On this page, you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning studying at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS). Questions and Answers are categorized according to topic addressing interested parties as well as students.
Details on changing studies, study times, leaves of absence and more are available in our Intranet. This information is available for students only.
Links to our application forms as well as the contact form of the Office of Admissions are available at the end of this page.
Starting your Studies
I do not have a secondary school certificate yet. Can I still get enrolled for a study program?
You can only get enrolled for a Bachelor’s program once you possess a secondary school certificate (e.g. Matura, Abitur, High School Diploma,..,).I am in possession of the general university entrance qualification. Can I study at the PLUS?
The general university entrance qualification allows you to start every Bachelors’s or diploma study offered at the PLUS.I am in possession of a “fachgebundene Hochschulreife” (subject-restricted higher education entrance qualification), which in Germany allows me to study at a higher institute for education. Can I study at the PLUS?
The subject-restricted higher education entrance qualification allows you to start those Bachelor’s studies, which are listed on the certificate.I am in possession of the “Fachhochschulreife” (entrance qualification for “Fachhochschulen” in Germany). Can I study at the PLUS?
No, this qualification does not qualify you to study at the PLUS or any other university in Austria.Can I study without having a secondary school certificate?
Yes, you can take the exam for the higher education entrance qualification under certain circumstances at the PLUS. Further information can be found here.I have already completed a study program. Can I use this degree instead of a secondary school certificate to be enrolled for a Bachelor’s degree?
Yes, if your degree was completed at a post-secondary higher institute in an EU/EWR country and lasted at least three years (i.e. a Bachelor’s or diploma study program).Who has to fill out the schedule appointment for personal enrolment?
First-year students who have never been enrolled at the PLUS. If you have already been enrolled but cannot access your account anymore (or have lost the log-in data), you can get enrolled in person at the Office of Admissions. Please bring an ID Card of passport in this case.Can somebody else complete the personal enrolment for me with the power of attorney?
No, the personal enrolment has to be done by you alone. -
Programmes of Study
What are Bachelor’s and Master’s programs?
A Bachelor’s degree is the first tertiary degree for a professional qualification, which allows you to continue your studies with a Master’s degree in order to enhance the knowledge gained in the Bachelor’s program.What is an extension program to a study program (“Studienergänzung”) and which different types are there?
An extension program or specialisation is a group of thematically connected courses. They allow students to set an additional focus in or along with their studies and gain interdisciplinary competences. Further information can be found here.What is the teacher’s training program?
The teacher’s training program for Secondary Schools (General) is offered as a cluster program since autumn 2016 (Cluster Mitte – Salzburg and Upper Austria). Thus, a choice of 26 subjects and two specialisations is available, which can be combined freely. A teacher’s training always consists of at least two subjects/specialisations. A third subject can be chosen in the form of a complementary subject. All necessary information as well as a list of subjects and specialisations can be found here. This study program is conducted by all institutions in the cluster (a total of ten institutions). It is possible to take courses at all institutions in Salzburg and Upper Austria.What is a diploma study program?
Diploma studies last between 8 and 10 semesters and are completed with the degree “Magister /Magistra”. A diploma program consists of two or three sections, which are each concluded with a diploma examination. The admission requirement is a school leaving certificate equivalent to the Austrian Matura in duration and quality of education. Alternatively, a university or college degree can also be submitted as an entry requirement. Further information can be found here.What is a doctorate’s program?
Doctoral programs mainly serve to further develop the ability to conduct scientific research and last 6 semesters. The admission requirement is a master’s, diploma or teaching degree. The doctorate’s program is completed with the degree “Doktor/Doktorin”. As part of the program, a dissertation (scientific thesis) has to be completed, which then has to be defended during the “rigorosum” (final examination). Further information can be found here.What is a non-degree program?
Only some singular, individual courses can be completed by students who have not completed their secondary education (Matura) yet. Exams can be taken but a study program cannot be completed.What is a university training course?
Non-degree study programmes are meant to further the academic and professional training and are focused on professional specialisation. Programs can be completed with an academic job title or a master’s degree. University training courses last between one and six semesters. The individual admission requirements can be found in the respective curricula. Further information can be found here.What is the 55+ program?
The “55+ program” offered at the PLUS is a program for senior citizens. The aim is to include those citizens actively in the life at the PLUS without the pressure to take exams and thus help them widen their emotional and intellectual horizon.What is the MORE (more-for-refugees) program?
The University of Salzburg offers a series of courses, to provide recognized refugees and asylum seekers with access to university education. These courses are held within the framework of the Austrian Universities (UNIKO) MORE-Project. Please follow the link for further information.Is there a distance study at the PLUS?
All study programs at the PLUS are full-time study programs. Distance studies can be found here. -
In which languages are the study programs taught at the PLUS?
The language of instruction in general at the PLUS is German. Some master’s programs are offered in English. Doctorate’s programs can be completed in a foreign language if this language is subject of the doctorate’s study and if courses can be taken in this language.How can I prove my language proficiency?
There is a decree by the rectorate specifying how language proficiency can be proven. Please find the decree here.I have only a limited knowledge of the German language. Can I still study at the PLUS?
