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presentation video
Course Duration / ECTS6 semesters / 180 ECTS
University degreeBachelor of Arts (BA)
Admission Requirements
and Curriculum
· Matura or school leaving certificate (e.g., Abitur (GER), GCE
levels (UK), Diplome du Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement du
Second Degre (F), Titulo de Bachiller (E), Attestat (RSF)),
which is comparable in length and quality to the Austrian Matura.
· Curriculum
Dates and Deadlines· The dates and deadlines change every semester.
· The current deadlines and dates can be found here.
Information on the department
and departmental student representatives
 Department of Communication Science
Language level requiredGerman B2

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Contact office of admissions

Photo: Book, clock & glasses

What will I learn?
The Bachelor’s degree course in Communication Science deals with the theories, empirical analyses and practical references of communication and media in connection with society, culture, economy and politics. At the beginning of your studies, you will be introduced to the theories and methods of communication science, and you will get to know the professional fields within the range of media and communication. In addition, students acquire the basic skills and techniques of academic research and theories, and gain an insight into the various research fields of communication science (e.g., audio-visual and online communication, journalism or organisation communication). In the course of their studies, students can choose to specialize in one of these fields.

Photo: Rudolfskai Salzburg

What makes Salzburg so special as a place to study?
The small structures of the department enable a good student-to-staff ratio. In this BA course, students  – gain practical media knowledge and receive a profound training in scientific research skills and techniques  – are trained to think critically and independently – find a positive and small-scale study atmosphere

Photo: Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg

Which career opportunities do I have?
Our graduates work in a variety of professional fields: audio-visual communication, digital information and communication technologies, intercultural and interpersonal communication, journalism, communication consulting, culture work, media research, market research and opinion polling, media management, media production, multimedia production, public administration / eGovernment, organizational communication, politics / political communication, PR, social media communication, company and market communication, advertising and marketing.

Postgraduate degree:
Communication Science


Photo: M.A. Boris Romahn, LL.B.

M.A. Boris Romahn, LL.B.
Head of the area of studies at the Department of Communication Science

Rudolfskai 42, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 8044-4145
Fax.: +43 662 8044-4190

Photographs: © Luigi Caputo (1-3) I © Boris Romahn (4)