Dženeta Karabegović, PhD

Postdoc / Cuko-1. Stellvertreterin

Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg / FB Soziologie und Sozialgeographie / Abteilung Soziologie
Rudolfskai 42, A-5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 (0)662-8044-4103
E-Mail: dze7R1netQ7Ra.karR1vabegoY4bvic@p4bClusJce.ac.aceOti-l

Raum: 032
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung

Dženeta Karabegović joined the Sociology Department in October 2018. She holds a PhD in Politics and International Studies from the University of Warwick in the UK where she worked on an ERC funded project, ‘ Diasporas and Contested Sovereignty.’
Her wider research interests are rooted in international and comparative political sociology with a particular focus on transnationalism, diaspora, migration, democratization, human rights, transitional justice, and the Balkans. She has done consulting work with local and international organizations focused on diasporas and development, returnees, education, and civil society.
Prior to joining the PLUS, she was Assistant Professor at International Burch University, Lecturer at the Sarajevo School for Science and Technology, Guest Researcher at Mid-Sweden University’s Forum for Gender Studies and a Visiting Scholar at the Harriman Institute at Columbia University.
She was a U.S. Fulbright Fellow at the Hugo Valentin Centre at Uppsala University in Sweden, holds an M.A. in International Relations from the University of Chicago and completed her B.A. (Hons) at the University of Vermont in Political Science and German with a Holocaust Studies minor.
Her academic work has been published in multiple peer-reviewed academic journals, including a recent special issue she co-edited with Maria Koinova in Ethnic and Racial Studies on  causal mechanisms and diaspora mobilization.
Dženeta has a co-edited volume (with Jasmin Hasić) on  Bosnia and Herzegovina’s foreign policy since independence with Palgrave. 
Other publications include reports completed for IOM and the World Bank, as well as blog posts and opinion pieces in Bosnian and English.
Her teaching in Salzburg for the 2018/2019 school year includes: Introduction to Diaspora Studies; Academic Writing: Transnational Activism; Diaspora in Peace and Conflict; and Research Methods with Transnational and Migration Contexts (Graduate Level).
She was born in Banja Luka, BiH and grew up in Berlin, Germany and Burlington, Vermont in the United States.      

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  • For an up-to date list of publications and projects, please e-mail her.