In order to start your studies directly, the German level B2 (CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) has to be proven for those programs taught in German.If all other admission criteria are met and a minimum German language level of A2 is proven, you can be enrolled for the language preparatory course (VPLUS) at the PLUS: This course is offered by the university language centre and will help you reach the required B2 level. More details on this course can be found here.
Organisation of Studies
How do I enrol for the second or next semester?
You will automatically be enrolled for the next semester once you have paid the ÖH-/tuition fee. The amount you need to pay can be found in your PLUSonline account in the section “tuition fee”.I want to enrol for an additional study program. What do I have to do?
Please fill out the contact form including your matriculation number and birth date as well as the program you wish to start.Can I get exams accredited from my non-degree program to a degree program?
A positively graded exam taken during a non-degree program can only be accredited for a degree program (if equivalency is given) if it has been taken:* As part of a university training course
* Before the completion of the secondary school certificate or higher education entrance qualification (i.e. the date of the exam has to be earlier than the date of the secondary school certificate)
* Before taking the athletic aptitude test for the study program, for which the exam shall be accredited (i.e. the date of the exam has to be at least a day before the date of the result of the aptitude test!)
* Before taking the artistic aptitude test for the study program, for which the exam shall be accredited (i.e. the date of the exam has to be at least a day before the date of the result of the aptitude test!)
* Before taking the teacher’s aptitude test for the study program, for which the exam shall be accredited (i.e. the date of the exam has to be at least a day before the date of the result of the aptitude test!)Where do I get a confirmation of my study program, the study success, my dis-enrolment (Exmatrikulation), etc.?
A confirmation for the time of studies or of your dis-enrolment can be requested at the Office of Admissions. These confirmations can be requested via e-mail. A confirmation of your study success (with stamp) is issued by the respective Examinations Office, The study success confirmation can also be printed in your PLUSonline account with an electronic signature. The study sheet can also be printed in your PLUSonline account in the section “registration documents”.I forgot my PLUSonline password. Where do I get a new one?
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A new student’s card is issued at the Office of Admissions. Please bring the filled out application form for the Issuing of a Duplicate, as well as the payment confirmation for the fee with you.Can I use my student’s card for printing and copying?
Yes, but you will need to put money on the card first.Where can I put money on the student’s card?
“Moneyloaders” are situated in the Main Library (ground floor next to the elevator), at the department for Social Science (in front of the library), at the UNIPARK (2nd floor, door no. 2.400) and at the Faculty for Natural Sciences (ground floor next to the postal services). You can also upload money using this link. -
Important Dates and Deadlines
What does the “general admission period” refer to?
The general admission period is the time during which first-time enrolments for a Bachelor’s or diploma study without special admission conditions at a public university are completed; it ends on September 5th for the winter semesters and on February 5th for the summer semesters. The general admission period only applies to enrolling for a new or changing to another Bachelor’s or diploma study. It does not apply to study programs with entrance tests, special application conditions or aptitude tests.What is the extension period?
After the general admission period has expired, the extension period starts. It ends on October 31st for winter semesters and March 31st for summer semesters. The admission to a Bachelor’s or diploma study can only be conducted in exceptional cases.Until which date do I have to complete the personal enrolment?
Detailed information on application deadlines and other dates can be found here. They are updated regularly. -
Study costs and scholarships
What happens if I pay the ÖH-/tuition fee too late or not at all?
The official enrolment for the study program expires at the end of the extension period, i.e. on October 31st for winter semesters and March 31st for summer semesters.What are the costs for a study program at the PLUS?
Students in degree programs (except international students with a student visa!) do not pay tuition fees until they have exhausted the legal period of study according to the curriculum plus the two additional semesters granted for each program (Bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate’s program). Programs, which are divided into sections, are granted two additional semester for each section (diploma studies). Additional information on changing study programs, counting study periods, leaves of absence, etc. can be found here (link). The ÖH fee has to be paid even in the exemption period.Are there any scholarships?
Yes, if you fulfil the required conditions. The following list shows internal and external (non-university) grants/scholarships and their specific details.Can I get financial aid or family allowance while I am enrolled for a university training course?
No. -
Leave of absence and Dis-enrolment
How can I apply for a leave of absence?
A leave of absence can be requested for each semester via the leave of absence application form during the enrolment period.Do I have to pay fees during the leave of absence?
During the leave of absence, only the ÖH fee has to be paid.Can I take classes or sit exams during my leave of absence?
You are not allowed to sit exams during the leave of absence. The university law states that taking part in classes and sitting exams, as well as submitting and grading academic theses or artistic projects is illegal.Do I have to dis-enrol from study programs in person?
No. You can send an e-mail from your student mail account stating your matriculation number, birth date and the program you wish to dis-enrol from from to this address contact form. -
Stay Abroad
I am a student at the University of Salzburg and would like to go on an exchange program as an outgoing student. What do I have to do?
The Office for International Relations offers information on how to apply at a partner university, which documents are required, who you can contact at the University of Salzburg, and much more.I will be a student at the University of Salzburg as an incoming student from another university as part of my exchange program. What do I need to know?
The Office for International Relations will help you get all the necessary information for a well-planned exchange stay. -
Life at University
Are there any sports courses offered for students?
The University Sports Institute (USI) offers many different courses. Information on courses, locations, dates and applications can be found here.