Austrian Matura.
·  Curriculum
Dates and Deadlines· The dates and deadlines change every semester.
· The current deadlines and dates can be found here.
Information on the department
and departmental student representatives
Department of Biosciences and Medical Biology
Language level required German B2

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Contact office of admissions

Foto Labor

What will I learn?
The study of geology introduces students to the structure, properties, and formation processes of the solid earth and its components – rocks and minerals – and provides the scientific basis for the career as professional geologist. The object of the study is the development of basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work in geoscientific research, as well as in the management of Earth’s natural resources, such as rocks, minerals, raw materials, or water. It is a general and multidisciplinary program that first builds fundamental knowledge from the basic science subjects of mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology, and then provides theoretical knowledge in the fields of geology, petrology, paleontology, hydrogeology, mineralogy and applied geology.

Foto Nawi

What makes Salzburg so special as a place to study?
Salzburg is an ideal place to study geology, as it is located at the foothills of the Alps and thus provides direct insights into aspects of basic research and applied problems in an active mountain environment. Numerous nationally and internationally active geoscientific consulting firms represented in Salzburg focusing on engineering geology, hydrogeology, environmental geology and geotechnics, allow internships parallel to studies and excellent opportunities for direct career entry.

Foto Labor

Which career opportunities do I have?
Graduates of the bachelor’s degree program in geology can choose from the following career fields, among others: Employment in the numerous nationally and internationally active geoscientific consulting offices represented in Salzburg and the region, public authorities, petroleum, mining and construction industries, tourism, nature and environmental protection, industrial and governmental research institutions, federal institutes, museums, technical colleges and universities.

Postgraduate degree:


Team Icon Photo

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph von Hagke
Head of the curriculum committee Geology

Hellbrunnerstr. 34, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 8044-5401

Photographs: © Luigi Caputo (1-3)